Chapter 1997 Shocked

Thinking of this, Tan Yunzhu said loudly: "Reporting to the Supreme Master, this junior does not change other requirements, but just wants to learn about the secret scriptures and experience of the Four Arts of the Patriarch of the Four Arts Starfield."

"Are you sure?" Dao Kun said, "You have to know that your decision wasted a rare opportunity."

"This junior is sure." Tan Yun said decisively.

"Okay, this is your choice, don't regret it." Dao Kun said: "Later, the old man will go to the Terran Starfield to meet the Palace Master, and he will probably come back in two days."

"After the old man returns, I will give you my master's secret code of the four arts and the experience of the four arts."

"But you have to remember, after you get the secret book of the four arts and the experience of the four arts, you swear that you will not let the beast star field and the human star field watch it, let alone let people outside the Tianmen Temple see it."

"Junior obey." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he said confusedly: "The Supreme Sage, in the lower universe, the oath cannot restrain the gods. Could it be that the Supreme Ancestor Realm can?"

"Of course." Dao Kun said.

After Tan Yun thought about it, he felt that there was nothing unusual about it, because, due to the system of the Supreme Ancestor Realm, the newly born babies could all get the godhead and become a first-class god!

"Okay, it's getting late, this old man should go." Daokun turned around and walked out of the hall.

Tan Yun's performance today made him feel happy, but when he thought of going to meet the palace lord and voluntarily giving up the game of four arts in a hundred years later, the smile on his face disappeared.

"The younger generation respectfully sends the Grand Priest." Tan Yun faced Daokun's back and bowed deeply, but Daokun disappeared.

Xin Bingxuan looked out of the hall, with sadness and helplessness in her beautiful eyes.

Tan Yun saw the change in her expression, and asked casually, "Saint, what's wrong with you?"

"Sigh." Xin Bingxuan sighed: "Palace Master and Master both know that after a hundred years, the Four Arts game between the disciples of the Four Arts Star Field and the disciples of the Beast Race Star Field and the Human Race Star Field will undoubtedly lose. Therefore, the Palace Master proposed three days ago, Give my master three days to consider whether the Four Arts Starfield will give up on its own initiative."

Tan Yun frowned, "Give up voluntarily to save face?"

"En." Xin Bingxuan nodded.

"If you give up voluntarily, will the Four Arts Starfield still exist in a hundred years?" Tan Yun asked, in Tan Yun's mind, he still cared more about this issue.

From Tan Yun's point of view, his purpose of entering Tianmen Shrine is to avoid troubles, improve his strength and learn the four skills.

If the Four Arts Starfield is still there, there are only tens of millions of disciples in total. Naturally, there are far fewer strong people than the Human Race Starfield and the Beast Race Starfield.

In short, Tan Yun felt that the Four Arts Starfield was easy to mess with. If the Four Arts Starfield was annexed, it would be difficult for him to enter the Human Race Starfield with as many as 1.2 billion disciples.

It's not that Tan Yun is timid and timid, but that he just wants to stay in the Four Arts Starfield to quietly improve his strength, that's all.

Xin Bingxuan looked at Tan Yun, shook her head, and thought that the Four Arts Starfield created by Taizu would no longer exist in a hundred years, her eyes gradually became moist.

Tan Yunjian frowned, "The junior has something to say, I don't know if it should be said or not."

"Let's talk." Xin Bingxuan said.

Tan Yun's expression turned serious, "The Starfield of Four Arts is synonymous with the Four Arts of Tianmen Shrine, which is enough to prove that the Starfield of Four Arts has been brilliant in the past."

"Even if you fall, you can't retreat without a fight!"

Xin Bingxuan's sweet voice was full of helplessness, "Master doesn't want to retreat without a fight, but in order to save the last bit of face for the Four Arts Starfield, this is the only way to go."

"The juniors don't agree with this statement." Tan Yundao: "I think the patriarch is in the spirit of heaven, and I don't want to see him retreat without a fight."

