Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1956 Are you crazy!

Chapter 1956 Are you crazy!

Under the bright moonlight, Tan Yun was alone, looking up at the starry sky, with an unconcealable longing in his star pupils.

"Missing Sister Subing, right?" Xuanyuanrou quietly came behind Tan Yun.

"Hmm." Tan Yun withdrew his gaze, turned to look at Xuanyuan Rou, and said, "It's been so many years, I don't know how she is doing in the Supreme Ancestor Realm."

"She must also miss me very much. I can't wait to go to the Supreme Ancestor Realm to find her immediately."

Xuanyuan Rou came to Tan Yun step by step, tidied up the purple robe for Tan Yun, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Sister Subing is smart, I believe her, even if she is in danger in the Supreme Ancestor Realm, she will still It can save the day.”

"After we destroy the extraterrestrial demons, we will work hard to cultivate, soar to the Gaozu Realm as soon as possible, and look for her?"

Tan Yun hugged Xuanyuanrou gently in his arms, nodded heavily and said, "Okay!"

Xuanyuanrou said softly: "Also, I have discussed with Yushu, Qianqian, and Qingcheng that we will not marry you for the time being, and after we find Su Bing, with her blessing, we will get married again, this will be perfect. "

Hearing this, Tan Yun hugged Xuanyuanrou tightly, and said sincerely: "This is not fair to you, you have been with me for so many years, but you haven't been given a title yet."

Xuanyuan Rou said with a smile: "In fact, the status has already been established. Looking at the three major gods, who doesn't know that Yushu, Qianqian, and Qingcheng are your fiancées?"


at the same time.

Outside an antique hall, the handsome Xuanyuan Changfeng looked at the starry sky, thinking of something, his eyes full of longing and excitement.

At this moment, the appearance of Tuoba Yingying appeared in his mind, and he muttered to himself: "When the extraterrestrial demons are destroyed, she will agree to be with me..."

"Who wants to be with you?" Suddenly, a beautiful female voice came from the night.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Changfeng was overjoyed, but saw, under the bright moonlight, Tuoba Yingying, who was dressed in a white dress better than snow, came with a smile on her face.

You know, in Xuanyuan Changfeng's memory, he has hardly seen Tuoba Yingying smile. At this moment, Tuoba Yingying's alluring smile hooked his soul.

"Idiot." Tuoba Yingying came with a smile on her face, standing gracefully in front of Xuanyuan Changfeng.

"I like it when you call me an idiot, I feel very happy." After Xuanyuan Changfeng regained his composure, he opened his arms, wanting to hug Tuoba Yingying.

However, his hands were finally suspended in the void, without hugging her.

He dare not!

He is nervous!

Although he loves Tuoba Yingying deeply, until now, he has never had any physical contact with Tuoba Yingying.

Not to mention hugging, not even holding hands.

"Am I scary?" Tuoba Yingying smiled.

"Ah!" Xuanyuan Changfeng was stunned for a moment, retracted his right hand and scratched his head. For a moment, he couldn't understand the meaning of Tuoba Yingying's words.

Also, this was the first time that Tuoba Yingying took the initiative to find him, and the first time she took the initiative to smile at him. Now he is still in a state of excitement, and he is a little dazed.

"Idiot, what is it?" Tuoba Yingying's stunning face showed a hint of shyness, "Could it be possible for me to take the initiative to hug you?"

Hearing Tuoba Yingying's words, Xuanyuan Changfeng trembled with excitement, almost fainted from happiness, and muttered to himself: "My God! Am I dreaming?"

As he said that, he pinched his face fiercely. When he felt the sting on his face, he realized that he was not dreaming.

Xuanyuan Changfeng took a deep breath suddenly, with trembling arms, he put his arms around Tuoba Yingying's waist, and hugged Tuoba Yingying tightly into his arms.

"Plop, plop—"

Tuoba Yingying clearly heard Xuanyuan Changfeng's heartbeat beating louder and faster.

