Chapter eight hundred and twentieth second plan

"My subordinates, thank you, Young Sect Master, for...rescue." Wang Yuan, who was seriously injured, was about to salute when he fell headlong on the spirit boat and fell into a coma.

Tan Yun immediately checked Wang Yuan's injury. Fortunately, it was not life-threatening, and he only needed to rest for a while to recover.

"Young Sect Master... Thank you..." Nangong Ruxue, who fell on the spirit boat, trembled in fright with her bruised and delicate body, her pale face was filled with horror, and tears dripped down.

This was the first time she had been hunted down like this since she was a child. If it wasn't for Wang Yuan and the dead four law-enforcement deacons at the seventh level of the Soul Vein Realm to protect her desperately, otherwise, she would never have survived Tan Yun's rescue!

"Ru Xue, don't be afraid." Tan Yun knelt down and said with relief: "As long as you are fine, don't worry, I will find out the mastermind behind the scenes to avenge you sooner or later!"

"Hmm..." Nangong Ruxue's beautiful eyes showed deep gratitude.

"Come on, let me see your injury." After Tan Yun said softly, he began to check Nangong Ruxue's injury.

After careful inspection, fortunately, Nangong Ruxue's life was not in danger.

"Ru Xue, do you know who they are?" Tan Yun asked.

"I don't know." Nangong Ruxue said weakly: "When I heard the news of my sister's arrival, I left the Huangfu Secret Realm, and then I was ambushed."

"Then do you know who went outside Huangfu Sheng and told your sister to come to you?" Tan Yun asked.

Nangong Ruxue said sadly: "It's the outer disciple who guards the mountain gate, but he has also been killed."

"Okay, I understand." Tan Yun smiled slightly, "Stop thinking about it, you rest first. I will take you back now, and when I arrive at my No. 1 Immortal Valley, I will heal you with elixir."

"Thank you..." Nangong Ruxue said with tears in her eyes.

"You're welcome." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he took off the spirit boat and flew down into the mountains, where he found the black-clothed masked man who committed suicide after being caught by him just now.

He found nothing on the masked man in black.

Tan Yun frowned and said in thought: "Ru Xue has no enmity with anyone in the sect, who wants her life?"

"The behind-the-scenes masterminds of these men in black shouldn't be attacking Ruxue for revenge on me. If so, why didn't the masterminds trick Mengyu and Shiyao out of the meritorious holy land and kill them? Wouldn't that achieve revenge even more? My purpose."

"Why exactly..."

Suddenly, a flash of understanding flashed across Tan Yun's eyes, and he speculated, "Could it be because of Ruxue's identity?"

"Kill Ruxue to provoke her royal father to attack Huangfu Shengzong?"

After thinking about it, Tan Yun still couldn't make an accurate guess.

"Damn! Dare to do something to my sister-in-law, don't let me catch you, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!"

After Tan Yun stomped on the corpse, he soared into the air, landed on the spirit boat, and drove the spirit boat towards the gate of Huangfu Shengzong...

When passing a mountain peak on the way, Tan Yun sighed and waved his right hand. The corpses of four law enforcement deacons on the mountain below soared into the sky and landed on the spirit boat.

Afterwards, Tan Yun put away the old ape, drove the spirit boat back to Huangfu Shengzong...

When he reached the sky above the mountain gate of the Merit Line of the Holy Gate, Tan Yun told Mr. Yu Wenfeng what happened, and told Mr. Yu Wenfeng to bury the four law enforcement deacons who died.

As for Wang Yuan, Tan Yun told Mr. Yu Wenfeng that this person can be reused!

He also told Mr. Yu Wenfeng that after Wang Yuan's internal injury in the lower abdomen healed, he would help him restore his lost right arm.

Afterwards, Tan Yun returned to the Holy Land of Merit, and brought the scarred Nangong Ruxue to a guest room on the second floor of the main hall in No. 1 Immortal Valley.

Tan Yun asked Daniel to go to the Houshan Spiritual Medicine Garden to fetch several high-level elixir.

After getting the elixir, Tan Yun turned the six elixir into liquid medicine with a unique burning method, and began to seriously apply the medicine to Nangong Ruxue's wound.

Nangong Ruxue lay on the couch, looking at the focused Tan Yun in front of her, she realized for the first time that this man who was decisive in killing and whose hands were stained with the blood of countless enemies actually had such a heart-warming side.

Involuntarily, she looked a little dazed...

"Ruxue, you can apply the rest yourself." Tan Yun looked at the wound on Nangong Ruxue's chest, and said: "After seven days of applying the liquid medicine, you will be cured. In the past few days, you are here Good health."

"After the injury is healed, don't leave the meritorious holy land alone, in case you are missed by others."

"They didn't kill you this time, the mastermind behind the scenes probably won't let it go."

Hearing this, Nangong Ruxue on the couch blinked her eyes, and when Tan Yun turned to leave, she suddenly said, "Young Sect Master, how did you know that I was in danger?"

Tan Yun paused, and smiled slightly: "I happened to pass by and found it. Well, don't think too much about it, let's rest at ease!"

Nangong Ruxue didn't think much after hearing this, but she knew that it was Tan Yun who saved her life...

Tan Yun stepped out of the room, and when he came downstairs to the main hall on the first floor, Shen Qingqiu hurried over, "Young Sect Master, how is Ruxue's injury?"

"Second Elder, don't worry, her life is not in danger," Tan Yun said.

"That's good, that's good." After Shen Qingqiu heaved a sigh of relief, he said again: "Young Sect Master, an hour ago, Feng Yun, the Great Patriarch of Zhenmai, sent someone to invite you to go to the holy realm of Zhenmai."

"The person here is the Second Patriarch of Zhenmai: Feng Xiuyuan, and now he is talking with the suzerain in the meritorious dojo."

Tan Yun frowned, and thought to himself: "Feng Yun asked Feng Xiuyuan to invite me in a fair and honest way. Obviously, he won't do anything to me until he achieves his goal."

"Forget it, I'd like to meet this Feng Yun!"

After making up their minds, Tan Yun and Shen Qingqiu bid farewell, turned into a beam of light, and shot towards the western sky.

A moment later, Tan Yunfei fell into the sea of ​​clouds and appeared in the Meritorious Dojo.

"The disciple has met the suzerain." Tan Yun slightly bowed to Tantai Xuanzhong.

"You don't need to be too polite." Tantai Xuanzhong smiled, looked sideways at a 90-year-old man with bone bones and fairy style, and explained to Tan Yun: "Yun'er, this is the second patriarch of Zhenmai."

"En." Tan Yun nodded.

"This subordinate has met the Young Sovereign." Feng Xiuyuan turned to Tan Yun, bowed, and said respectfully, "Our Great Patriarch, would like to invite the Young Sovereign to sit down and talk about the matter between the Young Sovereign and Qingcheng."

"Feng Qingcheng?" Tantai Xuanzhong frowned, "Yun'er, what happened to you and Qingcheng?"

"Report to the suzerain." Tan Yun turned his back to Feng Xiuyuan and faced Tantai Xuanzhong, with a candid expression, and said, "Feng Qingcheng and his disciple fell in love at first sight. More than eight years ago, we made a private decision for life."

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun's lips moved silently. Tantai Xuanzhong, who was originally disappointed in Tan Yun, suddenly felt the displeasure in his heart disappear!

Because he could tell from Tan Yun's lips that Tan Yun said the four words "just plan"!

Although Tantai Xuanzhong didn't know what happened between Tan Yun and Feng Qingcheng, he still trusted Tan Yun and would never join forces with the Feng family!

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