Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1952 Sorry, is it useful?

Chapter 1952 Sorry, is it useful?

Changsun Xuanqi's tears were dripping, and her beautiful eyes were filled with endless anger, "Also, Tan Yun, think about it, even if you treated me like this in the last universe, before you became the Supreme Being of the Primordial Mist, I would have There are many opportunities to kill you, but I didn't!"

"Husband, don't listen to her!" Yuyan stepped forward, looked at Changsun Xuanqi and said coldly: "If you really love Tan Yun, then how could you have the heart to kill him and let him enter the cycle of eternal life?"

"Let him taste all the sufferings of the world!"

Changsun Xuanqi looked at Yu Yan, her beautiful eyes almost burst into flames, "You bitch, what do you know?"

"Ask Tan Yun, am I the one who cursed him into eternal reincarnation?"

"It's not my eldest grandson Xuanqi, it's Gong Zhihan!"

"At the beginning, after Gong Zhihan and I seriously injured Tan Yun, I was seriously injured and fell into a coma. After I woke up, Tan Yun had been killed by Gong Zhihan, and was cursed by Gong Zhihan to enter eternal reincarnation!"

"Later, the gods descended to the realm three times in an attempt to destroy the continent where Tan Yun is located, all of which were sent by Gong Zhihan!"

At this time, the silent Tan Yun said, "Enough, stop arguing."

Immediately, Changsun Xuanqi and Yuyan stopped talking.

Tan Yun took a deep breath, looked at the elder Sun Xuanqi, and said: "The memory image cannot be faked. From the memory image, I admit that I had feelings for you at that time, otherwise, I would not say that I will definitely marry you."

"I'm sorry, I don't remember what happened before, I want to ask, what happened afterwards to make you and I completely turn against each other?"

Hearing this, Changsun Xuanqi glared at Yuyan angrily, and said, "It's all because of her! It's her who slandered me, she is the one who sows dissension!"

Yuyan said coldly, "You're talking nonsense!"

Tan Yun looked back at Yu Yan and said, "Let her speak first."

"En." Yu Yan nodded her head and stopped talking.

The eldest grandson Xuanqi stuck out a jade finger, pointed at Yuyan and said, "When you found out that Tan Yun was going to be with me, you actually slandered me, saying that I asked my father to arrest your parents and threaten you. While rejecting Tan Yun, let you marry my brother!"

"You despicable villain, didn't you just do this because you and I are usually enemies?"

"Ji Yuyan, you are really shameless. Since you don't like Tan Yun, why do you want to separate him and me?"


After the reprimand, Changsun Xuanqi glared at Tan Yun, "And you, why didn't you believe me back then? I've said it all, I didn't let my father do it, but you just don't believe me!"

"Tan Yun, do you know? I changed myself for you, but in the end, you chose to believe her instead of me!"

Listening to Changsun Xuanqi's words, Yuyan couldn't bear it anymore!

Yuyan said coldly in her eyes: "Changsun Xuanqi, whether I am despicable or you are despicable, you know it well!"

"That's right, when I admitted to the last universe, I didn't agree to Tan Yun's pursuit at first, but that doesn't mean I don't have him in my heart."

"Later, I found out that I fell in love with Tan Yun. When he proposed marriage to me, I was going to agree, but you let your father arrest my parents and threaten me to marry your brother."

"I can only reject Tan Yun!"

"After Tan Yun was rejected by me, he came to Baihua Fairy Valley and accepted you."

"If you and your father weren't so despicable, how could I reject Tan Yun?"

Hearing this, Changsun Xuanqi was furious and said: "Sophistry, you are sophistry!"

At this moment, Tan Yun, who was watching the words and expressions, found that the elder Sun Xuanqi and Yu Yan didn't look like they were lying.

"Could it be that there is some misunderstanding?" Tan Yun said.

"There is no misunderstanding!" Changsun Xuanqi said, "It was she who slandered me and snatched you away from me!"

Almost at the same time, Yuyan said angrily, "Husband, don't believe her!"

