Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1964 weeping with joy

Chapter 1964 Weeping with Joy

Thinking of Tan Yun's death, the girls felt as if the sky was falling!

While the women were mourning and crying, the void in front of them, which was destroyed by the energy storm of the Heart of Chaos and the Heart of Primordial Mist, had begun to gradually recover.

When the huge hole in the dark space disappeared and the void became clear, Yuyan hurriedly released her consciousness. Immediately, she seemed to have discovered something, and her beautiful eyes widened!

"Look, sisters!" Yu Yan said.

The women's hair was flying, and their spiritual consciousness was like an invisible tide, stretching forward at a high speed, and found that in the ruined city, the girl in the red dress was lying in a pool of blood and her body was twitching non-stop.

"Go, go and have a look!"

After Yu Yan finished speaking, she took the lead to fly towards the girl in red dress. She instinctively told herself that this strange girl in red dress was here to save Tan Yun!

Immediately, Xueying got up and led the wounded Xuanyuan Rou, and the girls walked towards the girl in the red skirt.

Not long after, the girls volleyed and landed in front of the girl in the red dress.

When they saw the girl in the red dress, they all changed color!

But seeing the girl in the red skirt who was three thousand feet tall, lying in a pool of blood with disheveled hair, her face could not be seen.

Her whole body was covered with shockingly huge wounds. In the bloody wounds, bones were clearly visible, and her body was twitching in a pool of blood.

Her breath was weak and disordered, and she let out weak moans of pain.

Especially her right hand, even though she had lost flesh and blood and only bones remained, she still held her left fist tightly, even though she was dying, she was unwilling to let go, as if there was something she wanted to protect in the left fist.

"Who are you?" Yuyan asked, her body size soared to three thousand feet, she leaned over and gently turned the miserable girl in red dress over.

But at this moment, the girl in the red skirt was completely changed, and she couldn't see her face!

The girl in the red dress slowly opened her bleeding eyes, she stared blankly at Yu Yan, and while speaking, deliberately changed her voice, and said weakly intermittently: "I... who I am... It doesn't matter."

"The important thing is...he's fine."

After saying that, the girl in the red dress loosened her left fist from the bones of her right hand, stood up precariously, stretched her left arm with difficulty, and extended her left fist towards Yu Yan.

"You said that my husband is not dead, is that true?" Yu Yan trembled with excitement, and tremblingly stretched out her right hand.

The girl in the red dress didn't speak, but slowly stretched out her left fist, and gently placed Tan Yun, whose palm was seriously injured and unconscious, into Yu Yan's hand.

Looking at Tan Yun in the palm of his hand, feeling Tan Yun's faint heartbeat, Yu Yan and the girls wept with joy!

Xueying hugged Xuanyuanrou tightly, "Woooo... Mother, have you seen it? My father is not dead!"

"Well, mother saw it." Xuanyuanrou burst into tears with excitement, and immediately, she knelt down facing the girl in the red dress, and said sincerely: "Thank you for saving my life and Tan Yun's life."

The girls of Yuyan looked at the girl in the red dress and thanked her again and again, weeping with joy, their gratitude was beyond words.

The girl in the red dress glanced at Xuanyuanrou, and immediately, her eyes fell on Tan Yun for three breaths, turning a blind eye to the grateful crowd. She soared into the sky and flew towards the sky.

"Wait a minute!" Yu Yan looked at the girl in the red skirt and shouted, "Your eyes are very familiar, are you the eldest grandson Xuanqi?"

The girl in the red dress disappeared into the sky without saying a word or stopping...

Yuyan looked at the disappearing figure of the girl in the red dress, her eyes showed deep gratitude.

"Sister Yuyan, is she really the eldest grandson Xuanqi?" Tang Mengyan asked.

Yu Yan said with certainty: "Although she has changed her appearance before, and now she is injured and can't see clearly, and her original voice has changed, but I will never admit her mistake."

