Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1974 Inhumane

Chapter 1974: Inhumane

Just as Tan Yun was thinking to himself, an old hoarse voice came from above the altar, "Young Master, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard." The young man in the golden robe said with yearning expression: "High Priest, this young master went to the lower universe this time and caught tens of billions of ants. I wonder if these blood sacrifice ingredients are enough for my father to be reborn?"

From the conversation between the high priest and the young man in the golden robe, Tan Yun learned that the high priest was going to help the young man in the golden robe to rebirth his father!

"Enough is enough." The high priest's hoarse voice came from above the altar that pierced into the sky.

"That's great!" The golden-robed youth said excitedly, "When my father is reborn, at that time, I, the Bliss Divine Sect, must make the East Continent, the Nanzhou, and the Beizhou Gods look good!"

"That's natural!" The high priest's voice filled with murderous intent sounded in the sky, "When the suzerain is reborn, sooner or later, our Western Continent God Realm will dominate the Gaozu Realm under the leadership of our Bliss Sect!"

"En." The golden-robed youth nodded heavily: "The young master will deal with other matters first, and these ants will be handed over to you, the high priest."

"Okay. Young master, go slowly." The high priest sitting cross-legged on the top of the altar in the vast sea of ​​clouds said.

The high priest was about ninety, wearing a jet-black robe. Even though he was sitting cross-legged, he was as tall as 40,000 feet. There is no doubt that if the high priest stood up, he would be as tall as 100,000 feet.

After the high priest watched the young man in the golden robe leave, he looked down at the tens of billions of soldiers in the square, except for Tan Yun, who had already been trembling with fright, and their turbid pupils showed contempt for life.

He said indifferently: "Come here, bring them into the Palace of Bliss, let these ants climb up to Bliss, and get their blood and soul."

"It's the high priest!"

With the sound of respect, three disciples wearing the robes of the Bliss God Sect flew from the sky above the Bliss Altar Square and landed in front of Tan Yun. They said without a doubt: "Follow me obediently, you will die comfortably!" Point, otherwise, you will die ugly!"

After saying that, the three disciples soared into the sky and flew towards the east of the altar square.

"These three are just the ancestors of the fifth level. With my leapfrog challenge, it should be easy to deal with them. However, I cannot escape from the Bliss Sect with tens of billions of soldiers!"

Thinking of this, Tan Yun soared into the air with tens of billions of divine soldiers, and flew away with the three disciples of the Bliss Sect. Not long after, they landed in a magnificent palace in the east of the altar square.

This palace is the Hall of Ultimate Bliss.

"Come in!" The three disciples yelled and stepped into the Hall of Bliss.

After Tan Yun and others entered the Hall of Bliss, all the god soldiers quickened their pace, surpassed Tan Yun, and surrounded Tan Yun in the middle.

Obviously, although they knew that whoever walked ahead would die sooner, but even so, they still restrained their fear and protected Tan Yun!

Tan Yun's eyes were deeply moved!

There is heaven and earth in the Palace of Bliss, and it only occupies a million feet from the outside, but after Tan Yun and others entered, they discovered that the internal space has been expanded by tens of thousands of times, enough to easily accommodate hundreds of billions of people.

When Tan Yun and others followed the three disciples to the center of the Hall of Bliss, in the depths of the hall, a disciple who was as tall as ten thousand feet and exuded evil spirit stood up.

Tan Yun's pupils shrank, and he realized that this person was at the second level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm!

The disciple, who was full of evil spirit, looked at Tan Yun and the others, and said with a sinister smile: "Next, I will let you ascend to the bliss, and before you die, remember that my name is Luo Long, hahahahahahahaha!"

As soon as the laughter fell, Luo Long opened his giant hand, and the power of the ancestors erupted from the palm, covering hundreds of divine soldiers, and took hundreds of divine soldiers into his palms!




"Crack, click—"

The screams of the god soldiers stopped abruptly, but they were grabbed by Luo Long's right palm.

Luo Long held hundreds of shattered corpses, letting the blood flow out of his fists.

After the blood flowed out of Luo Long's fist, it was scattered in a huge container below.


Luo Long loosened his right palm, and the bones of hundreds of soldiers fell to the ground.

Looking at the dead body on the ground, Tan Yun's eyes were wet in the crowd, his fists were clenched tightly, and endless anger filled his heart!

Tears welled up in the eyes of the other soldiers.

Such a cruel scene is infuriating!

However, Luo Long seemed to be enjoying himself, "The ants are indeed ants, if you pinch them lightly, they will all die hahahaha!"

At this time, the souls of hundreds of dead soldiers were floating in the hall, looking at Luo Long and cursing one after another:

"Luolong, you bastard, let me tell you, we are not afraid of death! Sooner or later, you will suffer retribution!"

"Luolong, you bastard, just wait, one day, your death will be thousands of times worse than ours!"


Facing everyone's insults, Luo Long snorted, and with a wave of his right arm, a wave of ancestor power swept over the souls of the crowd, and put the souls into a giant gourd beside him.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Long grabbed hundreds of divine soldiers and used the same inhumane method to kill the divine soldiers alive to collect blood and souls.

I don't know when, Tan Yun, who didn't say a word, had already burst into tears like all the soldiers!


He hated himself for his low strength, and watched helplessly that the soldiers loyal to him were killed like this!

Self-blame, anger, and helplessness filled Tan Yun's heart. Tan Yun closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look any further.

And at this moment, voice transmissions from divine soldiers sounded in Tan Yun's mind:

"Master Hongmeng Patriarch, you must find a way to survive!"

"Master Patriarch, only if you survive can you take revenge..."

"Master Patriarch, don't blame yourself, we are not afraid of death..."


Hearing the voices of the gods and soldiers, Tan Yun clenched his fists tightly, his nails pierced his palms, and the blood kept falling in the hall.

"I must find a chance to escape. Only by living can I get revenge!" Tan Yun's desire to survive was stronger than ever.

In the next hour, Luo Long still used the same method to brutally kill the divine soldier.

In just one hour, more than 100,000 soldiers died in his hands!

When blood spilled all over the utensils in front of Luo Long, Luo Long ordered two disciples to carry the utensils out and give them to the high priest.

And Luolong once again sacrificed a bottle of utensils, and continued to slaughter the divine soldiers...

The stars are moving, three days have passed, and the bright moon is in the sky.

The number of magic soldiers who died in the hands of Luo Long has reached two million!

At this moment, Luo Long looked at the three disciples in front of him and said: "I am tired, you look at them, I will go to rest for the night."

"It's Senior Brother!" The three of them said in unison, respectful.

"Yeah." Luo Long nodded, and strode out of the Hall of Ultimate Joy.

Looking at Luo Long's leaving back, Tan Yunxing's eyes revealed a gleam of brilliance, and finally found a chance to escape.

In order to prevent Luo Long from leaving and returning, Tan Yun did not act immediately, he waited for another two hours, and did not decide to act until late at night when he was sure that Luo Long would not return again.


The void oscillated, Tan Yun waved his right arm, and the door of the palace closed with a bang.

"Everyone keep quiet." When Tan Yun sent a voice transmission to the god soldiers, the god soldiers immediately fell silent.

"Hongmeng Overlord Body!"

In a single thought, Tan Yun's body size skyrocketed to a gigantic size.

The three disciples looked at Tan Yun, who was as tall as themselves, and were taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly:

"What? You are a mere ant in the third-level ancestor king realm, do you still have to do it?"

"Hahaha! Ants, come on! Do it!"

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