Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1976 Five Great God Domains

Chapter 1976: The Five Gods

The disciple said truthfully: "There are two kinds of products of heaven and earth in the Supreme Ancestor Realm for the cultivation of the gods."

"The first one is called the heaven and earth gods, which are provided to the gods below the ancestral realm to devour and practice."

"When the ancestral king's realm is perfected and promoted to the ancestral queen, he will swallow the second product of the world, the ancestral qi, and swallow the ancestral qi into the spirit pool, and transform it into ancestral power."

"The power of ancestral power is several times stronger than divine power."

After hearing this, Tan Yun was taken aback, and asked, "I heard in the lower universe that the Patriarch King Realm only reaches the ninth level? How can there be Dzogchen?"

"Also, in the Supreme Ancestor Realm, newborn babies also need to practice, so how do they refine their divine power?"

The disciple said: "The information you got before is wrong, the Patriarch King Realm and above realms all have Dzogchen."

"Babies just born in the Supreme Ancestor Realm will condense their godheads on their own, and will become first-class gods."

Hearing this, Tan Yun's heart stirred up turbulent waves, and the Supreme Ancestor Realm was indeed not comparable to the universe he was in before.

You must know that in the lower universe, after a person is born, he must first become a monk, and then go through the catastrophe many times before he can ascend to the throne.

To become a fairy queen, one has to go through catastrophes again and again before she can condense into a godhead and become a god!

But what about Gaozu Realm?

How terrifying is it that a newborn baby can condense into a godhead?

Restraining his shock, Tan Yun asked again: "What's your young master's name?"

"Our young master is called Huyan Yingfeng."

"Huyan Yingfeng, I remember you!" After Tan Yun said harshly, he asked again: "I heard from you before that there are four continents in the Supreme Ancestor Realm. Tell me the structure of the Supreme Ancestor Realm."

"Yes." The disciple said with a dull expression: "The Supreme Ancestor Realm is mainly composed of five great god realms."

"They are the East Continent God Realm, the South Continent God Realm, the North Continent God Realm, our West Continent God Realm, and the Sea of ​​Demons."

"The center of the Supreme Ancestor Realm is the Sea of ​​Demons."

Hearing this, Tan Yun said: "What are the powerful forces in the five great gods?"

The disciple said: "The Dongzhou God Realm has the Dongzhou Ancestral Dynasty, the Nanzhou God Realm has the Nanzhou Ancestor Dynasty, and the Beizhou God Realm has the Beizhou Ancestor Dynasty. The Demon Sea Territory is very mysterious and terrifying, I don't know."

"There are three major factions in our Western Continent God's Domain, namely the Xizhou Ancestral Dynasty, the Bliss Divine Sect, and the Tianmen Shrine."

"I only know about the three ancestral dynasties in the other Three Continents, and I don't know about the other forces."

Tan Yun said again: "How vast are the five great gods?"

The disciple subconsciously froze, "I don't know, it's too vast."

Thinking of Shen Subing who didn't know where he was, Tan Yunjian frowned and said, "How vast is it? With my triple strength of the Ancestral King Realm, how long would it take to fly around the Western Continent God Realm?"

The disciple thought for a while and said, "At least 30,000 years."

"What? Thirty thousand years!" Tan Yun was extremely shocked. In this way, the Xizhou God Realm alone is thousands of times larger than the combined area of ​​the Primordial God Realm, Chaos God Realm, and Shiyuan God Realm!

How could Tan Yun not be shocked?

"Well, it will take 30,000 years." The disciple said with certainty.

Tan Yunxing's eyes showed deep anticipation, and with a wave of his right arm, a divine power condensed a picture from the cave.

On the screen are Shen Subing and the middle-aged man in the colorful robes who took her away, "Do you know them?"

"I don't know." The disciple said.

"Take a closer look." Tan Yun said, "This middle-aged man in the seven-colored divine robe is a strong man in your Supreme Ancestor Realm."

"I don't know." The disciple said.

Hearing this, Tan Yun felt lost in his heart, the Supreme Ancestral Realm is so vast, if he wanted to find Shen Subing, it would undoubtedly be a needle in a haystack!

"Improve your strength!" Tan Yun said firmly, "Only by improving your strength can you increase your flying speed and shorten the time to find Subing."

"You can still have the ability to protect yourself!"

