Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1946 Bloody battle!

Chapter 1946: Fierce bloody battle!

"Undead? Haha, that's exactly what I want!"

When Changsun Pengkun's sneer sounded, the tip of the Taiqing spear full of cracks collided with Tan Yun's huge right fist!



The loud noise was mixed with the terrifying sound of bone shattering, and the Taiqing Spear, which was one million meters high, was covered with shocking cracks!

On the other hand, Tan Yun's entire right fist exploded, blood danced everywhere, severed fingers flew together, and Tan Yun's right fist turned into nothing!

At the same time, a sound of pain came from the Taiqing spear, and strands of blood flowed out along the huge cracks on the spear.

Although it was impossible to see the appearance of Sun Pengkun, the eldest Sun Pengkun in the Taiqing Spear, it is not difficult to guess that the eldest Sun Pengkun has been injured.


The eldest grandson Pengkun roared, manipulating the Taiqing Spear, and thrust it vertically into Tan Yun's chest!

"Kill!" Tan Yun's giant pupils revealed a crazy fighting intent, and he waved his right arm that had lost his fist, and swung it up desperately, hitting the Taiqing Spear.



Amidst the deafening noise, after Tan Yun's 10,000-foot-long right arm drew the Taiqing Divine Spear, the million-foot-high Taiqing Divine Spear was sent flying tens of thousands of feet away, and Tan Yun's entire right arm burst into pieces. Come on, blood and bones!


The Taiqing Divine Lance stabilized the spear from the snowy sky, and the elder Sun Pengkun's painful moans that could not be restrained came from inside.

Immediately, the eldest grandson Pengkun roared, "Son Tan Yun, I admit that you are physically strong, but it is a pity that even if you die, you will not be able to break through the old man's spear!"


As the snowy sky collapsed one after another, the Taiqing Divine Spear, which was covered with shocking cracks, swung towards Tan Yun extremely quickly!

The speed is so fast, at this moment, the divine power in the spirit pool is exhausted, how can Tan Yun, who is only supported by the divine power in his body, escape?


Of course, Tan Yun never thought of hiding!

"Even if my limbs are crippled, I will kill you!"

Tan Yun, who had lost his right arm, shot out a strong anger from his giant pupils. He forgot the pain, and the only thought in his mind was to kill his eldest grandson Pengkun!


Tan Yun's feet ran wildly from the void, like a skyscraper giant beast, rushing violently towards the drawn Taiqing Spear!


When the sky collapsed, Tan Yun appeared 60,000 feet in front of the Taiqing Divine Spear. His mountain-like body spun in the air, and his 14,000-foot-long right leg pulled towards the Taiqing Divine Spear without any effort. !


There was a terrifying sound of bones breaking, and the bone in Tan Yun's right leg snapped off suddenly, blood splashed, and the broken leg flew away from the body.

Under the huge rebound force, Tan Yun, who had lost his right arm and was covered in blood, was thrown into the air like a blood-colored meteorite, smashing a mountain below with billowing dust!


After the mountain collapsed, Tan Yun was deeply buried in it.

Outside the city of the Supreme Army, Xueying Supreme, who released his spiritual consciousness to watch the battle, clenched his fists tightly, his beautiful eyes gradually turned rosy, he restrained his worries about his father, and remained silent.

Beside her, Supreme Baixi saw the change in Supreme Xueying's expression, and asked in confusion, "Sister Xueying, what's wrong with you?"

Xueying Supreme pursed his red lips, tears dripping down, and choked up, "Senior eldest grandson, and my master dealt with Tan Yun, but now, the formation of the Hongmeng Tu Shenjian is broken, and only senior eldest grandson is fighting Tan Yun, but my master is not there!" gone."

"I am worried about the safety of my master."

Snow Shadow Supreme is naturally not worried about Gong Zhihan, she is worried about her father Tan Yun.


At this time, the Taiqing Divine Spear was covered with huge cracks, and streams of blood gushed out of the cracks like fountains.

At this time, in the snowy sky on the other side, the eldest grandson Xuanqi, who was using the body of chaos, and Yu Yan, who was as tall as ten thousand feet, were fighting.

Changsun Xuanqi's face was as pale as paper, and his expression was exhausted. His arms, legs, and chest were covered with wounds with deep bone visible. The blood stained the long skirt, obviously these wounds were left by Yu Yan.

On the other hand, Yuyan's injury was even more serious. She was left with dozens of sword wounds by Changsun Xuanqi on her Wanzhang body.

Especially the chest has been pierced by the Chaos Sword, and there is also a huge wound on the jade neck!

Changsun Xuanqi looked at the Taiqing Divine Spear in the distance, and found that the Divine Spear was trembling violently, and blood was gushing out of it, so she knew that her father had been seriously injured!

"Daddy, hold on, I will help you when my daughter kills Ji Yuyan!" Changsun Xuanqi shouted.

In the vast snowy sky, the eldest grandson Pengkun's weak voice came from Taiqing Spear, "Daughter, don't worry about being a father. Tan Yun has lost an arm and a leg now. There is no problem in killing him for my father."

Hearing that Tan Yun lost a leg and an arm, Ji Yuyan, who was bruised and bruised, blurred her vision with tears, fled to the collapsed mountain in the distance, and uttered a painful voice like a cuckoo crying blood, "Husband!"

"Bang, bang!"

At this time, in the collapsed mountain, Tan Yun, who had lost his right arm and leg, staggered into the sky, suspended in the snowy sky, looked at Ji Yuyan, and his weak voice contained deep love, "Yuyu Yan, you don't have to worry about me."

"Hold on, I will help you when I defeat the old bastard, grandson Pengkun!"

