Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1915 Countermeasures for the enemy!

Chapter 1915: Countermeasures for the enemy!

At this moment, Tan Yun, who was 30,000 feet tall, clenched his fists, his blood was boiling, and his body was filled with unprecedented power!

"Hahahaha!" Tan Yun raised his head and screamed, his pair of giant pupils glowed with excitement, "So strong! I feel that after being promoted to the ancestor god, his strength has become at least ten times stronger!"

At this moment, Tan Yun was excited and excited!

I finally broke through the peak strength of the past and stepped into a new realm!

"Husband, congratulations." Yu Yan hovered in front of Tan Yun in the air, smiling charmingly.

"Congratulations to you, Tan Yun." Xuanyuan Rou stood tall and graceful in the sky, with joy on her stunning face.

"Go, I'll take you back." Tan Yun stretched out a pair of giant hands as he spoke.

Yu Yan flew into the left palm, Xuanyuan Rou flew into the right palm of Tan Yun, Tan Yun held the two he loved, soared into the sky, and flew towards the outer city of Hongmeng God City...

On the way, Yuyan and Xuanyuanrou's flamboyant faces were filled with happiness.

This is what is truly held in the palm of your hand.

As Tan Yun's realm improved, he appeared in the sky above the outer city of Hongmeng God City in just a moment.

"The subordinate kowtows to the Supreme Lord!"

"Kowtow to the Supreme Lord!"

The soldiers guarding the city gate knelt on one knee and kowtowed to Tan Yun one after another.

With a smile on Tan Yun's face, he released his vast spiritual consciousness, covering the entire outer city and inner city, and the sound of Langlang came to everyone's ears, "This Supreme has successfully passed the catastrophe!"

"From now on, this supreme being is the ancestor god of Hongmeng!"

Hearing this, the soldiers of the outer city and the citizens of the inner city shouted in unison, "Kowtow to the ancestor god!"

"Yes." Tan Yun held the two daughters in both hands, and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, the ancestor god has already thought of a strategy to deal with the enemy."

That's right!

On the way back to Hongmeng God City just now, Tan Yun had already thought of a strategy to deal with the enemy!

After laughing, Tan Yun flew into the outer city with the two daughters in his hands, and flew towards the inner city.

"Husband, do you really have a plan to deal with the enemy?" Yuyan in Tan Yun's palm asked curiously.

"Of course!" Tan Yun sneered, "Aren't they trying to kill me? Then I'll let them steal this time!"


After a while, Tan Yun returned to Hongmeng Divine Mansion, his body shrank suddenly, and after returning to normal height, he entered the meeting hall with the two daughters.

In the majestic hall, the commanders-in-chief of the Ninety-Nine Route Army including Shangshen Mu Feng and Shangshen Bai Cheng stood up from the seats on both sides of the hall, bowed to Tan Yun and said, "I have seen you, Lord Zushen!"

In the center of the hall, except for Miao Qingluan, the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King, the Golden Dragon God and Lion and other beasts in human form clenched their right fists against their chests and knelt down on one knee towards Tan Yun, "I have seen the master!"

"Well, no courtesy." Tan Yun nodded, strode to the front of the main hall, stood beside Tuoba Yingying, looked at everyone and said:

"Now the enemy clearly has three first-level ancestor kings, but we don't know if there are still there in the dark."

"In addition, the father and son of the Great Demon Lord and the Heavenly Demon Commander are all in the Ancestral God Realm."

"At present, on the surface, the opponent has five strong men, but on our side, only Rou'er, Yuyan, and I are ancestor gods. It is difficult for us to defeat each other."

"So I decided to take the risk and lead the gods of the Primordial God Realm to leave the Primordial God Realm, and capture the Chaos God Realm and the Shiyuan God Realm by surprise. As for the Primordial God Realm, I don't want it for now!"

"Do you have any objections?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

Except for Tuoba Yingying, everyone never expected that Tan Yun would come up with such a scheme!