Thinking of this, Tan Yun asked, "Tell me, what is the relationship between the Tianmen Shrine in the Western Continent, the Xizhou Ancestral Dynasty, and the Bliss Divine Sect?"

The disciple said truthfully: "The three major forces stand on each other's feet, and they are usually incompatible with each other."

"Which force is the most powerful?" Tan Yun said.

"There is no distinction between equals." The disciple said, and said: "It should be our Bliss Divine Sect who is stronger."

"How many disciples do you have in the Bliss Sect?" Tan Yun asked.

"There are more than three billion." The disciple said truthfully.

"So many!" Tan Yun's heart sank, "And how are the realms in the Supreme Ancestor Realm divided?"

The disciple truthfully said: "The realms are, in order, Heavenly God Realm, Semi-Holy Realm, Great Saint Realm, Saint King Realm, Holy Emperor Realm, God King Realm, Heavenly Venerable Realm, Supreme God Realm, Divine Prestige Realm, Supreme Venerable Realm, Ancestor God Realm, Ancestral realm."

"Above the ancestor king is the ancestor emperor realm, the ancestor emperor realm, the ancestor saint realm, the Taoist realm, the dao god realm, the dao king realm, the dao emperor realm, the dao emperor realm, the dao saint realm, and the dao ancestral realm."

"It is said that there is another realm above the Dao Ancestor Realm. As for what realm it is, I don't know."

After hearing this, Tan Yun expressed his understanding, and asked, "How are the grades of magic treasures above the ancestral vessel divided?"

The disciple said: "Above the ancestor artifacts are the ancestor emperor artifacts, the ancestor emperor artifacts, the ancestor sacred artifacts, the Dao artifacts, the Dao divine artifacts, the Dao king artifacts, the Dao emperor artifacts, the Dao emperor artifacts, the Dao holy artifacts, and the Dao ancestor artifacts."

"Each grade is divided into top grade, top grade, middle grade, and low grade."

Hearing this, Tan Yun said, "Do you have a jade slip of the map of the Supreme Ancestor Realm?"

"No." The disciple said: "Only the map jade slip of our Western Continent God Realm."

"Is it this?" Tan Yun took out a jade slip from the ancestral ring.


"Okay, I got it." Tan Yun asked again: "How do I leave the High Ancestor Realm and return to my lower universe?"

The disciple said: "In our Western Continent God's Domain, only our Bliss God Sect possesses the ancestral artifact that opened up the cosmic barrier of the Supreme Ancestor Realm. No one else can leave the Supreme Ancestral Realm."

Hearing this, Tan Yun frowned, and muttered to himself: "In this way, the middle-aged man in the seven-colored divine robe who took Su Bing away was not from the Western Continent God Realm."

"Also, in the vast Western Continent God's Domain, only the Bliss Sect has the ability to leave the High Ancestor Realm and go to the lower universe."

"Then that is to say, the power behind the middle-aged man in the seven-colored divine robe must not be simple."

Thinking of this, Tan Yun ordered to the disciple, "After you return to the Bliss Sect, find a place where no one is around, and kill yourself!"

"Yes." The disciple said.

Tan Yun resisted the urge to tear the disciple apart, and said in a deep voice, "Get lost!"

After hearing this, the disciple flew out of the cave.

Tan Yun released his consciousness and penetrated into the jade slip of the map. Immediately, the shrunk-down map of the Western Continent Divine Realm appeared in Tan Yun's mind.

Tan Yun learned from the jade slips of the map that in the Western Continent God's Domain, besides the Xizhou Ancestral Dynasty, the Bliss Divine Sect, and the Tianmen Divine Palace, there are many powerful forces.

In addition, in the vast and boundless Western Continent God Territory, there are many secret places for treasure hunting, and the two most powerful secret places are controlled by the Bliss Sect.

After putting away the jade slips of the map, Tan Yun's eyes showed a desire for great power, "I will find a way to enter the Xizhou Ancestral Dynasty or the Tianmen Temple to seek shelter."

"Only by being sheltered can one improve one's strength at the fastest speed of cultivation."

"Also, I want to learn pills, arrays, tools, and talismans. With my comprehension of the four arts, as long as someone is willing to teach me, I will surely improve by leaps and bounds in the four arts when I comprehend them!"

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