Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1972 Extremely tyrannical!

Chapter 1972 Extremely tyrannical!

"Looking for death!" The golden-robed young man swung his right arm at the great general, and immediately, a terrifying aura enveloped the great general.


With a dull bang, the great general turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared before he could utter a scream.

Seeing this, the divine soldiers on the tower hurriedly shouted: "Come here! There are enemies!"

"Who is it, dare to act wild here!"

Following an old voice, Commander Wu Cheng, who was already in the God Realm, came out of nowhere from the tower.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, he was the one who killed Great General Li Long!" said a soldier pointing at the golden-robed young man under the city gate.

Commander Wu Cheng looked down at the young man in the golden robe, his turbid pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't see the other party's cultivation level.

Although he knew that the opponent's level was higher than his own, Commander Wu Cheng was not afraid at all. In his opinion, looking at the three major god realms, no one dared to act wild in the city of Hongmeng.

Without waiting for Commander Wu Cheng to speak, the young man in the golden robe grinned grimly and said, "A mere ant in the God Realm dares to disrespect this young master, damn it!"

The young man in the golden robe stood with his hands behind his back, flipped his right hand, and thrust out a palm towards Commander Wu Cheng!


Immediately, a giant hand of a thousand feet condensed by divine power bombarded the large defensive formation in front of the tower with the collapsed void.

Commander Wu Cheng's expression changed drastically. He thought that with the presence of the city guards, he would be safe and sound. However, he was completely wrong!

In an instant, shocking cracks were covered in the curtains of the moat, and the aura emanating from the giant palm of the divine power penetrated the curtains and swallowed Commander Wu Cheng.

"Master Hongmeng Patriarch, there are enemies coming!"

As soon as Commander Wu Cheng's words fell, his whole body turned into a cloud of blood mist from the top of the city tower, and there were no bones left.

The cry before his death resounded throughout the outer and inner city of Hongmeng, tens of billions of city residents and soldiers heard the words and were baffled.

In their view, how could there be an enemy coming?

In addition, all the soldiers on the tower were completely terrified!

They never imagined that the young man in the golden robe would easily kill Commander Wu Cheng through the protective formation.

You must know that Commander Wu Cheng is a strong man in the God Realm!

Just how strong is that golden-robed youth?

at the same time.

In the Hongmeng Divine Mansion, in the ultimate time-space divine tower, Tan Yun, who was already at the third level of the Ancestral King Realm, suddenly opened his eyes.

Tan Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, had his hair flying, and his invisible consciousness poured out of the tower, extending to the outer city of Hongmeng God City in his breath.

While Tan Yun was observing through his spiritual sense, Yuyan, Xuanyuan Rou, and Nangong Yuqin all entered the second-floor divine tower where Tan Yun was.

The girls also released their spiritual sense, and saw the young man in the golden robe outside the city gate.

"It's so powerful!" Tan Yun was shocked, stood up suddenly, looked at the women and said, "The strength of the young man in the golden robe is unfathomable, and the thousands of subordinates he brought are all in the Ninth Layer Ancestral Emperor Realm!"

Since Tan Yun could see at a glance the realm of a strong man two realms higher than himself, he could see the cultivation of the golden-robed youth's subordinates.

At the same time, Tan Yun knew that since he couldn't see the cultivation of the golden-robed youth, he was at least at the fourth-layer Ancestral Emperor Realm!

Thinking of this, Tan Yun looked at Xuanyuan Rou, and asked: "Rou'er, you can tell anyone's cultivation level, just take a look, what strength is that young man in golden robe?"

Xuanyuanrou's face was pale, and he said in a trembling voice, "He, he is the Eightfold Patriarch."

"What, Eightfold Patriarch!" Tan Yun looked shocked.

So are the women.

In Tan Yun's heart, even with his third-level ancestor king's realm, he may not be able to kill a ninth-level ancestor king realm powerhouse.

But the other party has thousands of strong men in the Ninth Layer Ancestral Emperor Realm, and the leader is an Eighth Layer Ancestor Emperor. In front of the opponent, he is as weak as an ant!

