Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1928 Immortal God Castle!

Chapter 1928 Immortal God City!

Immediately, with the flick of Tan Yun's fingers, a surge of divine power was absorbed into Gong Yanghai's throat, making him unable to make any sound.

"Zi Xin, control the intensity for me, burn him for three days and three nights before he dies!" Tan Yunyin said tentatively.

"Good master." The primordial flame burst out from Tan Yun's right palm, covering the Gongyang Sea.

In the sea of ​​flames, Gong Yanghai, whose limbs were broken by Tan Yun, looked pained, and his eyes were shattered.

During the burning, the skin of Gongyanghai began to melt slowly!

At this time, Tan Yun took a step forward and released the control on Gongyang Honghongmeng's pupil. As soon as he regained his composure, Tan Yun trampled on the bone of Gongyang Hong's right arm!

"Ah!" Amidst Gongyang Hong's wailing sound like killing a pig, "Crack!" Tan Yun amputated the bone of his left arm again!

"Tan Yun, my Patriarch curses you to die!" Gongyang Hong roared hysterically.

Tan Yun laughed and kicked Gongyang Hong into the primordial flames.

Obviously, Tan Yun wanted to let the Hongmeng Flame burn the two brothers to death, and let them suffer three days and three nights of burning before they died!

"call out!"

With Tan Yun's flick of a finger, a surge of divine power was sucked into Gong Yanghong's throat, and he, like his second brother, could no longer make any sound.

"Zi Xin, take the two of you back with me." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he soared into the sky and flew towards Chaos God City.

"Hee hee, good master." A melodious voice like a silver bell came from within the Primordial Flame, and immediately, the Primordial Flame flew towards Tan Yun with the two brothers...

Night fell.

Tan Yun and Hongmeng flames appeared in the sky above the Chaos God City. Looking down, the Hongmeng army has already killed the enemy in the city.

"Bing'er, kill!" Tan Yun pressed his left palm downward, and a burst of icy blue primordial ice flames flew out of his palm. Suddenly, it soared to a height of a million feet, and devoured the fleeing enemies in the void below. And go!

All enemies swallowed by the primordial ice flames instantly melt into nothingness.

Tan Yun sacrificed eleven Hongmeng swords, which hovered above his head. He swooped down and appeared in the blood-stained city. In a single thought, the swords of the dead soldiers of both the enemy and us rose into the sky one after another. Gathering from the sky above Tan Yun's head!

In an instant, millions of divine swords hovered above Tan Yun's head, forming a circular river of swords, shining like a river of stars under the dark sky!


"Puchi Puchi—"

With Tan Yun's divine steps, in the city full of corpses, every time he took a step, the millions of divine swords above his head followed him, strangling thousands of enemy troops in the sky!

At this moment, Tan Yun is like an ancestor demon, killing thousands of people in one step, blood mixed with wreckage scattered into the void...

An hour later, the killing continued...

Three hours later, it still continued...

The fighting didn't stop until morning came.

The 60 billion gods of the Chaos God City were all slaughtered.

As for Tan Yun's Hongmeng army, the death toll reached three billion!

Blood is like a river, rolling and flowing from the mountainous city.


Tan Yun soared into the sky and hovered over the Chaos God City, looking down at the more than 20 billion Hongmeng army below, and the sound of Lang Lang was heard clearly in everyone's ears:

"The ancestor god declares that the Shiyuan God Realm and Chaos God Realm have been occupied by us so far!"

"Next, all affairs in the army will be handed over to the commander-in-chief."

Amidst the cheers of the Hongmeng army, Tuoba Yingying's undoubtedly pleasant voice sounded, "This Commander will issue the precepts immediately, and then, tell all the gods in the Chaos God Realm and Shiyuan God Realm."

"In addition, the purpose of our Hongmeng army occupying the two major god realms is not to kill people, but to lead the gods of the three major god realms to work together to completely destroy the extraterrestrial demons after unifying the three god realms in the future, so as to benefit the three god realms!"

