Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2000 Fierce Battle

Chapter 2000 Fierce Battle

The scene where Tan Yun killed the female disciple at the fifth level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm with one blow shocked everyone!

Shocked Tan Yun's speed!

Shocked by Tan Yun's ability to leapfrog challenges!

"Junior brothers at the fifth and sixth levels of the Ancestral Emperor Realm, I'm afraid you are no match for him, retreat quickly!" Liu Feng hurriedly said: "Leave him to me and Junior Brother Zhao!"

"Okay..." When the few people who surrounded Tan Yun took orders, Tan Yunxing's eyes burst out with monstrous murderous intent, and his speed suddenly increased to the extreme, and he used the grand step.

"A group of bastards, go to hell!"


Under Tan Yun's three times the speed, like an erratic ghost, he rushed towards the fifth-layer male disciple of the Ancestral Emperor Realm who took the lead.

"Senior Sister Liu, help me..."

"Brother Zhao, save me..."

"Bang bang!"

Their hoarse cries for help stopped abruptly, and Tan Yun kicked their heads in the air, causing their skulls to shatter and killed them on the spot.

Immediately, Tan Yun kicked the chests of the two headless corpses like lightning, and the two corpses exploded from the primordial void, turning into two balls of blood mist with no bones left.

At this time, the other five disciples from the sixth level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm had already fled to a distant place.

"Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Sister Liu, and Tan Yun can be handed over to me and Junior Brother Niu!" said a seventh-level disciple of the Ancestral Emperor Realm named Zhang Run.

"Yes." Another male disciple named Niu Li at the seventh level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm echoed, "Senior Sister Liu, Senior Brother Zhao, killing him will not bother you."

"Okay." Zhao Yuanlong and Liu Feng said in unison, "Quick battle, kill him!"

"Obey!" After Niu Li took the order, his burly body suddenly trembled and looked sideways at Zhang Run, his voice was thunderous, "Senior Brother Zhang, he is handed over to me, I will crush him to death."

"Tianmen divine body!"

Following Niu Li's rough roar, suddenly, a violent breath erupted from his body.


There was a creepy sound of bones coming from inside the cow, and his burly body swelled rapidly, becoming as high as a thousand feet!

That's right, what Niu Li is performing is the Tianmen Divine Palace, one of the six major body training techniques, the Tianmen Divine Body. Only elite disciples or above are eligible to practice this body training technique and the other five major body training techniques!

At the same time, when the Tianmen Divine Body is cultivated to the extreme, its body can be as high as 300,000 feet, but now Niu Li can only become a giant of 10,000 feet.

The reason why he manipulated his body to become thousands of feet was because in his opinion, being too big was not conducive to dealing with Tan Yun, because at this moment Tan Yun was really too small in front of him.

"You lowly ant who is not even a handyman disciple, go to hell!" With a long roar, Niu Li raised his giant foot, and stepped on Tan Yun's head aggressively with a cracked void!

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone watching the battle, Tan Yun is definitely not the opponent of Niu Li after using the Tianmen divine body!

But the scene that happened next caused everyone's hearts to turn upside down!

"Great Steps!"

In a moment of Tan Yun's thought, his speed tripled again after he used the Primordial God Step. He flew upside down in the air, drew a huge arc from the void, and appeared in the sky above Niu Li's head in an instant.


When the ground was cracked and Niu Li stepped into the air, Tan Yun had already used the Primordial Hegemony Body, and suddenly, his body size skyrocketed to a gigantic size.

"Hongmeng Ancestral Armor!"

Tan Yun's body surface quickly condensed the grandmist ancestral armor, and said in a low voice: "Go to hell!"

Under the premise that Tan Yun didn't know the strength of the opponent's Tianmen divine body, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and stomped on Niu Li with all his strength.


The void trembled violently, and huge space cracks spread from the primordial void, as if this void would collapse at any time.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have two skills!" Niu Li was not afraid at all, his giant pupils were full of fighting spirit, "Kill!"

In the ripples of the void, Niu Li exerted his Tianmen divine body to the extreme, his body size soared to ten thousand feet, and his huge right fist, with a cracked void, slammed at Tan Yun's right foot with all his strength.