"Why?" Xin Bingxuan frowned lightly.

Tan Yun said: "From the perspective of the younger generation, since the patriarch was able to establish the Four-Spell Starfield, he was still the deputy palace master in the past, and he, the Human Race Starfield, and the Beast Race Starfield stood up as three pillars in the Tianmen Divine Palace, and together they made the Tianmen Divine Palace the Western Continent." One of the best sects in God's Domain, the Patriarch must be a generation of heroes."

"You are right, the patriarch is indeed a generation of heroes." Xin Bingxuan agreed.

Tan Yun said: "In Xiongxiong's heart, he will never choose to retreat without fighting. He would rather die in battle than live on his knees."

"Although the younger generation's analogy is not appropriate, but the younger generation believes that if the patriarch has a spirit in heaven, he will not agree with the Supreme Holy Elder's approach."

"The Four Arts Starfield retreated without a fight. In a sense, it did retain its last face, but also..." Tan Yun paused, hesitant to speak.

"Tell me, I don't blame you." Xin Bingxuan said.

Tan Yun said: "But it also means losing dignity. Face is like a face with dignity. If dignity is gone, what's the point of face?"

"Also, if you retreat without a fight, you are retreating and you are cowardly. Even if you want to lose, you have to lose openly and without regret."

"This is the junior's heartfelt words, and I don't mean to offend the Grand Priest."

Hearing this, Xin Bingxuan did not answer Tan Yun, but murmured to herself: "Face is like a face with dignity, dignity is gone, why do you need face..."

Suddenly, Xin Bingxuan turned into an afterimage, rushed out of the hall at a high speed, soared into the sky from the Wuji Taoist Temple, and disappeared at the end of the sky...

"It seems that she is chasing the Grand Priest." Tan Yun heaved a sigh of relief, then turned and walked towards the backyard of Wuji Taoist Temple.


Tan Yun paused, feeling a wave of murderous intent enveloped him, all the people who came were from the Ancestral Emperor Realm!

"Elite disciple Zhao Yuanlong, I need to see the Supreme Master." At this time, a respectful voice came from outside the Wuji Taoist Temple.

Tan Yun didn't run away, because he knew that the opponent's consciousness had already locked him.

"They must be aware that the Supreme Elder and Xin Bingxuan left, and that's why they showed up."

"Since I'm an elite disciple, it's probably because I killed Mi Yu, the younger brother of Mi Qin, the number one powerhouse in the Four Arts Starfield, and Mi Qin came to seek revenge on me."

"Since Mi Qin is the number one elite disciple of the Four Arts Starfield, he must be the Great Perfection of the Ancestral Emperor Realm!"

Thinking of this, Tan Yun's heart shuddered, and delicate cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He knew that if he went all out, he might not be able to kill the powerhouse at the eighth level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm. If Miqin really came, he would be in danger.

At this moment, there are twelve elite disciples standing outside the Wuji Taoist Temple, ten men and two women.

The leader is a young man named Zhao Yuanlong and a woman named Liu Feng, both of whom are at the eighth level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm.

There are nine men and one woman behind them, three of them are from the fifth level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm, five are from the sixth level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm, and two are from the seventh level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm.

Inside the Wuji Taoist Temple, Tan Yunxing's eyes revealed a flash of light, and with a wave of his right arm, a wave of divine power overturned the potted plants in the Taoist Temple. Then, while shooting up into the sky from the backyard, it released the divine consciousness from the twelve people. swept away.

"Grass, there are two elite disciples from the eighth level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm!"

Tan Yun turned pale with shock, a vast amount of divine power spewed out of his body, and he desperately used the Grandmist God's Step, disappeared into the night, and flickered towards the northern sky.

"No matter what, I will survive!" Tan Yun said firmly.

At the same time, Tan Yun judged from the realm of twelve people that there was no Mi Qin among the visitors. As for why Mi Qin didn't come in person, Tan Yun didn't have the heart to think at all!

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