Master Mu Feng faced Tan Yun, clasped his fists and said, "My lord Zushen's plan can be said to be a plan of taking the bottom out of the pot and exchanging small things for big things."

"A good plan is a good plan, but the number of gods in our Primordial God Realm exceeds three trillion billion. How can we leave the Primordial God Realm together?"

Bai Cheng Shangshen nodded and agreed: "Yes, Lord Zushen!"

In private, Mu Feng and Bai Cheng called Tan Yunyun'er, and on important occasions, they called him Lord Tan Yunzu.

The other commanders of the 97th Route Army nodded in agreement.

Tan Yun raised his right hand slightly, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and said: "This ancestor god has the heart of grandmist, and now with my promotion to the realm of ancestor god, the Hongmeng continent in the heart of grandmist has reached a radius of 300 billion centimeters, which can accommodate 300 million yuan. Trillions of gods are easy."

Everyone was very excited when they heard the words.

At this time, Tuoba Yingying frowned and said: "Brother, it is estimated that in three thousand years at most, the universe will be destroyed."

"Even if we don't want the Primordial God Realm and occupy the Shiyuan God Realm and the Chaos God Realm, we still have to fight the enemy to the death."

"In three thousand years, it is impossible for you, sister Rou'er, and sister-in-law Yuyan to be promoted to first-level ancestor king."

"Now we are not their opponents, and by then, we may not be."

"If you can't defeat the enemy, you won't be able to obtain the Heart of Origin and the Heart of Chaos, and you won't be able to prevent the Great Destruction of the Universe."

Hearing this, the smiles on the faces of all the commanders in the hall disappeared, and they all looked at Tan Yun.

Tan Yun said: "I'm afraid we are no match for each other now, but it may not be the case in three thousand years."

Tan Yun said this because when he touched the barrier of the ancestor god a year and a half ago, he possessed the ability to cultivate the twenty-eighth-order primordial hegemonic body, but he didn't practice due to time constraints.

Tan Yun firmly believes that in the next three thousand years, he will definitely be able to cultivate the 28th-order Hongmeng Hegemony to the peak stage!

At that time, your own strength will increase greatly, and you will have the strength to fight the enemy to the death!

Tan Yun looked at the crowd and said again: "The Hongmeng God Realm will be breached within a hundred years, so we must hurry up and let everyone in the Hongmeng God Realm come to the Hongmeng God City."

"Send me an order to inform all the city owners, give them thirty years, and be sure to lead the citizens of all cities to come!"

"And notify the various sects of Hongmeng God Realm to come to Hongmeng God City!"

"Your subordinates obey!" Hearing this, all the commanders resigned one after another.

"Brother." Jing Lu looked sideways at Tan Yun, and asked expectantly, "Can I let my golden-eyed Kunpeng clan and the other five Kunpeng clans also come to Hongmeng God City and take them away together?"

Tan Yun nodded and said, "Of course."

"Hee hee, brother is so kind." Jing Lu laughed and said, "Then I'll go find them!"

"Go." Tan Yun said.

After Jing Lu left happily, Tan Yun said to the wives and girls, "Let's go, let's go outside the city and wait for the gods to come."

"En." The girls nodded, followed Tan Yun and left the Hongmeng Divine Mansion, and not long after, they came to the outer city of the Hongmeng Divine City.

The reason why I didn't wait outside the Temple of Time and Space in the inner city is because although the Temple of Time and Space can transfer quickly, there are too many gods in three trillion billion. One year, even five hundred years may not be able to transmit it all!

In the next thirty years, tens of thousands of city lords led the citizens of various cities to arrive outside the outer city of Hongmeng God City one after another.

Tan Yun sacrificed the heart of Hongmeng, allowing three billion gods to enter the Hongmeng Continent inside the heart of Hongmeng.

At the same time, in the past thirty years, the six clans including Jintong Kunpeng, Golden Winged Kunpeng, Ziling Kunpeng... and thousands of sects of the Hongmeng God Realm have all come and entered the heart of Hongmeng one after another!

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