Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2069 Vulnerable!

Chapter 2069 Vulnerable!

Seeing the four of them hesitate, Tan Yun said in a cold voice, "Leave!"

"It's Tan Shengzi, take care!" The four of them took their orders, sacrificed their Shenzhou, and left together.

"Tan Yun, today is your death day!"

Following a female voice full of murderous intent, Mi Qin flew out of the cave first with the divine sword in her hand, and landed in front of Tan Yun.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Immediately afterwards, figures flickered out of the cave, quickly scattered around Tan Yun, and surrounded Tan Yun.

Tan Yun looked around at the crowd, and found that all the people who came were from the Great Consummation of the Ancestral Emperor Realm, and he felt relieved.

Tan Yun finally fixed his eyes on Mi Qin, and said indifferently: "Who are you? Tell me, who sent you to kill me?"

"Who am I, hahaha, if you kill my brother Mi Yu, who do you think I am!" Mi Qin's eyes were filled with tears, but his killing intent towards Tan Yun became more and more violent.

"It turned out to be you!" Tan Yun stared at Mi Qin, as if thinking of something, with endless chill in his star eyes, "I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door on my own initiative!"

"Back then you sent Liu Feng to lead someone to kill me. If it wasn't for my fate, I would have died!"


Tan Yun was completely furious. At that time, he forced Liu Feng to blew his own ancestral fetus and fell into a coma. If he hadn't met the palace lord Fang Zixi, he, who was seriously injured, would have already become a meal for beasts in the mountains!

Every time he thought of this, Tan Yun was furious!

Hearing this, Mi Qin gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, your hands are not only covered with my brother's blood, but also with the blood of my good sister Liu Feng. If I, Mi Qin, don't tear you to pieces, I swear I won't be a human being! "

"Mismatch me into ten thousand pieces? Bastard Mi, who gave you the courage, just because you are the number one disciple of the so-called elite disciples of the Four Arts Starfield?" Tan Yun stared at Mi Qin, and said in a deep voice: " Your younger brother Mi Yu deserves to die, and so do Liu Feng and the others!"

"Since Liu Feng is your good sister, I will be a good person today and send you to reunite with her!"

After a pause, Tan Yun looked at the crowd surrounding him with terrifying indifference in his eyes, "I don't want to start a massacre, this matter is between me and Mi Qin."

"Give you a chance, leave immediately, I can pretend that this didn't happen..."

Without waiting for Tan Yun's words, one of the male disciples flipped his right hand, and a high-grade ancestral sword came out of nowhere, and angrily cursed at Tan Yun:

"Tan Yun, don't be so fucking pretentious, go to hell!"


The male disciple stepped on the ground suddenly with both feet, the ground shook, the dust filled the air, and turned into an afterimage. The sword in his right hand appeared above Tan Yun's head in an instant, and he slashed at Tan Yun's head!

Immediately, a sword light filled with the power of the ancestor of gold, with a crack in the dark space tens of thousands of feet long, devoured towards Tan Yun.

"Killing you will dirty my Excalibur!" The moment Tan Yun put away the Hongmeng Slaughtering Excalibur in his hand, in the sight of the disciple, Tan Yun was swallowed by the light of the sword, and instantly disappeared into nothingness.

"Hahahaha, Senior Sister Mi, I just said that killing Tan Yun, the son of a bitch, would use so many of us. You see, with my junior brother and me alone, killing him is as easy as crushing an ant..." In the low sky, the disciple was holding a magic knife, and before he could finish his high-spirited voice, he was interrupted by Miqin's scream:

"Brother, be careful, Tan Yun is not dead!"

It was because Tan Yun dodged too fast just now that the figure left in place had not dissipated, and what the disciple Daomang swallowed was only Tan Yun's shadow.


While the void was shaking, Tan Yun came out of the void beside the disciple, so fast that the disciple couldn't react at all?

"Who did you call Guisun just now?" When the indifferent voice sounded, Tan Yun's right hand suddenly grabbed the male disciple's wrist holding the knife, and his five fingers suddenly exerted force, "Crack!" Amid the clear cracking sound, the disciple's wrist was crushed After a pinch, when the magic knife was out of his hand, Tan Yun grabbed the magic knife with his right hand!

"Ah!" The disciple's eyes were full of fear from the depths of his heart. He did not expect that Tan Yun's movement speed at the Great Perfection of the Ancestral King Realm could not be seen clearly with his own strength of the Great Perfection of the Ancestral King Realm. !

It also means that the other party's own life is as easy as taking something out of a bag based on speed alone!

"Overestimate your own strength!" After Tan Yun took the knife, he swung it suddenly, and the blood flashed, and he chopped the disciple to death.

"Plop, plop!"

The two halves of the body fell to the ground spattered with blood.

"What a strong strength!" Mi Qinang looked at Tan Yun who was standing in the air, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously.

The remaining twenty-eight people looked at Tan Yun, their faces pale with fright, their sword hands trembling constantly. They never expected that Tan Yun's leapfrog strength would be so tyrannical!

The twenty-eight people looked at Mi Qin one after another, and said in panic:

"Senior Sister Mi, why is he stronger than we imagined!"

"Yes... yes, Senior Sister Mi, what should I do, I'm afraid..."


Hearing this, Mi Qin said coldly: "Shut up! You didn't turn back when you opened the bow. If Tan Yun doesn't die today, then we will be executed by the palace rules if word of us trying to kill him spreads!"

"Kill him, nothing will happen, otherwise, we will only have a dead end!"

"Also, don't be afraid, I'm not afraid even if it's a powerhouse at the second level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm, how could I be afraid of him."

Mi Qin's words are undoubtedly a reassurance for the twenty-eight people.

"Senior Sister Mi is right, everyone, don't be afraid, we will fight him together!"

"Yes, fight him!"



The twenty-eight people clamored to embolden themselves, and together with Mi Qin, they released sword glows of different attributes from all directions, filling the void with shocking cracks, and besieged and killed Tan Yun!

"A bunch of damn things, what are you fighting with me, go to hell!"

In the void, Tan Yun held the saber in his right hand, and his body shook suddenly. He didn't want to talk nonsense with the crowd, so he used the Grandmist God Step, and shuttled in the shadow of the saber, light and sword at top speed!


Tan Yun flashed past the first disciple, and that disciple's head was chopped off, and the headless corpse fell into the void, sprayed with blood.

"Puchi, Puchi—"

Immediately afterwards, every time Tan Yun flashed past a person, one person was killed in the splash of blood!

After just breathing, when the afterimage in the void dissipated, Tan Yun stepped into the air with a magic knife in his hand, and the sharp tip of the knife had already touched the center of Mi Qin's eyebrows!

Everyone else died!

"You... who are you? Why, why... why are you so powerful!" Mi Qin was so frightened by Tan Yun who was so close at hand, her delicate body trembled, beads of sweat slid down her cheeks that could be broken .

The fear of death enveloped Miqin's heart.

Tan Yun turned a deaf ear and said to himself: "Mi Qin, I have to say, you are very shrewd. With the help of Xia'er, you lured me from Tan Zushan."

"It's a pity, you have all your calculations, and you never thought that you, the number one elite disciple of the Four Arts Starfield, would be so vulnerable in front of me, right?"

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