Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2168 Anxiety

Chapter 2170 Anxiety


At this time, an afterimage flew down on the jade tower and turned into Daokun who was sweating profusely.

Dao Kun clasped his fists at the emperor, anxious, "Emperor, how long is it before the end of the experience, our palace master doesn't believe it, she urgently needs the pure yang grass to suppress the fierce heart and poisonous fire, and she will die if it is too late."

The Great Emperor Xizhou stood up, and when he was about to speak, Tan Yun and Yu Yunxi flew out as the light curtain flickered at the entrance of Tuntianmidi.

"It's over." Emperor Xizhou responded to Daokun, then hurriedly looked at Yu Yunxi, and asked, "Xi'er, have you found the Pure Yang God Grass?"

"Father, my daughter is incompetent, and I haven't found it." When Yu Yunxi was speaking, Tan Yun looked at the jade tower, Daokun with an anxious expression, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously, "Could something happen to Zixi?"

"Yun'er, have you found the Pure Yang God Grass?" Daokun sent a voice transmission to Tan Yun: "The palace master is dying soon!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun trembled all over, and said via voice transmission: "I found it, tell me quickly, where is the Palace Mistress?"

"In the hall of honored guests." Dao Kun sent a voice transmission.

Tan Yun hurriedly said via voice transmission: "Hurry up and find a way to bring the Palace Mistress to the Seventh Princess' Mansion, and I will go back later!"

"Okay." Dao Kun clasped his fists to Emperor Xizhou after transmitting the sound, "Great Emperor, I will take our Palace Mistress to the Palace of the Seventh Princess first, and let Dao Qing think of a way to suppress the fierce heart and poisonous fire."

"If you have the Pure Yang Divine Fire, send someone to send it to the Seventh Princess' Mansion."

"Okay." Emperor Xizhou said: "You go!"

"En." After Daokun nodded, he sent a voice transmission to Tan Yun: "Yun'er, you have to hurry up!"

After the sound transmission, Daokun turned into a beam of light and disappeared.

"Father, don't worry, there are so many children from the family going to practice, someone will definitely find the Pure Yang God Grass." Yu Yunxi said.

"En." When Emperor Xizhou frowned, the light curtain at the entrance of Tuntianmi Land kept flickering, and a son of a famous family flew out.

In just a few breaths, all the nearly 23,000 disciples flew out, looked up at the Emperor Xizhou, and when he was about to salute, the Emperor Xizhou waved his hand and urged, "It's better than saluting, tell me quickly, whoever collects the pure Sun God Grass?"

Hearing this, everyone lowered their heads and remained silent.

Among them, the eight disciples who originally found the Pure Yang Divine Grass wanted to open their mouths to say something, but in the end they didn't say a word.

They observed their words and guessed that the Emperor urgently needed the Pure Yang God Grass. If they said they had found it and lost it for some reason, would they survive if the Emperor got angry?

"Have you not found them?" Emperor Xizhou's voice was a little cold.

"Plop, plop—"

All the disciples hurriedly kowtowed, "The villain is incompetent."

"Then do you know if the third princess and the fifth prince have been found?" Emperor Xizhou pinned his hopes on Yu Yunyi and Yu Shan.

"The villain doesn't know." Everyone kowtowed.

"Then can you find the treasure of the immortal ancient gods?" Emperor Xizhou's eyes turned cold.

"Report to the Great Emperor, no." The kneeling people did not dare to raise their heads.

"Waste, a bunch of waste!" Emperor Xizhou shouted angrily.

Long Yan was furious, and everyone trembled in fright.

"Yi'er, Shan'er, my good children, you must find the Pure Yang God Grass!" While the Emperor Xizhou was praying to himself, a weeping female voice came from the eastern sky: "Great Emperor, woo woo... His child is dead!"

Emperor Xizhou suddenly looked back, but saw a woman about twenty-eight or nineteen years old, gorgeously dressed and wearing a phoenix crown, crying and flying to the jade tower.

Looking at this woman, Yu Yunxi Xiang clenched her fists tightly, her nails piercing her palm.

"Yunxi, could it be that she is the empress Liu who killed your mother?" When Tan Yun transmitted the voice, he was extremely anxious and wanted to rush to the Seventh Princess' Mansion.

"Well, it's this poisonous woman!" Yu Yunxi said via voice transmission.

"Empress, what did you just say?" Emperor Xizhou was shocked.

"Great Emperor, woo woo..." Empress Liu broke down in tears and said, "Just now, I felt restless, so I went to the Emperor's Spirit Hall and found... woo woo... I found that the life lamps of our Yi'er and Shan'er were off. Already!"


The news of Yu Yunyi and Yu Shan's death was like a thunderbolt to Emperor Xizhou.

While breathing, he looked sad, with tears in his eyes, and his heart ached.

"Emperor, you must thoroughly investigate this matter and give our child justice!" Empress Liu shed tears, turned her head suddenly, and pointed at Yu Yunxi below angrily, "Emperor, Yu Yunxi must have killed our child! "

The reason why Empress Liu suspected Yu Yunxi was because, before the training, she asked Yu Yunyi and Yu Shan to kill Yu Yunxi.

Since Yu Yunxi didn't die, but his two sons and daughters died, who else could the murderer be if it wasn't Yu Yunxi?

"Father, the empress is spitting blood!" After Yu Yun said that, she looked at the empress coldly, "That's right, Sister Sanhuang and Brother Wuhuang and I are quite at odds on weekdays, because about my mother's empress, I also I want to kill them, but I know that if I do that, I will only make my father sad."

"So I didn't kill them, but you Empress Liu, you killed my mother, and now you want to use the death of your third princess and fifth brother to frame me. What's your intention?"

"A person like you is really vicious. In order to kill me, you even took advantage of your child's death..."

Without waiting for Yu Yun's words, Emperor Xizhou was furious, "Shut up! No matter what, she is the empress, how can you be so rude!"

Hearing this, Yu Yunxi sneered in her heart, and said respectfully on her face: "I'm sorry father, my daughter knows it's wrong."

On the other hand, Empress Liu, who was crying, was trembling with anger, "Great Emperor, Yu Yunxi must be the murderer!"

"Shut up, too. Before there is no evidence, don't make wild suspicions." Despite what Emperor Xizhou said, he still had some doubts about Yu Yunxi.

"Emperor, please also agree to search the soul of Yu Yunxi and her dog servant." Empress Liu choked up and said, "In this way, her innocence can be proved."

"Xi'er, are you willing?" Emperor Xizhou asked.

"My daughter is willing." Yu Yunxi said.

"Then Father will search for the souls of you and Xiao Zhang." As soon as Emperor Xizhou finished speaking, Empress Liu said, "Emperor, if they, master and servant, cut up the memory of killing Yi'er and Shan'er, are you Can't find it."

"I also ask the emperor to agree to let Cheng'er come to search for the soul!"

Hearing this, Emperor Xizhou said: "Okay, go and call Cheng'er."

"En." Empress Liu turned into a beam of light and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Yu Yunxi did not change his face, but he was anxious in his heart. He said via voice transmission: "Tan Yun, what should I do? Empress Liu has gone to call Prince Yu Cheng. Yu Cheng has the extremely rare soul-stirring eye, he can control Our sanity."

"Once we are controlled, we will involuntarily reveal the process of killing Yu Yunyi and Yu Shan."

Tan Yun's heart trembled, and he said via voice transmission: "What is the strength of the prince?"

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