"This time, we should really thank her. If it wasn't for her not being afraid of life and death to save my husband, my husband would have already left us."

When Yu Yan was speaking, Xuanyuanrou had already sacrificed the top-grade God Venerable Time-Space God Tower, Xue Ying hurriedly leaned over to pick up the unconscious Tan Yun, and entered the Time-Space God Tower.

Afterwards, Xuanyuanrou also started recovering from her injuries.

After half an hour.

Tan Yun's parents and all the city residents who had fled outside the city returned to the ruined city one after another.

When they learned from Tuoba Yingying that Tan Yun's life was not in danger, everyone danced happily in the bustling ruins!

The ruined city can be rebuilt, and the universe is not destroyed, which is their good news!

At the same time, in their hearts, they worshiped Tan Yun more and more.

Because they knew that without Tan Yun, they would not be who they are now!

Tuoba Yingying immediately ordered people to go to Chaos God Realm, Shiyuan God Realm, Hongmeng Nine Great Immortal Realms, Chaos Immortal Realm, and Shiyuan Immortal Realm, and told the gods and immortals that Master Hongmeng Ancestral God had successfully prevented the Great Destruction of the universe and saved all living beings !

And let the great immortal emperors notify the mortal planes under their jurisdiction and tell the mortal monks about this!

Looking at Tuoba Yingying who was arranging affairs, Xuanyuan Changfeng not far away showed a look of obsession.

Tuoba Yingying suddenly looked back, smiled, and said via voice transmission: "Idiot, what are you looking at?"

"I see you." Xuanyuan Changfeng said via voice transmission: "You are really beautiful."

"Poor mouth." Tuoba Yingying smiled slightly.

Xuanyuan Changfeng seemed to have thought of something, and said with expectant eyes: "Yingying, you must not go back on what you promised me."

"Don't worry, I won't regret it." Tuoba Yingying said through voice transmission: "I will be with you after my brother recovers from his injuries."

"En." Xuanyuan Changfeng was extremely excited.

However, he didn't know what a heavy price Tuoba Yingying would pay to be with him!

An hour later, night fell.

Xuanyuan Rou had already recovered from her injuries on the second floor of the Supreme God Venerable Time-Space God Tower. At this moment, she was nestling in front of Tan Yun's couch, watching Tan Yun quietly.

Not long after, Tan Yun recovered from his injuries, his eyelids trembled slowly, and he slowly opened his eyes. When he found that Xuanyuan Rou was staring at him affectionately, he was taken aback for a moment. Immediately, an unstoppable excitement appeared in his star pupils. Excited, "Rou'er... I... Am I alive?"

"En." Xuanyuan Rou nodded heavily and said, "You're not dead."

"Really?" Tan Yun got up and said in disbelief, "How could I not die?"

"Because that girl in the red skirt saved you at a critical moment." When Xuanyuan Rou spoke, her eyes were full of gratitude.

"She saved me?" Tan Yun asked confusedly, "Why did she save me? She and I have never met before."

Xuanyuanrou said in an uncertain tone: "Sister Yuyan said that she is none other than the eldest grandson Xuanqi."

"Xuan Qi?" Tan Yun frowned, and immediately asked, "Are you sure?"

"Sister Yuyan said that from the look in her eyes, she can be sure that it is the eldest grandson Xuanqi." Xuanyuanrou said, "This time, you must thank her properly."

"She almost died trying to save you."

"Yes." Tan Yun nodded and said, "When did she leave?"

"It's been more than an hour since I left." Xuanyuanrou said truthfully.

"It's far away, and I can't catch up." Tan Yun said: "In a few days, after the construction of the Hongmeng God City, I will go to the Chaos God Sea to find her."

At this moment, Tan Yun's heart was full of gratitude and touch to the grandson Xuanqi!

He never expected that Changsun Xuanqi, who cared so much about him, would show up at a critical moment and save his life.

This kindness, I must remember in my heart.

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