Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1888 We Have Confidence!

Chapter 1888 We have confidence!

Hearing this, the High God Xueying pretended to be afraid, and dragged the High God Baixi to fly away...

After the second daughter left, Tan Yun asked Ling Tong to take out the space god spar prepared in advance, and began to fill in the gap in the barrier again.

After the barrier gap was filled, Tan Yun returned to the Time and Space Hall in the inner city of Hongmeng God City through the teleportation array.

Ling Tong, on the other hand, followed Tan Yun's order to patrol the enchantment barrier filled by hundreds of fortresses on the border of Hongmeng God Realm.

Before Tan Yun stepped out of the Space-Time Palace, he heard voices of fear from the city residents, coming from outside the palace:

"God, what's going on? It's scary!"

"Yeah! Is this a crack in the sky? It's terrible!"

"I remembered! I saw this phenomenon in an ancient book. It was a sign before the universe collapsed!"

"Really? The Great Destruction of the Universe!"


"Go out and have a look." Tan Yunjian frowned, and took the lead to step out of the Temple of Time and Space, appearing on the square in the center of the inner city.

"Huh?" Tan Yun looked up, his pupils shrank suddenly, and what caught his eyes was an extremely shocking scene.

But in the vast sky, there emerged a spatial crack that was ten thousand feet wide and one million feet long, like a black giant dragon frozen in the sky.


In the cracks in the pitch-black space, the lacquer wind whizzed, and when huge jet-black space blades flew irregularly, they exuded an aura that made Tan Yun feel startled.

"I lost the memory of the last universe, and I'm not sure, whether this is a sign before the big shattering of the universe." Tan Yun looked solemn: "Yu Yan and Xiao Lao should know that after I return to Hongmeng Divine Palace Just ask."


After making up his mind, Tan Yun's purple robe flew into the sky and hovered over the Temple of Time and Space.


Tan Yun's hair fluttered, and a tide of divine consciousness enveloped the inner city of Hongmeng God City, and he said loudly: "I am the Supreme Master of Hongmeng."

Hearing this, tens of billions of city residents knelt down and kowtowed one after another, and the sound of respect engulfed the entire inner city, "Kowtow to Your Excellency!"

"Yes." Tan Yun nodded and said, "I will tell you the reason for the vision from the sky later."

"Everyone, don't be impatient. Also, this crack in space is different from the cracks in the stars after we tore the space."

"There is a majestic and terrifying aura in this crack, even this supreme one dare not enter rashly."

"If you enter, you will be strangled, and there will be no place to bury you."

"Therefore, no one shall enter understanding out of curiosity?"

Hearing this, the townspeople shouted: "The villain understands!"

Afterwards, Tan Yun turned into a beam of light, and after a while, it flew to the top of the Hongmeng Divine Mountain and appeared outside the Hongmeng Divine Mansion.

At this moment, Ji Yuyan, Shen Subing, the girls of Xuanyuanrou, and everyone in the Shenfu are standing on the top of the Hongmeng Mountain, looking up at the huge crack in the sky!

After Tan Yun greeted everyone, he looked at Ji Yuyan and said solemnly, "Yuyan, do you know the reason for this crack in space?"

"Husband, I understand." Ji Yuyan took a deep breath, with a look of horror in her beautiful eyes, and explained:

"That's right, this is indeed a sign before the Great Destruction of the universe, and this crack is not called a space crack, it's called a destruction crack."

Hearing this, Tan Yun hurriedly said: "In the last universe, how long did it take from the appearance of the first destruction crack to the collapse of the universe?"

"Husband, I don't know. I was already in a deep sleep before the last universe collapsed." After Ji Yuyan finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Longshe and said, "Old Xiao, you should know, right?"

Tan Yun and everyone looked at Xiao Longshe one after another.

Xiao Longshe thought for a while and said, "When the universe collapsed, I was already imprisoned in the God Swallowing Abyss. I don't know when the last universe collapsed..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Longshe suddenly thought of something, looked at Tan Yun and said: "Little master, I remembered that when the old slave was imprisoned in the god-swallowing abyss, he felt a violent tremor from the sky and the earth. It lasted for seven days and seven nights, and the momentum was extremely huge."

"If the old slave guessed correctly, it was the time of the universe's catastrophe outside the god-swallowing abyss."

After hearing this, Tan Yun asked: "Then think about it carefully, how long did it take between the first crack of destruction in the last universe and the collapse of the universe?"

Xiao Longshe said uncertainly: "Little master, the time has passed so long that this old slave really can't remember clearly, but this old slave reckons it should be between 60,000 and 80,000 years."

Hearing this, Tan Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, Ji Yuyan said, "Husband, the last universe and the current universe are not connected. It is very likely that the current universe will come sooner or later."

"Well, I understand." Tan Yun said: "I just refer to the time data of the last universe, from the appearance of the first destruction crack to the time when the universe collapsed."

"I think the current universe is safe for at least 50,000 years."

"So we have to improve the realm as soon as possible, defeat the ancestor gods of origin and chaos, and get the heart of origin and chaos."

Everyone nodded at Tan Yun's words.

"Okay, you all go to retreat and practice." Tan Yun said: "I will comfort the city residents, and then retreat."

"Brother, you'd better retreat quickly." Tuoba Yingying said, "I'll take care of the appeasement."

"That's good." Tan Yun nodded, and then he and the others turned back to the time-space temple of the best god in Hongmeng Shenfu, and began to retreat and practice.

On the top of Hongmeng Sacred Mountain, Tuoba Yingying released her spiritual consciousness, covering the inner city and outer city. Immediately, a beautiful voice came to everyone's ears clearly:

"I'm the Grand Commander. Next, I'll let you know about the cracks in the space in the Primordial God City."

At this moment, the residents of the inner city and the soldiers of the outer city fell silent.

Then, Tuoba Yingying's voice sounded again, "Because the Primordial God City is located at the top of the Primordial God Realm, a crack appeared first, and it is called the Destruction Crack."

"Although it is a sign before the universe collapses, don't panic, because there are at least 50,000 years before the universe collapses."

"At that time, our Supreme Master Hongmeng will do everything possible to prevent the collapse of the universe, protect our homeland, and protect the common people."

"In addition, in order to prevent the Great Destruction of the Universe, two things must be obtained. The first is the Heart of Origin, and the second is the Heart of Chaos."

"The Heart of Origin is in the God Realm of Origin, and the Heart of Chaos is in the God Realm of Chaos. It is the thing guarded by the God of Origin and God of Chaos."

"If we want to obtain it, our army of the Primordial God Realm must defeat the Chaos God Realm and the Shiyuan God Realm!"

"Therefore, the whole army obeys the order, and all work hard to cultivate, and fight on the battlefield to protect our homeland in the future!"

"Also, the Primordial God of Primal Chaos and Primordial Origin cursed our Supreme Master Hongmeng in the past, and entered the reincarnation of eternal life, destroying the family from generation to generation. We will avenge this enmity with Supreme Master Hongmeng. Are you confident?"

As soon as Tuoba Yingying's words fell, there was a tsunami-like voice from the inner city and outer city of Hongmeng God City, "Report to the Commander, we have confidence!"

"I can't hear it!" Tuoba Yingying looked solemn.

Immediately, the shouts of tens of billions of citizens and soldiers tore apart the sky, and black cracks like spider webs appeared in the sky, "Report to the Commander, we have confidence!"

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