Seeing that Tan Yun was not in danger of his life for the time being, Yuyan wiped away her tears, felt a little more at ease, and fought with Changsun Xuanqi again...

The Taiqing Divine Spear gradually stopped trembling in the snowy air, and immediately, a terrifying aura spread, causing the void with a radius of tens of millions of feet to be covered with spider web-like cracks.

Obviously, the eldest grandson Pengkun is going to go all out!

"Go to hell!"

Following the eldest grandson Pengkun's stern shout, the million-foot-high Taiqing Spear suddenly shot towards Tan Yun!

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the Taiqing Divine Spear, Tan Yun, who had lost an arm and a leg, showed deep despair in his giant pupils.

Judging from his aura, it was very difficult for him to survive the attack of the Taiqing Spear!

At this critical moment, Tan Yun suddenly thought of something, and a flash of excitement flashed across his giant pupils.

Immediately, Tan Yun turned into a panicked look, soaring into the sky, seemingly running away in a panic!

"Leave your life to this old man!"

The Taiqing Divine Spear pierced through the void, and with a pitch-black crack in space, it pierced towards Tan Yun's back. The speed was so fast that he could catch up in three breaths!

Tan Yun, who was soaring into the sky, clenched his left fist and kept shouting, "Quick!" in his heart.

At this moment, the reason why Tan Yun was burning with anxiety was because there was a chasm-like black destruction crack in the sky above his head!

Tan Yun's purpose is to use the destructive crack to counterattack and kill the grandson Pengkun!

One breath, two breaths...

When three breaths passed, Tan Yun had already appeared more than two million feet below the destruction crack. He turned his back to the Taiqing Divine Spear that shot from behind him, and a smile of plotting success was drawn at the corner of his mouth!

"Little Tan Yun, die!"

When the Taiqing spear was about to stab Tan Yun's back, Tan Yun's body spun in the air, facing the destruction crack, his body leaned back, and his back was bent.

After the Taiqing Divine Spear pierced through the air, it appeared above Tan Yun's chest.

"at this time!"

Tan Yun seized the opportunity, and with his huge left fist, he slammed upwards desperately, and slammed hard on the spear of Taiqing Shenlance!


Blood mist filled the air, severed fingers flew together, and the moment Tan Yun's left fist exploded, his body fell into the void under the huge rebound force.

On the other hand, the Taiqing Divine Spear was blasted into the sky by Tan Yun's punch, and shot into the chasm-like destruction crack at top speed!

"Oh no!!"

"Tan Yun, you despicable bastard!"

The eldest grandson Pengkun's panic-stricken curse came from the Taiqing Spear, obviously he knew the power of the Destruction Wind Blade in the Destruction Rift!

The eldest grandson Pengkun in the Taiqing Divine Spear almost exhausted all the divine power in the spirit pool, and finally stopped when the Taiqing Divine Spear was about to turn into the destruction crack!

"Let me in!"

Tan Yun, who had lost his right leg, right arm, and left fist, exhausted all the divine power in his body during the fall, and performed the Primordial Step!


In the turmoil of the void, he took a step forward and appeared under the Taiqing Divine Spear. He raised his left arm, which had lost his left fist, and suddenly slammed it on the spear.


The bones of Tan Yun's left arm broke, and half of his arm flew away from his body.


The sound of fear sounded, and the Taiqing Divine Spear was drawn and flew into the destruction crack.

But at this moment, Tan Yun, who has no divine power in his body and is covered in blood, fell into the void like a bloody mountain, and hit the ground fiercely. He hurriedly said: "Yu Shu quickly bring the top-grade God Venerable Time-Space God Tower out!"

"Okay!" Dongfang Yushu choked with sobs, and flew out of Tan Yun's ear with the top-grade God Venerable Time-Space God Tower.

The tower of the gods immediately turned into a giant of a million feet.

"Drag me inside!"

Without Tan Yun's reminder, Dongfang Yushu, who was as high as ten thousand feet, flew out of the tower with tears and dragged Tan Yun into the tower.

After entering, Tan Yun didn't bother to open his mouth, and hurriedly devoured Shenyuan desperately. It is of great use for him to convene in this way!

At this moment, in the chasm-like destruction crack, densely packed destruction wind blades strangled towards Taiqing Divine Spear.

Immediately, the Taiqing Divine Spear, which was thousands of feet thick and ten thousand feet long, disintegrated extremely quickly, and the diameter shrank from eight thousand feet to four thousand feet in just a breath!

The length has changed from one million feet to six hundred thousand feet!

The eldest grandson Pengkun let out a terrified scream while manipulating the Taiqing Spear, and fled towards the destruction crack.

When the Taiqing Divine Lance was about to rush out of the destruction crack, Tan Yun, who had spent several hours in the time-space tower below, recovered 20% of his divine power in the spirit pool!


Tan Yun, who lost his arms and left leg, flew out of the tower, bent his left knee, kicked suddenly, his body soared into the sky, and appeared outside the destruction crack at top speed, and said with a grinning smile, "Go in again!"

Tan Yun flipped over in the air, with his head down, a burst of the power of the Primordial God poured out from his left foot, and the tip of his toe touched the Taiqing Spear!

"No, no!"

Amidst the screams of Changsun Pengkun at the top of his lungs, the Divine Spear of Taiqing, which was about to fly out of the rift of destruction, was kicked into the depths of the rift of destruction again!

In the depths of the destruction crack, the Taiqing Divine Spear was strangled by the dense destruction wind blades and shrunk rapidly!

"Old people will never die, never die!"

The heart-piercing voice of grandson Pengkun came from the Taiqing Divine Spear, and immediately, the Taiqing Divine Spear flew out of the destruction crack again, and was kicked into the destruction crack by Tan Yun again!

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