Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2101 Great opportunity!

Chapter 2102: Great Chance!

Looking at Tan Yun's disappearing back, the nine people looked puzzled, not knowing why Tan Yun said this.

But the doubts in their hearts are not so important. The important thing is that they survived.

The woman said solemnly: "From now on, don't make enemies with Tan Yun again. I always have a premonition that something big will happen in this ancient treasure hunt in Hell of Fire."

"It is very possible that Tan Shengzi will kill all those who want to deal with him!"


Above the entrance of the ancient Huoyuan, Tan Yun stood in the air, his white hair covered his eyes with dancing white hair, but it could not hide the killing intent in his eyes, "Huyan Yingfeng, you killed my tens of billions of soldiers, I will definitely I will cut you to pieces!"


Tan Yun swept down the abyss and reached the bottom of the abyss after falling about one hundred thousand centimeters at extreme speed.

"Hoo hoo—"

After entering the depths of the entrance of the ancient fire abyss, Tan Yun was in a sea of ​​flames. For others, once they entered the entrance, they had to strengthen the protective light curtain, but Tan Yun didn't need it.

He looked around and found that three sides were red rock walls that were burned by the fire, and there was a huge tunnel directly in front of it, and there were billowing flames in the tunnel.

The corridor is several million feet high and tens of millions of feet wide, and there is no other road other than this deep road.

Tan Yun soared into the sky, flew forward, and shuttled through the sea of ​​flames at extreme speed.

Time flies like an arrow, and Tan Yun has been flying for a month in the blink of an eye, and the road ahead is still full of raging fire.

On the way, Tan Yun could clearly see the ashes scattered in the corridor. He knew that many people died in the corridor for some reason.

"The raging fire in the tunnel is not enough to burn these people to death. It seems that there has been a fight here."

"What is the reason for them to fight here?"

"Is it murder to seize treasure, or is there another reason?"

Confused, Tan Yun released his divine consciousness comparable to the second level of the Ancestral Sacred Realm, and continued to fly forward.

Soon, Tan Yun had been flying for three full years, and there was still a burning corridor in front of him.

But the corridor gradually became wider.

"It's been flying for so long, and it hasn't come to an end yet, how deep is this ancient fire abyss!"

While Tan Yun was thinking to himself, suddenly, a voice of surprise came from the left, "Tan Shengzi!"

Tan Yun paused in the air, looked sideways, and saw three male disciples from the four-art star field flying out of the rock wall of the tunnel.

"It's really Tan Shengzi, it's great that you're fine!"

The three of them were very excited when they saw Tan Yun, and then they reported their names, and Tan Yun learned that their names were: Li Chen, Gao Yue, and Guan Hao.

"Three brothers, why are you hiding here?" Tan Yun asked.

"Tan Shengzi, please come in with us." After Li Chen said respectfully, the three brought Tan Yunfei into the rock wall.

After entering the rock wall, Tan Yun found that there was a universe inside, and there were five thousand core disciples in the cave mansion on the rock wall, the core disciples of the Four Arts Starfield.

"Meet Tan Shengzi!"

"Meet Tan Shengzi..."

Everyone bowed to Tan Yun with respectful expressions.

"Brothers and sisters, don't be too polite." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he frowned, "Could it be because the disciples of the beast star field and the human star field want to deal with you, so you are hiding here?"

"No." Li Chen said, "Tan Shengzi, although the disciples from the Orc and Human Starfields met us and asked if we could see you, they didn't feel sorry for us."

Hearing this, Tan Yun heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the disciples of the Human Star Field and the Orc Star Field would embarrass the disciples of the Four Arts Star Field because of him.

Tan Yun was puzzled and said, "Then why are you hiding here?"

Li Chen's complexion changed: "Tan Shengzi, you don't know, because the young master of the Bliss Sect covets the beauty of the Seventh Princess of Xizhou Zuchao, so he brought a strong man to catch the Seventh Princess."

"The disciples of the Xizhou ancestral dynasty fled into the ancient fire abyss with the seventh princess, and the young master of the Bliss Divine Sect also led people to chase here."

"If that Huyan Yingfeng learned that we found out that he was chasing the seventh princess, he must be afraid that after we left the ancient fire prison, we would tell the priest of the Xizhou ancestor dynasty about this and kill us."

"So, we are hiding here, not daring to go into the depths of the ancient fire abyss to hunt for treasure for the time being."

After hearing this, Tan Yun nodded and said, "I see."

Suddenly, Tan Yun was taken aback, and asked, "What did you say just now? The Seventh Princess? But the Seventh Princess whom Emperor Xizhou dotes on so much?"

"Yes, Tan Shengzi." Li Chen said.

"Okay, great!" Tan Yun blurted out.

"Uh." Li Chen was a little confused, "Tan Shengzi, what's so great?"

"Hahahaha, it's okay, I just suddenly remembered something." Tan Yun said with a smile: "Okay, I'm going to continue the treasure hunt. For the sake of safety, you stay here for the time being."

"What? Tan Shengzi, you want to go in?" Li Chen hurriedly said, "You mustn't do it! It's too dangerous inside. If you encounter a scene where Huyan Yingfeng is unfavorable to the seventh princess, Huyan Yingfeng will not let you go." of."

Others looked worried, and they all stopped:

"Yes, Tan Shengzi, you really can't go in!"

"Tan Shengzi, we know that you are highly skilled and courageous, and have a strong ability to leapfrog challenges, but after all, you are only at the ninth level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm..."


Looking at his classmates who were worried about him, Tan Yun was quite moved. He put away his smile and said, "You don't have to worry about me, I do things in my own way."

"In this way, you stay here and wait for me, and I will return to you after I finish dealing with the matter."

Li Chen shook his head and said: "No, Tan Shengzi, if you want to go, we will go with you, and if something happens, we can also protect you."

Others also said that they should follow to protect Tan Yun.

Tan Yun gave everyone a reassuring smile, "I'll be fine, on the contrary, if you follow, I will have trouble moving."

"That's the decision, you can wait for me here with peace of mind."

After speaking, Tan Yun looked at the crowd and asked, "Oh, by the way, since the ancient fire abyss is called a forbidden area, it means that once it reaches a certain depth, it will be dangerous."

"Do you know where the depth is the limit, and besides the extremely high temperature of the fire, are there other dangers?"

Hearing this, Li Chen said, "I know Tan Shengzi."

"Please tell me," Tan Yun said.

Li Chen explained: "Tan Shengzi, it's like this. According to my speed, if I go deep into the fire for about a year, I will walk out of the sea of ​​fire in the corridor and reach the deepest part of the ancient fire abyss. At that time, the fire will be fierce and extremely high. It is said that even He is a person of the Great Consummation of the Ancestral Emperor Realm, and entering it is a narrow escape."

Tan Yun thought for a while and said, "In other words, apart from the extremely high temperature of the fire, there is no other danger?"

"Tan Shengzi, you can put it this way." Li Chen said: "After all, since ancient times, none of the disciples who entered it came out alive, so everyone believed that they were burned to death."

"Well, I understand, let me take my leave." Tan Yun arched his hands, and the moment he flew out of the cave, his star pupils revealed deep excitement and expectation, and secretly said:

"Emperor Xizhou dotes on the Seventh Princess very much. As long as I save her, I will have the hope to enter the tomb of Tuntian God to find the skills left by my ancestors, and I can also climb up to her Mirage Tower, and through the ancient well to connect with the people in the Hongmeng God Realm." Wife, parents and grandpa!"

Undoubtedly, for Tan Yun, this is a great opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!

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