"Husband, these people must have come from the Supreme Ancestor Realm." Yu Yan said solemnly: "They killed people as soon as they came, it seems that the comers are not good!"

Just as Yu Yan was speaking, Tan Yun and the girls discovered through their spiritual senses that the tens of thousands of soldiers guarding the city gates below the city tower exploded under the roar of the golden-robed youth!

At this moment, Tan Yun heard the unquestionable voice of the young man in gold robes, "Ancestor Hongmeng, I'm giving you a chance, get out immediately, otherwise, I don't mind massacring the city."

"Husband, don't go out." Nangong Yuqin said.

Tan Yun shook his head and said, "No, I have to go out, the defensive array can't stop the opponent at all."

"The situation is urgent, all of you listen to me." Tan Yun looked at the girls and said, "The large array of guards prevents the prying eyes of the gods, so he can't see us."

"Take your loved ones and hide immediately!"

"Remember, no matter what happens, don't come out!"

After saying that, Tan Yun got up and was about to walk outside the tower.

"Husband, you have to be careful!" Tang Mengyan's beautiful eyes were filled with tears.

Tan Yun turned around and hugged Tang Mengyan tightly into his arms, and said loudly: "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will endure it and survive!"

After Tan Yun finished speaking, he quickly stepped out of the tower and flew towards the outer city of Hongmeng God City at top speed...

And Yu Yan's daughters immediately connected Tan Yun's parents, as well as their own relatives, into the top-grade God Venerable Time and Space God Tower.

At this moment, all the closest women around Tan Yun entered the tower, except Shen Suzhen, who was in charge of the Chaos God City, was not there.

Afterwards, Yu Yan took the Space-Time God Tower and hid in Hongmeng Shenshan.

Inside the tower, Tan Yun's parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law looked extremely panicked...

After a while.

"Senior Young Master calm down, this junior is here."

With a sound of respect, Tan Yun descended from the sky and landed on the tower, looking down at the young man in the golden robe below, pretending to be terrified.

"Come out and speak." The young man in the golden robe said without any rebuttal.

"Yes, yes, yes." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he hurriedly untied the protective formation, lingkongfei landed in front of the young man in gold robe, and bowed deeply: "I don't know what orders you have for descending into the lower universe?"

The young man in the golden robe said indifferently: "Ant, is this how you talk to this young master?"


The young man in the golden robe kicked Tan Yun in the chest, and the kick was so fast that Tan Yun had no time to react.


Tan Yun felt that his viscera seemed to be displaced, and he spewed blood. His body was like a kite with a broken string. It hit the city wall hard, and then fell to the ground.

Tan Yun spat out a mouthful of blood again, shook his head, and when tremblingly wanted to stand up, the young man in the golden robe said condescendingly: "Kneel down and crawl over like a dog to answer!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun was taken aback, roaring like a wild beast in his heart, "I'll bear it!"

"I swear, as long as I don't die, I will definitely tear you into pieces!"

Tan Yun, who endured the humiliation, took a deep breath, knelt down on the ground, and crawled towards the golden-robed youth.

Climbing to the front and back of the young man in the golden robe, Tan Yun lowered his head and said, "What is your order, Senior Young Master?"

"What's your name?" The golden-robed youth said.

"The junior is called Tan Yun." Tan Yun said truthfully.

"Yes." The young man in the golden robe expressed his knowledge, and said without a doubt: "My young master, I don't want to waste time in this low-level universe."

"My young master only said it once, you heard clearly."

"Don't ask why, immediately gather tens of billions of strong men for this young master, and go to the Supreme Ancestor Realm with this young master."

Hearing this, Tan Yun's heart trembled, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously, and he said cautiously: "Excuse me, Senior Young Master, you are a superior existence, and we are just ants in your eyes."

"What do you want us to do in the Supreme Ancestor Realm?"

The golden-robed youth sternly said: "You bastard, has my young master allowed you to speak?"

"Say one more word and die!"

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