Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1938 Father and Daughter Join Forces!

Chapter 1938 Father and Daughter Join Forces!

"No one can save you!" Xiao Yutian held the sword, spun in the air, and stabbed at the huge head of Tianmo's coach!

"call out!"


A ten thousand zhang sword light pierced the void, stabbing towards the forehead of the Demon Commander!

At this time, the Great Demon Lord, who was flying towards grandson Xuanqi and Yuyan, was taken aback when he heard his son's cry for help. The moment he looked back, he saw the scene of Xiao Yutian killing his son!

"No!" The Great Demon Lord roared: "Xiao Yutian, you bastard, how dare you!!"


At this time, the ten thousand zhang blood-colored sword light pierced the skull of the head of the Heavenly Demon with splashed blood.

The head of the Heavenly Demon lost his soul, his body fell into the snow sky, and hit the snow heavily. The thin blood in the body eroded the snow, making it extremely glaring.

Looking at the corpse of the Heavenly Demon Commander in the snow, huge tears rolled out of the giant pupils of the Demon Lord, and cried out in grief: "Son! The son of the father!"

It suddenly raised its head and glared at Xiao Yutian, who had appeared beside Xuanyuan Rou in the air, and its tear-filled pupils turned red, "Xiao Yutian, this great demon lord treats you well! Why did you do this!!"

"Why?" Xiao Yutian sneered and said, "What do you do to me? Don't you have any idea?"

"Also, since you want to know the reason, the old man tells you, the one next to me is my daughter!"

Hearing this, the demon master's lungs were about to explode, "Xiao Yutian, you damn old bastard, I'm going to kill you father and daughter today!"

"Okay! Then you might as well let the horse come over!" Xiao Yutian said in a deep voice: "In the end, you are just an ancestor beast, so I am afraid that you will fail!"


The great demon lord roared, and golden magic power gushed out of his body like a rolling river, and its aura became extremely violent.

"Boom, boom!"

The gigantic demon lord crushed the clouds and rushed towards Xiao Yutian at top speed.

"Come on, daughter! Don't keep your strength, this beast is very strong!" Xiao Yutian said with a murderous intent, holding the Tianxuan Ice Sword, and shuttled through the snowy sky at high speed. The body suddenly stopped, and the muddy pupils turned blue!

At this moment, Xiao Yutian's sapphire-like pupils became as deep as the sea, and an extremely tyrannical aura diffused from the pupils, covering the Great Demon Lord.

It made the Great Demon Lord tremble all over!

"Spiritual God Eyes, Sky Profound Eyes Arrows!


When Xiao Yutian's old voice sounded, arrows with blue eyes and red eyes shot out from his pupils, and each shot soared to a height of hundreds of feet!


"Boom, boom—"

The sky collapsed one after another, and the huge Tianxuan pupil arrows, which were hundreds of meters in size, exuded the breath of freezing everything, piercing the void, and with a terrifying breath, they gathered in the void to form a torrent as thick as ten thousand feet, heading towards the great demon lord. Blast away!

When the torrent of Tian Xuantong's arrows appeared in the tens of thousands of feet in front of the Great Demon Lord, it suddenly turned into a cage with a diameter of tens of thousands of feet, blocking all the Great Demon Lord's escape routes, and shot towards the Great Demon Lord!

"Sky Profound Ice Armor!"

"Sky Profound Ice Sword!"

At this time, Xuanyuan Rou's body surface condensed blood-colored armor, and she followed her father closely with the Tianxuan Ice Sword in her hand, heading towards the Great Demon Lord!

"Give it to the Great Demon Master!"

The violent golden magic power exploded from the great demon lord's body, and the golden magic power exploded from its surroundings like a round of golden scorching sun!


In the trembling of the void, the power of the golden magic power that could not bear it shattered one after another, and the golden magic power swept towards the Tianxuan pupil arrows coming from all directions.

The Great Demon Lord originally thought that the blow he had prepared would be enough to destroy all the Tianxuan Tong arrows, but it was only then that he realized that he was wrong!

Big mistake!

"How is this possible!" The great demon lord screamed in horror, and the arrows of the Profound Eyes pierced through the golden magic power that was sweeping in, and exploded towards it with unabated momentum!

The great demon lord dodged from the void with a panicked expression, while waving a pair of sharp giant claws to attack the Tianxuan pupil arrows that exploded!

"Bang bang bang—"

The giant claws of the great demon lord are the hardest part of the body. When its giant claws shattered the hundreds of feet of Tianxuan pupil arrows, the long golden hair on the giant claws fell off, revealing the golden bones !

It's a pity that the Tianxuantong arrows shot towards it from all directions, no matter how fast its claws danced, it couldn't block them all.



While the great demon lord was screaming, a Tianxuan pupil arrow pierced through the back of the big demon lord's thick neck and pierced out from the left side of the throat with gushing blood.

Immediately, a blood hole with the mouth of a bowl appeared in its neck, and the blood gushed out from the wound like blood-colored spring water!

"Puchi, Puchi—"

Almost at the same time, hundreds of Tianxuan pupil arrows, carrying sprayed blood, pierced the arms, legs, and chest of the great demon lord respectively!


The great devil uttered a sound of pain, and at this moment, hundreds of shocking wounds were left on his body.

Especially the dozens of Tianxuan pupil arrows piercing through the chest, causing severe damage to its internal organs!

The next moment, all the wounds of the great demon lord healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this speed, he would be unscathed in half an hour!

"Daughter, hurry up and kill it with Weifu, don't give it time to recover from its injuries!"

Xiao Yutian shouted solemnly.


Xuanyuanrou immediately used the Tianxuan pupil arrow!


Suddenly, arrows with the Profound Sky Eyes flew out from Xuanyuan's soft eyes, exuding the aura of freezing the world, violently converging into a torrent with a thickness of several thousand feet and a length of hundreds of thousands of feet, carrying the collapsed sky , Devouring towards the Great Demon Lord at extreme speed!

The speed was fast, although it was not as fast as Xiao Yutian's casting the Tianxuan Tong Arrow, but the seriously injured Great Demon Lord was already too late to dodge.

If the Great Demon Lord is hit by the torrent formed by Xuanyuanrou's Tianxuantong sword, the consequences can be imagined, more or less good or bad!


The great demon lord looked fiercely, and roared: "You father and daughter want to kill this great demon lord, it's wishful thinking!"

"Three elders, come out and stand up for the Great Demon Lord!"

Hearing this, when Xiao Yutian and Xuanyuanrou frowned, a demon tower flew out of the ear of the Great Demon Lord.

"Subordinates obey!"

Following the sound of respect, three white light beams flew out from the demon tower, and transformed into three white sky demons with a height of three thousand feet in front of the great demon master!

These three white heavenly demons are the Great Elder, the Second Elder, and the Third Elder, and they are all ancestral beasts!

At the same time, the three elders are still brothers!

Although he has the same realm as the Great Demon Lord, but his strength is slightly inferior to the Great Demon Lord, even so, he is undoubtedly a strong one!

"It's so strong!" The Great Elder felt the torrent of Tianxuan pupil arrows coming from the explosion, and said sharply: "Second brother, third brother, you get out of the way, I will fight for the master!"

Before he finished speaking, the Great Elder covered in long white hair stood in front of the Great Demon Lord as if he were dying.

"Give it to the Great Elder!"

The grand old man opened his fangs, and streams of white magic power poured out of his chest, like a group of dragons dancing wildly, blasting towards the sky with a torrent of arrows!

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