In his opinion, no matter what body training technique Tan Yun practiced, he would be killed by his own punch!

However, he was wrong!

Big mistake!



When Niu Li's huge right fist hit Tan Yun's right foot, he felt an unrivaled and tyrannical force pouring from Tan Yun's right foot into his right fist. Amid the clear sound of bone cracking, blood splashed and the bones were broken. Fly, but his fist exploded!

"Ah! My hand!"

"No...my arm!!"

Tan Yun smashed Niu Li's right fist with his right foot like a broken bamboo, and stepped on it, Niu Li's right arm burst into pieces at an extremely fast speed.


In the end, Tan Yun crushed Niu Li's right shoulder with splashing blood on his right foot.

"No..." Niu Li was so painful that his facial features were distorted, his body couldn't bear the force pouring into his body, his knees bent, and he knelt heavily in the forest.

"Just because you still want to kill me? Idiot!" Tan Yun spun in the air, his right leg exploded Niu Li's neck, and the moment his severed head flew away from the corpse, Tan Yun said coldly: "Canggu kill!"

"call out!"

The Hongmeng Killing God Sword flew out from the center of Tan Yun's eyebrows, turned into a giant of thousands of feet, and with splashed blood, pierced through the center of Niu Liduan's head, nailing his head to a towering ancient tree.

As Tan Yun beckoned, the Hongmeng Killing God Sword pulled out of Niu Li's head by itself, put it in his hand, and dropped his severed head to the ground.

Holding the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in his hand, Tan Yun looked at Zhao Yuanlong and Liu Feng who had already stepped into the air, and said word by word: "You all have to die today!"

"You are so loud!" Zhao Yuanlong was furious, looking at Zhang Run who was trembling with fright, and said: "Junior Brother Zhang, you are not his opponent, retreat quickly!"

"Yes, Zhang...Senior Brother Zhang..." Zhang Run was almost stunned at the moment. He couldn't believe why Tan Yun, who was in the third level of the Ancestral King Realm, had such terrifying strength in leapfrog challenges, and could easily kill a cow who was in the same realm as himself. stand!

At this time, Liu Feng stared at Tan Yun steadfastly, and sent a voice transmission to Zhang Yuanlong: "Junior Brother Zhang, Tan Yun is a variable, you and I will spare no effort to kill him!"

"Okay." After Zhang Yuanlong passed the sound transmission, he roared: "Kill!"

"Tianmen divine body!"

Zhang Yuanlong's size soared to 18,000 feet in an instant, and strands of thunderous ancestral power drilled out of his body like giant dragons. When they circled his mountain-like body at high speed, they got into the magic gun in his hand one after another.

"God Destroyer Spear Art!"

Zhang Yuanlong danced his 20,000-foot-long sharp spear, which flickered from the void of primordial origin at a high speed. Wherever the sharp spear passed, the void was turned into shocking black space cracks, and a shadow of the spear shrouded Tan Yun towards Tan Yun!

"What a speed!"

Tan Yun turned pale with shock, he didn't expect that Zhang Yuanlong was only a small realm higher than Niu Li, and his strength was dozens of times more terrifying than Niu Li.

It can be seen from this that Zhang Yuanlong is the best among the elite disciples of the Four Arts Starfield.

The fact is true, not only he is outstanding, but also Liu Feng.


Liu Feng's hair danced, and the majestic power of the ancestor of the wind in her body was poured into the divine sword in her hand frantically.

At the same time, after she used the power of the ancestor of the wind, her speed increased sharply, and she appeared in the void behind Tan Yun, displaying her unique skill.


The dragon's chant shook the sky, following her left hand pinching the formula, and her right hand holding the sword, she danced with her bright wrist, drawing a series of mysterious trajectories, one after another, the ten thousand zhang sword lights exuding the dragon's chant shot out from the divine sword, with space cracks after one after another , Slash towards Tan Yun's back!

Blocked Tan Yun's way out!

Moreover, the power emitted by the sword light made Tan Yun's heart startled so fast, and it also made Tan Yun feel the breath before death!

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