Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1926 Endless Killing Intent!

Chapter 1926 Endless killing intent!

Half a year later, in the Chaos God Realm, the void outside the Chaos God City was filled with wind and clouds, and a gate to the God Realm with a height of one million feet emerged.

Immediately, two beautiful shadows flew out from the gate of the God Realm, and fell in the air outside the Chaos God City. Who else could it be but Xuanyuan Rou and Yu Yan?

The two daughters looked over, but saw that the Chaos God City was heavily guarded, with millions of troops standing on the curved city wall as high as one million.

On the city tower, stood an old woman in her nineties with a hunched body. Xuanyuan Rou and her two daughters could tell at a glance that she was a strong person in the Ancestral God Realm.

Beside the old woman, stood two 60-year-old twins, who were also strong in the Ancestral God Realm!

In Chaos God Realm, there are two ancient families, the Ram Family and the Dongfang Family.

The name of the hunchbacked old woman is: Dongfang Qi, she is the patriarch of the Dongfang family today.

There are two 60-year-old twins, the eldest is Gongyang Hong, the patriarch of the Gongyang family, and the second is Gongyanghai.

More than 9,900 years ago, when Changsun Xuanqi left the Chaos God Realm, he asked the three great ancestor gods of the two families to come and sit in the Chaos God City just in case.

The reason why the three ancestor gods are guarding the city tower at this moment is because the three of them have learned that the frontier fortress of the Chaos God Realm was attacked by Tan Yun's troops.

They also thought about leaving Chaos God City to stop Tan Yun, but they were worried that their strength was not as good as Tan Yun's. In addition, if the three of them left, Chaos God City would be in danger, so the three of them did not leave.

At this moment, Dongfang Qi looked down at Xuanyuan Rou and Yu Yan, clasped her fists and said, "You two are from the Shiyuan God Realm. I see you as strangers. May I ask who you are?"

Xuanyuanrou looked at Dongfang Qi, and said to Yuyan calmly, "Sister, are you reporting your identity, or pretending to be from the Shiyuan God Realm?"

"There's no need to pretend, we just show our identities." Yuyan looked up at the three people on the tower after transmitting the voice, and said coldly: "My husband is Tan Yun!"

"The Shiyuan God Realm has been occupied by my Hongmeng army."

Hearing this, Dongfang Qi, Gongyang Hong, and Gongyang Hai shuddered, and shock was revealed in their cloudy eyes.

Unexpectedly, when Tan Yun led people to attack the border of Chaos God Realm, his wife led people to occupy Gong Zhihan's lair!

When the three of them were shocked, Xuanyuan Rouyan soared into the sky, hovered over the city gate, and stared at the three of them through the light curtain of the city gate.

Xuanyuanrou said coldly: "I give you two choices, first, open the protective formation and surrender, and I will spare you from dying."

"Second, I will kill you after I break through the protective formation."

"Don't doubt my words, I can break the protective formation of Shiyuan Divine City, and similarly, the protective formation of your Chaos Divine City can also be done."

Hearing this, Dongfang Qi suddenly laughed, "Hahaha, ahhahahaha!"

Immediately, Dongfang Qi's smile disappeared, and a strong murderous intent appeared on her wrinkled face, and she said sharply, "I have lived countless years, and I have never seen such an arrogant person like you!"

"Just relying on you, you still want to break through this protective formation? Ignorance!"

"Also, even if you can break through, I am still afraid that you will fail?"

Just when Xuanyuanrou was about to say something, the next thing that happened was the conversation between Gongyang Hong and Gongyanghai brothers on the tower, which made her and Yuyan tremble with anger!

But see, Gongyang Hong squinted at Xuanyuanrou and Yuyan and said: "Second brother! Tsk tsk, this is the beauty!"

"Look at the tender skin of the two of them, tsk tsk, and their small waists, I'm excited just thinking about them."

Gongyanghai looked at Xuanyuanrou and the two, and swallowed hard, "It's beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

"Brother, which one do you want?"

Hearing this, Gongyang Hong laughed and said: "Second brother, what do we do between us brothers? Catch the two of them and let's enjoy it together."

"Wow ha ha ha ha……"

"Shameless!" Xuanyuan Rouxiang clenched her fists tightly, her eyes filled with endless anger, "You two bastards..."

Without waiting for Xuanyuanrou to speak, Gongyang Hong laughed loudly and said, "Tsk tsk, human beauty is different, even the angry appearance is so charming!"

"Second brother, look at her small cherry mouth, and that..."

Just when Gongyang Hong was laughing lewdly at Xuanyuan Rou, a stern shout filled with endless murderous intent came from the distant sky, "Old man, I will let you live or die today!"

"Tan Yun!" Xuanyuanrou suddenly looked back.

"Husband!" Yu Yan's all-powerful face showed uncontrollable joy. She looked back, but saw Tan Yun and Tuoba Yingying, leading the Hongmeng army like a vast black cloud, rushing at a high speed!

In just a breath, Tan Yun took the lead in floating in the air beside the two girls.

"You two old bastards, wait for me!" Tan Yun stretched out a finger, pointed at Gongyang Hong and Gongyang Haihou viciously, hugged the angry Xuanyuan Rou in his arms, and comforted: "Rou Don't be angry, I will avenge you in a while."

"En." Xuanyuan Rou smiled, left Tan Yun's arms, and asked, "Is everything settled?"

"It's been dealt with." Tan Yun said: "The gaps in the God Realm of the more than one hundred frontier fortresses in the Chaos God Realm have all been filled."

"There is also the Hongmeng army led by Yingying and me, plus the number of people who surrendered, it has reached 26 billion now."

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun asked, "Has Shiyuan Divine City been captured?"

"Yeah." Xuanyuanrou said: "Now Yuqin and the others are sitting in Shiyuan God City with Qingluan and Wushang."

"Half a year ago, I ordered the rebuilding of the Shiyuan God City. In addition, the Hongmeng army led by sister Yuyan and I has reached 22 billion now."


While Tan Yun was talking with Xuanyuan Rou and Yu Yan, Gongyang Hong, Gongyang Hai, and Dongfang Qi were also communicating through sound transmission on the tower.

Gongyanghai said solemnly through voice transmission: "Patriarch Dongfang, eldest brother, the other three ancestor gods, although we are also three, but Tan Yun may have the strength to leapfrog the first-level ancestor king, we must not leave the city protection formation. "

Dongfang Qi nodded in agreement with the voice transmission and said: "Well, it makes sense, that Xuanyuan Rou and another woman should be easy to deal with, but this Tan Yun must be difficult to deal with."

"In the past, when the ancestor king of chaos, the ancestor king of origin and Tan Yun were all in the Supreme Realm, they might not be his match even if they joined forces. Now, Tan Yun is the ancestor god like us, even if the three of us join forces, we will lose!"

Hearing this, Gongyang Hong frowned, "Well, then we will stay in the protective formation, but what if the protective formation is broken by Tan Yun?"

Dongfang Qi said without hesitation: "Needless to say, of course we ran for our lives immediately, the farther the better!"


At this time, Tan Yun closed his eyes and concentrated, released his consciousness, and began to observe the large protective formation covering the Chaos God City.

Looking at Tan Yun, the hearts of Dongfang Qi, Gongyang Hong and Gong Yanghai rose to their throats, and they secretly prayed that Tan Yun would not find a way to break the formation.

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