Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2010 Comprehending the Four Techniques

Chapter 2010 Comprehending the Four Techniques

The Shenzhou flew steadily down to the top of the Tianshan Mountain in the Holy Lake. After Tan Yun and the two got off the Shenzhou, Xin Bingxuan stuck out a slender jade finger, pointed to an antique pavilion not far away, and said, "Tan Yun, that is where I retreat. Land, without my permission, you are not allowed to take a step, remember clearly?"

"En." When Tan Yun responded, he faintly felt that Xin Bingxuan's pavilion exuded a sense of time and space, and thought to himself: "It seems that this pavilion is not an ordinary pavilion, but a magic weapon of time and space."

"Tan Yun, come with me." After leaving a sentence, Xin Bingxuan brought Tan Yun to the back mountain.

A sea of ​​flowers that caught Tan Yun's eyes.

"Tan Yun, these flowers are collectively referred to as the halloween orchids. I will tell you how to cultivate them, and I will leave them to you in the next hundred years."

After Xin Bingxuan finished speaking, when she was about to explain the cultivation method to Tan Yun, Tan Yun said with a smile: "Senior Sister Fang, I know how to cultivate."

"In the lower universe, there are a lot of halloween flowers, and I am familiar with them. You can retreat with peace of mind, and leave them to me."

Xin Bingxuan nodded her head and said, "Yes."

Immediately, Xin Bingxuan turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the back mountain...

Tan Yun looked at the garden and said to himself: "Under my nurturing, I nurture you once, and you will become more and more beautiful within a hundred years. It just so happens that I also want to comprehend the secrets of the four arts left by the patriarch of the four arts." Dian, four skills experience."

After making up his mind, Tan Yun began to release the power of the five elements, gently injecting it into his body, and began to cultivate the words of Halloween...

It wasn't until late at night that Tan Yun's cultivation was completed. Immediately afterwards, he sacrificed the top-grade God Venerable Time-Space God Pagoda beside the back mountain garden, entered it, and sat cross-legged on the ground floor.


In the void like water ripples, Tan Yun couldn't wait to sacrifice the secret scriptures and experience of the four techniques.

With excitement, Tan Yun released his consciousness to enter the secret book of the four arts first, and found that his consciousness entered in the same way.

"Huh?" Tan Yun was puzzled, and kept trying. However, no matter whether it was the jade slips of the Four Techniques Secret Codex or the Four Techniques Experience Jade Slips, he could not control the entry of his consciousness at all.

"What's the reason?" Tan Yun frowned, and said to himself, "Could it be because of being in the Jiezi Space-Time Tower?"

Thinking of this, Tan Yun had no choice but to step out of the divine tower, and sat cross-legged beside the garden where the heaven, earth and spirit were dense.

As Tan Yun beckoned, the secret codes of the four techniques and the jade slips of the four techniques in the pagoda flew out of the tower and hovered in front of Tan Yun. Then, the divine tower shrank suddenly, turned into a beam of light, and penetrated into Tan Yunzu's ring.

"Hahaha, it worked!"

Sitting cross-legged, Tan Yun's heart was surging, but it was he who released his consciousness and penetrated into the secret tome of the four arts without any resistance!

At this moment, Tan Yun found that he had entered meditation by himself, as if he had come to an illusory gray space.

"This is?" Tan Yun's eyes widened suddenly. In his line of sight, he could vaguely see a bottle of Danding that was as high as a hundred feet tall.

On the left side of the tripod, there is a bottle of refining furnace standing ten thousand feet away.

On the left side of the smelting furnace, there is also a stone platform exuding an ancient atmosphere, on which there are piles of talisman papers.

On the left side of the stone platform, there is a huge open space, and a few formation foundations can be vaguely seen on the open space.

Just when Tan Yun was confused, lines of writing appeared in the gray void.

According to Tan Yun's handwriting, the levels of attainment in the four arts are divided.

Tan Yun knew that his current attainments in the four arts, in the Supreme Ancestral Realm, were the Supreme Alchemist of the Holy Rank, the Supreme Artifact Master of the Holy Rank, the Supreme Talisman of the Holy Rank, and the Supreme Master of the Holy Rank.

Above the Supreme Alchemist are: Alchemist Zu, Alchemist Zuhuang, Alchemist Zudi, Alchemist Zusheng, Alchemist Dao, Alchemist Dao God, Alchemist Dao King, Alchemist Dao Emperor, Alchemist Dao Emperor , Taoist alchemist, and finally Daozu alchemist.