There was a hint of confusion in her eyes, and she thought to herself: "Is this the sound of a heartbeat? Is this the so-called heartbeat speeding up when you meet a woman you love?"

"What is this taste?"

While Tuoba Yingying was thinking, suddenly she felt Xuanyuan Changfeng's body shaking, she raised her head, and found that Xuanyuan Changfeng had already burst into tears.

"Changfeng, what's wrong with you?" Tuoba Yingying exhaled like blue.

"No, it's nothing." Xuanyuan Changfeng hugged Tuoba Yingying tightly, tears streaming from his eyes, "I'm just too happy."

"Yingying, do you know? I really love you, sometimes, I really want to show you my heart."

"In my heart, you are the most perfect woman in the world, the one I want to protect all my life."

Tuoba Yingying shook her head, her lips parted slightly and said, "Changfeng, I'm not perfect, I'm a heartless woman."

"I admit that I like you, but I have no heart and can't fall in love with you. Do you mind?"

Xuanyuan Changfeng shook his head and said: "I don't mind, as long as you let me take care of you, I will be satisfied."

Hearing this, Tuoba Yingying didn't know what to think of, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes, "Changfeng, I ask you a question, I hope you can answer it truthfully."

"Tell me." Xuanyuan Changfeng couldn't wait.

Tuoba Yingying said: "If one day, my appearance changes, I won't be what I am now, and I won't remember you."

"Will you still love me as much as you do now?"

Xuanyuan Changfeng asked in confusion: "Yingying, why do you say that?"

"I'm just talking casually." Tuoba Yingying smiled, "However, I still hope you can answer truthfully."

"Yes!" Xuanyuan Changfeng replied resoundingly, "I will!"

"Well, I understand." After Tuoba Yingying finished speaking, she slowly closed her beautiful eyes and raised her toes.

Under the moonlight, Xuanyuan Changfeng loosened Ba Yingying's waist with both hands, he held Yingying's cheek, and kissed her red lips.

Tuoba Yingying responded jerky...

After a long time, when Tuoba Yingying was so kissed that she couldn't breathe, she pushed Xuanyuan Changfeng away, and said charmingly: "It's late at night, I should go back."

"I'll see you off." Xuanyuan Changfeng stared at Tuoba Yingying affectionately.

"No, I'll just go back by myself!" Tuoba Yingying smiled, and then disappeared into the night as an afterimage.

Looking at the back of Tuoba Yingying leaving, Xuanyuan Changfeng, who was in a turbulent mood, couldn't calm down for a long time...

After a while.

Chaos God City, Hongmeng Ancestor Divine Palace.

Tan Yun, who was chatting with Xuanyuan Rou, saw Tuoba Yingying floating towards the moonlight.

"Hello, brother and sister-in-law." Tuoba Yingying floated in front of Tan Yun and said with a smile.

After Tan Yun, Xuanyuan Rou and Tuoba Yingying greeted each other, Tan Yun asked, "It's so late, what's the matter?"

"En." Tuoba Yingying responded.

"Come on, let's talk in the room." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he led Xuanyuan Rou into the hall, followed by Tuoba Yingying.

"What's the matter?" Tan Yun asked, looking at Tuoba Yingying's preoccupied look.

Tuoba Yingying pursed her lips and said, "Brother, I have decided that after the extraterritorial universe is pacified this time, I will truly be with Changfeng."

"Okay!" Xuanyuanrou said happily, "Although you don't have a heart, I can see that you like Changfeng."

"Changfeng is a good man worth entrusting for life."

Tuoba Yingying shook her head, looked at Xuanyuan Ju and said, "Sister-in-law, I want to have the same heart as you, and be with Changfeng."

"I want to be a normal woman, and I also want to feel the heartbeat of Changfeng, and I want to fall in love with Changfeng."

As soon as these words came out, Xuanyuan Rou seemed to think of something, her face changed drastically, and she blurted out, "Yingying, are you crazy!"

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