Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1931 Good time?

Chapter 1931 Good time?

The great demon lord nodded and said: "Well, this demon lord agrees! This demon lord likes to take the initiative!"

Gong Zhihan agreed: "Okay, the Supreme Military City will still be under the command of Marshal Xiao, and the rest of us will all enter the Primordial God Realm!"

"However, there are still too few people. How about this? I suggest that all those in the alliance army who are above the Heavenly God Realm and above the Heavenly God Beast should enter the Primordial God Realm and carefully observe the God Realm Barrier adjacent to the Primordial God Realm!"


An hour later, Changsun Xuanqi, Gong Zhihan, the Great Demon Lord, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Heavenly Demon, who totaled tens of millions of gods and beasts, entered the Hongmeng God Realm and began to search. At the same time, everyone agreed that after five hundred years, no matter what Whether you find a weak God Realm barrier, you have to return to the Supreme Army City.

Time is like an arrow, and the years are like a stream.

In the blink of an eye, more than four hundred and ninety years have passed.

At the northernmost end of the Hongmeng God Realm, a middle-aged blond man was standing in the air, and suddenly he discovered something, his eyes revealed an uncontrollable excitement!

The blond man is none other than the Heavenly Demon Commander of the Ancestral God Beast in human form!

"Hahahaha, I found it!" The Tianmo coach laughed excitedly: "This coach finally found out how Tan Yun left the Primordial God Realm with his Hongmeng army!"

Restraining his excitement, the commander of the Heavenly Demon transformed into a golden Heavenly Demon with a towering height of ten feet.

"Give it to the coach!"

The head coach of the Heavenly Demon stretched out a pair of giant claws, and forcibly tore a gap in the weak Primordial God Realm in front of him. Then, golden magic power gushed out of his body, and flew into the pitch-black God Realm enchantment.

The rolling golden magic power condensed from its body into a golden vortex, allowing the giant wind blades formed by the destructive power to slash towards him!

"Bang bang bang—"

The moment the destructive wind blade slashed on the golden vortex, they burst into pieces one after another, making it impossible to get close to the body of the demon commander.

The Heavenly Demon Commander flew extremely fast in the barrier for a moment, and then came to the end of the other party's barrier.

It cautiously released its beast sense and gushed out of the weak barrier in front of it. Through the beast sense, it discovered that there was a lonely mountain outside!

In the depths of the mountains below the isolated peak, there is a semi-arc-shaped giant city, like a giant skyscraper crawling on the ground, its grandeur is comparable to the magic city that rules the universe outside its own domain!

Immediately, through its animal consciousness, it discovered that there was a huge monument with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet standing outside the giant city.

The words "Immortal God City" are engraved on the inscription flying and dancing.

"Although this coach is an ancestral beast, he is definitely not afraid of the primordial ancestor king of the first-class ancestor king realm."

"Now Tan Yun is only in the Ancestral God Realm. Even if I meet him, this coach can't defeat him, and he still has the ability to escape!"

"Tan Yun, a bastard, killed the coach's beloved son, and the coach wants to go down to see if he can kill Tan Yun, the bastard's wife!"

Thinking of this, the Tianmo coach decided to go out!

Before Gong Zhihan and Changsun Xuanqi, he had shown the memory images of Tan Yun's wives to the head demon, so he planned to go out to try his luck!


at the same time.

In the Immortal God City, a palace stands on a tower that is as high as one million feet.

Inside the palace, Tantai Xian'er was chatting with Yu Yan.

Today, Tan Yun is retreating in the Chaos God City, Xuanyuan Rou is in the Shiyuan God City in the Shiyuan God Realm, and Yu Yan is in the Immortal God City.

"Huh?" Yu Yan'e frowned suddenly, as if she had noticed something.

"What happened to Sister Yuyan?" Tantai Xian'er asked.

"I feel the animal consciousness of the ancestor gods and beasts peeking at the Immortal God City." Yu Yan said and stood up abruptly, "Not good! It's either the Heavenly Demon Commander, or the Great Demon Lord is here!"

"Go, go out and have a look."

Yu Yanli's shadow flashed for a moment, and in the next moment, she appeared out of thin air from the majestic city tower.

When Tantai Xian'er stepped out of the main hall and appeared on the tower, she saw that the barrier barrier was broken in the sky above the lone peak in front of her, and a sky demon with a height of ten thousand feet and covered with long golden hairs flew out of the sky!

"Ancestral Divine Beast!" Yu Yan looked up at the golden-haired demon through the battle, and said coldly, "Are you the great demon master, or the commander of the demon?"

The head coach of Tianmo looked down at Yuyan, and when he found that Yuyan was in the realm of the ancestral gods, his body froze for a moment!

Because as far as it knows, he is the only ancestor god on Tan Yun's side!

It didn't expect that another one popped up!

At the same time, it looked down at Tantai Xian'er beside Yuyan, and thought secretly: "She is Tan Yun's wife!"

Thinking of this, the giant pupils of the Heavenly Demon Commander showed a gleam of brilliance, and said: "I am the Heavenly Demon Commander!"

"The head coach of Japan came here today to inform you that Tan Yun has been captured alive by my father, the ancestor king of chaos, and the ancestor king of primordial origin."

"This coach will give you a moment to think about it. Immediately open the protective formation. This coach can spare you from dying. Otherwise, this coach will definitely break through the large formation and kill you..."

Without waiting for the Commander Tianmo to speak, Yu Yan suddenly giggled, "Commander Tianmo, I am really worried about your IQ."

"Aren't you saying this just to find out if my husband is in the Immortal God City?"

"You say so much, it's really ridiculous!"

"Also, if I guessed correctly, your allied army must have guessed that my husband came to the Chaos God Realm from the weakest place in the Primordial God Realm, so you dispersed, Look for weak barriers."

"Fortunately, you bastard was found, so you appeared here. Is what the deity said right?"

Hearing this, the Heavenly Demon Commander was furious, he didn't expect that his scheme would be seen through by this woman!


The irascible Tianmo coach uttered a loud roar, roaring: "You bitch, it turns out that you are also the wife of Tan Yun..."

Without waiting for the commander-in-chief of the demon to speak, Yu Yan's beautiful eyes showed a terrifying murderous intent, "You beast, you dare to scold my husband, today you will save your life for me!"

"Xian'er, stay in the protective formation, sister go kill it!"

Tantai Xian'er said worriedly: "Sister, please pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry." As soon as Yu Yan finished speaking, she sacrificed a token, and a light curtain shot out from the token into the large protective formation above her head.

Immediately, a gap with a diameter of hundreds of feet appeared in the ripples of the protective formation. Yu Yan, who was dressed in a red dress, flew out of the protective formation, and the moment the protective formation closed.


The void oscillated, and the moment Yu Yan soared towards the top of the lonely peak, her body suddenly swelled to a gigantic size, she raised her jade hand and slapped towards the sky!


The wind blew violently, and the void collapsed one after another. A vast immortal force condensed from the void into a jade hand of ten thousand zhang, and slapped towards the demon commander!

Not only was the Heavenly Demon coach not afraid, on the contrary, his eyes showed excitement!

It was thinking how to trick Yuyan out, and then capture it alive to threaten Tan Yun, but it never thought that the other party would come to the door by itself.

How can it not be excited!

"Well done bitch!"

With a smirk on his face, the head of the Heavenly Demon swooped down from the sky with his giant tail dancing. The golden magic power in his body surged out, and he swung his giant claws and slapped Yu Yan's jade hand formed by the condensed immortal power!

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