"Remember, from now on, you must not indiscriminately kill innocent gods from the Chaos God Realm and the Shiyuan God Realm!"


Hearing this, the whole army shouted loudly, "Understood!"

Tuoba Yingying nodded in satisfaction and looked at Tan Yun.

Tan Yun said: "The catastrophe of the universe is coming soon, I will immediately retreat to cultivate the grandmeng hegemony, and then deal with the alliance enemy."

"I'll leave the rest to you."

Tuoba Yingying said: "Don't worry, brother, I know how to do it."

"En." After Tan Yun nodded, he suddenly thought of something and said, "Rou'er, the barrier of the God Realm in the depths of the Chaos Mountains is extremely weak. I decided to build a giant city in the Chaos Mountains. From now on, there will be our Chaos Gods It is the second largest city in the world, and it must be protected."

"Otherwise, once the allied enemy finds that the enchantment there is weak, they will enter the Chaos God Realm from here!"

Xuanyuanrou said: "I understand that the Chaos Mountains are the gateway to the Chaos God Realm, so I will take people to the depths of the Chaos Mountains to build a city."

"En." After Tan Yun nodded, he looked at Yu Yan and said, "Yu Yan, you go through the Temple of Time and Space to Shiyuan God City, and let Ling Tong come to open up the time-space tunnel from Chaos God City to Chaos Mountain Range and build a teleportation array."

"Okay." After Yu Yan responded, she turned into a beam of light, flew into the Space-Time Palace, entered the gate of the God Realm leading to Shiyuan God City and disappeared.

Tan Yun immediately sacrificed the top-grade God Venerable Time-Space God Tower, entered the thirty-sixth floor, and began to sit cross-legged, cultivating the twenty-eighth-order Hongmeng Hegemony...

Outside the divine tower, after Xuanyuan Rou drew a blueprint jade slip for Tuoba Yingying to rebuild the Chaos God City, she led the tens of billions of Hongmeng army and left the Chaos God City in a mighty manner.

A year later, Xuanyuanrou led the army to the depths of the Chaos Mountains, and began to expand the territory, fill the land with flat mountains, and build cities.

At the same time, Ling Tong and Tan Yun's wives passed through the teleportation array from Shiyuan God City to the Chaos God City that was being built.

Ling Tong began to open a space-time tunnel from the Chaos God City to the Chaos Mountains...

Time flies, five years later.

At this moment, the gods of the Chaos God Realm and the Shiyuan God Realm discovered that after the Hongmeng army occupied the two major god realms, they did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. They gradually calmed down from their fear.

The Shiyuan God City in the Shiyuan God Realm has been rebuilt and is even more magnificent than before!

The same is true for the Chaos God City in the Chaos God Realm, which is extremely magnificent.

In addition, Ling Tong has opened a space-time tunnel from the Chaos God City to the depths of the Chaos Mountain Range.

Now deep in the Chaos Mountains, a huge city is built on the ground.

The giant city is in the shape of a half-moon, presenting a half-ring state, surrounding a huge peak that holds the sky outside the city.

This giant peak is the deepest peak in the Chaos Mountains, and the God Realm barrier above the peak is very weak.

"Sister Rou'er, you are really amazing." Standing on the tower, looking back at the city, Yu Yan sincerely praised: "The design of the city is so ingenious, and the layout is really perfect."

Xuanyuanrou smiled and said, "Sister Yuyan has won the prize."

"Sister, I'm just telling the truth." Yu Yan smiled.

Xuanyuanrou said softly: "Sister, please give the city a name."

"Okay!" Yu Yan pondered for a while, and she didn't know what to think of, her beautiful eyes showed sadness and said: "Sister, this city should be called the Immortal God City."

Xuanyuanrou knew that Yuyan must have thought of the sad things that happened in the last universe, she comforted Yuyan for a while and said: "Sister, from now on, this city will be called the Immortal God City."

"It will live forever!"

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