Tan Yun, who was full of doubts, waved his hands and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, Yu Yan, tell me what happened later."

"Yeah." Yu Yan's beautiful eyes were wet and tears could be seen faintly, "At the beginning, after I rejected you, you left the Immortal Ancient God Clan, went to Baihua Fairy Valley, and found Changsun Xuanqi."

"Not long after, I learned that you fell into the hands of the eldest grandson Pengkun. The eldest grandson Pengkun threatened your father with you, and then, you chose to kill yourself in order not to hurt your father."

Tan Yun said: "I know what happened next. After you married my dead body, you found the eldest grandson Xuanqi and killed her, and the eldest grandson Pengkun killed your parents and then you."

"Yes." Yu Yan said, "That's how it happened."

"En." Tan Yun nodded, looked at Changsun Xuanqi, and said, "I hope you tell the truth, did you let your father arrest Yuyan's parents and force Yuyan to reject me?"

Hearing this, Changsun Xuanqi smiled miserably, "Tan Yun, that's it, that's the kind of person you are."

"I changed myself for you. I trust you more than anyone else, but you never believed in me!"

"I said, I didn't, I didn't!"

"Not only did I not, my father also did not arrest Yuyan's parents, all of this is her conspiracy. Don't let me get your conspiracy!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun frowned and looked at Yu Yan.

Yuyan took a deep breath, looked at Changsun Xuanqi, tears dripping down, "Changsun Xuanqi, you are still sophistry!"

"Both my parents were killed by your father, you still say no?"

Changsun Xuanqi sneered and said, "Pretend, keep pretending!"

"Open your eyes and see!" Yu Yan yelled, and with a wave of her right arm, a puff of divine power was released, condensing a memory image from the vast snowy sky.

When Changsun Xuanqi saw the scenes in the picture, she widened her beautiful eyes and became silent.

In the picture are the scenes of the eldest grandson Pengkun brutally murdering Yuyan's parents.

"How could this be...how could this be?" Changsun Xuanqi looked dull, unable to recover for a moment.

With a flick of Yu Yanyu's arm, the memory image disappeared. She glared at her grandson Xuanqi and said, "What else do you have to say now?"

Changsun Xuanqi turned a deaf ear to it, she tremblingly looked at the eldest grandson Pengkun who fell on the ground, tears welled up in her eyes, "Father, why?"

"Tell me, why are you doing this?"

"Father, didn't you say that you never caught Yuyan's parents? Why did you lie to me?"

"Father, didn't you say that Yuyan slandered her daughter?"

"My daughter always thought that Yu Yan was the one who lied, and she never doubted you, father, but...but my daughter was wrong."

Looking at the heartbroken grandson Xuanqi, the eldest grandson Pengkun apologized, "Daughter, I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry? I trust you so much, but you lie to me like this!" Changsun Xuanqi shook her head, tears in her eyes, "I don't want you to say I'm sorry, I just want to know, what is your purpose for doing this?"

The eldest grandson Pengkun lowered his head and said: "Daughter, you know, your brother has always liked Yuyan, and he did this for his father to make her his brother's woman."

Hearing this, Changsun Xuanqi closed her tearful eyes, her voice was small but icy cold, "Father, you clearly know that my daughter loves Tan Yun deeply."

"You clearly know that if you do this, Tan Yun will definitely think that it is his daughter who asked you to do this. If this is the case, Yuyan will reject him."

"You also know very well that the consequence of what you do is that Tan Yun will turn against his daughter, but you...but you treat me like this for the sake of your brother."

After hearing this, Changsun Pengkun said, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, is it useful?" Eldest Sun Xuanqi cried, "Father, do you know? If you hadn't acted like this back then, at most, my daughter would have let Tan Yun go and let him be with Yuyan."

"My daughter was also prepared to lose him forever, so she could at least be friends with him."

"But, you really shouldn't have arrested Yuyan's parents for your brother's own selfishness, and made things into a mess!"

"Father, you are so confused... Woohoo!"

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