Above the supreme weapon master are: ancestor weapon master, ancestor emperor weapon master, ancestor emperor weapon master, ancestor holy weapon master, Taoist weapon master, Tao divine weapon master, Tao king weapon master, Tao emperor weapon master, Tao emperor weapon master, Dao Saint Artifact Master, Dao Patriarch Artifact Master.

Above the Supreme Talisman Master are: Ancestral Talisman Master, Zuhuang Talisman Master, Zudi Talisman Master, Zusheng Talisman Master...

The order above the supreme master is: the ancestor master, the ancestor master... and so on.

Each level of the four arts is divided into low-level, middle-level, high-level, and holy-level.

Low-level can refine low-grade, mid-level refined middle-grade, high-level refined high-grade, and holy-grade are the best.

What shocked Tan Yun was that the master of the Four Arts Starfield's four arts attainments had respectively reached the Taoist Alchemy Master, the Taoist Artifact Master, the Dao Saint Talisman Master, and the Dao Saint Formation Master!

You must know that above the level of these four arts, there are only Daozu Alchemy Master, Daozu Artifact Master, Daozu Talisman Master, and Daozu Formation Master!

In short, that is to say, the patriarch of the Four Arts Starfield has almost reached the pinnacle of perfection in the four arts!

How could Tan Yun not be shocked?

"Okay, that's great." Tan Yun trembled with excitement.

At the same time, through the handwriting that just emerged, Tan Yun also learned that the pills taken in various realms, the magic weapons used, the ancestral charms used to attack, the formations used to kill the enemy, and the patriarch of the four star fields will all pass detailed instructions. Influence the projection, refine it again in the jade slip!

Of course, the picture of the refining process was presented in front of Tan Yun at a speed of 100,000 times.

Tan Yun also understands the reason for this. For example, it takes 100,000 years for the Patriarch of the Four Arts Starfield to refine a potion of elixir suitable for the Ancestral Sacred Realm. Can you watch this comprehension?

Similarly, Tan Yun also understands that it is precisely because the display speed of the screen is 100,000 times faster, therefore, even if the master of the four star fields left behind, the experience of refining every kind of medicine, magic weapon, formation, and talisman, Still no one has been able to complete the thorough comprehension.

Tan Yun took a deep breath, and said loudly: "I, Tan Yun, can meet Xin Bingxuan, enter the Four Arts Starfield, and get the Four Arts Secret Manual and Four Arts Experience. This is my fortune."

"No matter what, I want to penetrate the four arts and get the inheritance of the ancestor of the four arts star field!"

Thinking of this, Tan Yun withdrew from the meditation, released his consciousness and entered the Jade Slip of Four Skills Experience.

The reason why Tan Yun withdrew from the Jade Slips of the Secret Classics of the Four Techniques and entered the Jade Slips of the Four Techniques Experiences was because Tan Yun decided to first memorize the experience of refining various pills, magic weapons, talismans, and arrays, and store these experiences in his mind deep.

Then, through meditation, enter the jade slips of the Four Arts Secret Code, and start to cooperate with the experience to observe the process of alchemy, weapon refining, talisman refining, and formation refining by the ancestor of the Four Arts Star Field.

Only in this way can we get twice the result with half the effort!

At this moment, Tan Yun entered into meditation and entered the Jade Slip of Four Skills Experience, but saw himself in an endless sea of ​​handwriting.

The first thing that catches the eye is the pills needed for various realms.

Tan Yun discovered that all kinds of elixirs add up to a total of 109,000 kinds.

And the types of talismans reached more than 800,000!

There are more than 30,000 types of formations!

There are tens of thousands of types of magic weapons. That is to say, the four skills experience records the various experiences of the ancestors of the four skills star field in refining pills, arrays, utensils, and talismans.

At the same time, it also shows that in the secret code of the four arts, the projection of the influence of the patriarch of the star field of the four arts will show the refining process of all kinds of pills, utensils, talismans, and formations recorded in the jade slips of the four arts experience one by one!

Tan Yun knew very well that what he had to do was to keep all his experience in mind, and then, through meditation, enter the jade slips of the Four Arts Secret Code, and sit in alignment with the pills, utensils, talismans, and arrays refined by the projection of the ancestors of the Four Arts Star Field, so as to Come here to comprehend the essence of the four arts and improve your level of four arts attainments!

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