Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 715: Jin Clan Gudan

Chapter 715: Jin Clan Gudan

"En." Tan Yun nodded, and then asked all the suzerains to take out a blank jade slip and gave it to Tuoba Yingying.

After Tuoba Yingying copied a loan record respectively, Tan Yun manipulated his spiritual consciousness to sign under the jade slip.

With a wave of Tan Yun's right hand, 1262 jade slips landed steadily on the seats of the 1262 suzerains.

Tan Yun stood up, bowed deeply to the suzerains, and said sincerely: "You all gave me so many top-quality spirit stones with such confidence, I will definitely return this favor in the future!"

"Today, two months later, I will come to Longyunzong to return the spirit stone on time. Everyone, please come."

At this moment, Tan Yun looked at the suzerains, and his heart was full of emotion!

This trust is very heavy...

Tan Yun is full of expectations. As long as he takes these spirit stones and lures the high-level officials of the Nine Veins of the Holy Gate to make a bet at Huangfu Sacred Sect, then, at least in the next hundred years, he and his meritorious lineage will no longer have to worry about the spirit stones!

Three days later, Chen Shi.

Huangfu Shengzong, Shengmen Square City.


Two afterimages, one purple and one green, shuttled in the vast sea of ​​clouds, and after a while, hovered over the platform of destruction, turning into Tan Yun in purple robe and Tuoba Yingying in green dress.

Tan Yun stood in the air, stretched out a finger and waved it at high speed in the void. Suddenly, a thick pale golden spiritual power surged out from the fingertips, and in the sky, it turned into a giant skyscraper with five elements of golden light:

"In the life-and-death battle between my son, Zhao Shengzi, thousands of disciples, and the shopkeeper of Fangcheng, my son is still on the bank, and the odds are still one to three!"

"Students, elders, chiefs, even the seniors of my holy sect's potential cultivation, all can bet!"

"If I am lucky enough to survive, the spirit stones I bet will belong to my meritorious line!"

"If I die, my line of meritorious service will be compensated to you in a ratio of one to three!"

"The betting conditions must be top quality spirit stones!"

The person who signed the name "A branch of meritorious service—Tan Yun!"

After finishing writing, Tan Yun's right hand formed a series of mysterious tracks in the void. Then, he pushed out his right palm through the air, and a formation formed by spiritual power shot down over the five-element handwriting.

Following that, a hazy curtain of light emanated from the formation, covering the handwriting!

In this way, it can be guaranteed that within ten days, the handwriting formed by the condensed spiritual power will not collapse!

In ten days, the betting matter was enough to spread throughout the Holy Gate.

After finishing everything, Tan Yun and Tuoba Yingying flew towards the holy land of meritorious service 30,000 miles to the east...

The two law enforcement disciples guarding the city gate looked up at the huge golden characters of the five elements in the sky, and one of them couldn't help but screamed strangely:

"Damn it! Is Tan Yun going to be so crazy? Another one-to-three odds!"

"Fuck! He's an idiot, if he can beat Senior Brother Zhao, I'll cut off his head and use it as a urinal!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

At this time, hundreds of disciples of the Nine Meridians flew in the sky above the platform of destruction. After a while, the sound of ridicule and excitement echoed through the clouds:

"Hahahaha! This Tan Yun is really brazen. He even named the high-ranking members of the Nine Meridians besides the meritorious one to bet!"

"That's all, he also said that our ancestors of the Nine Meridians can bet!"

"It's so ignorant to the extreme, I think his brain was kicked by a donkey!"

"Whatever, anyway, there are spirit stones to win at that time, so why not do it?"

"That's right, that's right, Tan Yun singled out thousands of experts in the Soul Realm, if he doesn't die, unless the iron tree blossoms and the water flows back!"

Night fell.

When Tan Yun took the seat again, it caused a sensation in the entire Holy Sect, except for the disciples and elders who had retreated, everyone knew about it!

From everyone's point of view, Tan Yun tasted the sweetness of sitting in the manor last time, but this time he is idiotic and wants to fish for spirit stones again...

At the same time, the beast soul sanctuary, the beast soul sanctuary.


A masked man in black came out of the temple out of nowhere, and presented a jade slip with both hands to a gray-haired ninety-year-old man respectfully.

The ninety-year-old man is the chief of the Beast Soul lineage of the Holy Gate: Duan Cangqiong.

After Duan Cangqiong's spiritual consciousness entered the jade slip, there were only three words "Kill Tan Yun" written in the jade slip.


Duan Cangqiong's right hand trembled, and the jade in his hand was reduced to powder. He looked at the masked man in black with gloomy eyes, and muttered to himself, "Tell Palace Master Zhuge, I know."

The masked man in black nodded and disappeared into the temple.

Duan Cangqiong smiled faintly, "How can you use old people to kill Tan Yun? After more than a month, Tan Yun will definitely die when he fights against others on the platform of destruction!"


At the same time, Fangcheng Temple of Discipline.

Mr. Yu Wenfeng, who was dozing on the rocking chair, when he heard that Tan Yun had the odds of one to three again, joy was written all over his old face.

"Hehehe, Brother Yuwen is so leisurely! What happened to make you so happy?"

At this time, a vicissitudes of laughter came to Mr. Yuwenfeng's ears.

Mr. Yuwenfeng was stunned for a moment, and after opening his eyes, he found that Gongsun Yangchun, the chief of the Sacred Sect Danmai, was walking steadily into the Temple of Discipline.

"Hey! So it's Brother Gongsun! Rare guest!" Yu Wenfeng stood up and said with a smile, "Please sit down."

After Gongsun Yangchun took his seat, he said: "Brother Yuwen, you must be happy because you are sitting in the village again in the life-and-death decisive battle against Tan Yun and Zhao Shengzi, right?"

"Well," Mr. Yu Wenfeng snorted coldly: "Tan Yun, this bastard, won me ten million top-quality spirit stones more than ten months ago."

"Now he is in the dealership again. Just now I borrowed 30 million top-quality spirit stones from someone. This time, I want to double the losses and win back what I lost!"

Gongsun Yangchun smiled and said: "It seems that Brother Yuwen, you have a lot of confidence in Zhao Shengzi?"

"That's natural." Gongsun Fengjun thought of Zhao Wansha, and there was undisguised approval in his eyes, "My apprentice's strength can destroy Tan Yun with one finger!"

Gongsun Yangchun frowned, "Brother Yuwen! Tan Yun is quite shrewd. In order to ensure that Zhao Shengzi is safe, here is a pill for you."

"In a life-and-death battle, if Zhao Shengzi loses to Tan Yun, you can let him take this pill and kill Tan Yun."

With that said, Gongsun Yangchun handed a medicine bottle to Jun Yuwenfeng.

Mr. Yu Wenfeng curiously opened the medicine bottle, and suddenly, strands of dazzling golden light burst out from the medicine bottle.

Curiously, he poured a golden elixir on the back of his palm. He was puzzled at first, then, as if thinking of something, he said in shock, "Could it be the ancient elixir of the Jin family that has been lost since ancient times!"

"En." Gongsun Yangchun nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Yuwen, since you recognize this pill, you know how powerful this pill is."

"Once this pill is taken, even if Shengzi Zhao can kill Tan Yun, Shengzi Zhao will be useless."

"So, you have to remind Zhao Shengzi that you must not take it unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Mr. Yu Wenfeng put away the Jin Clan Gu Dan, and said coldly, "That's natural!"

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