Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 827: The Decisive Battle Begins!

Chapter 827 The decisive battle begins!

At this moment, hundreds of spirit boats full of people are floating above the peak of Huangfu Ancient Mountain, which is directly inserted into the clouds.

Down to the disciples of the outer sect, and the ancestors of all the sects of the holy sect arrived as scheduled, and came to Huangfu Ancient Mountain to witness the life-and-death decisive battle between the young master and the saint sons and saintesses of all sects!


A heavy sound came to their ears, and everyone leaned over to look, but saw the door of the Huangfu Temple on the top of the peak opened.

Then, Tantai Xuanzhong took the lead!

Behind him is the old suzerain Tantai Yu, and behind Tan Taiyu is Tan Yun who is neither happy nor sad, with a stern expression.

Behind Tan Yun, there are the second patriarch Guan Xuankong, the third patriarch Guan Xuankui, and twenty-two patriarchs of the God Realm!

"My subordinates have seen each other before, suzerain, old suzerain, young suzerain!" On the spirit boat, there were hundreds of ancestors from different lines, and they saluted Tantai Xuanzhong, Tan Yun, and Tantai Yu one after another.

"The subordinates kowtow to the suzerain, the old suzerain, and the young suzerain!" All the senior officials from the outer gate to the ten branches of the holy gate knelt on the spirit boat.

"The disciple pays homage to the suzerain, the old suzerain, and the young suzerain!"

Immediately, more than seven million disciples shouted in unison and bowed together.

"Excuse me." Tantai Xuanzhong nodded solemnly.

"Thank you, Sect Master!" Everyone stood up, and the audience fell silent.

"call out--"

Tantai Xuanzhong's Qiankun Ring flickered, a beam of white light shot up into the sky, and transformed into a pure white palace with a height of hundreds of feet from the void.


The void oscillated, and the heavenly palace exploded amidst the tumbling sea of ​​clouds, and it became as high as a thousand feet between breaths.

Below the 9,999 steps leading to the Tiangong, the white and feathery square stretches out from the sea of ​​clouds at high speed. After three breaths, the magnificent Tiangong Square has a radius of five hundred miles!

"call out!"

Following a rapid whistling sound, another beam of white light shot up from Tantai Xuanzhong Qiankun Ring into the sky, and when it shot into the center of Tiangong Square, it turned into a circular floating platform with a radius of 50,000 feet.

Afterwards, Tantai Xuanzhong sacrificed a thousand-foot-tall jade tower from the Qiankun Ring, and it flew down in front of Tiangong Square.

At the top of the Yulou, there are upper, middle and lower seats.

Tantai Xuanzhong and Tantai Yu disappeared from the top of Huangfu ancient mountain in a flash, and the next moment, the father and son appeared in the upper banquet of Yulou.

Afterwards, the twenty-two ancestors who enforced the law, together with more than one hundred ancestors from Jiumai, plundered the Jade Tower one after another, and sat in the middle seats.

Finally, Mr. Yu Wenfeng and Shen Suzhen, chief of the Nine Veins of the Holy Gate, soared into the sky and landed on the seats under the Yulou.

More than seven million disciples jumped off the spirit boat one after another and stood neatly around the floating platform.

Sisters Shen Suzhen and Shen Subing looked sideways at Gongsun Yangchun who was sitting in a wheelchair, their eyes were filled with endless murderous intent!

"Uncle, what is the realm of Gongsun Yangchun?" Shen Suzhen, who was at the third level of the Divine Pulse Realm, could not see the realm of Gongsun Yangchun, so she sent a voice transmission to Tantai Xuanzhong.

"Suzhen, he is at the seventh level of the Divine Pulse Realm, you and Subing are not his opponents, so don't act rashly in private!"

After Tantai Xuanzhong passed the sound transmission, he looked at Mr. Yuwenfeng who was seated next to him, and ordered: "Elder Law Enforcement, let's start."

"Your subordinates obey." Mr. Yu Wenfeng stood up, looked down at the more than seven million people in Tiangong Square, and said loudly: "Those who challenge the young suzerain come out!"

As soon as the words fell, a woman in a pink dress with a pretty face and an indifferent expression, exuding the spirit of the ninth level of the soul vein, took a light step in front of the disciple of the five souls and one vein, "Song Shasha, the saint of the five souls and one vein!"

As Song Shasha came out, hundreds of thousands of disciples of the five souls cheered excitedly.

"Zheng Quan, the holy son of the Fenglei lineage!" At this moment, a handsome man stepped forward from the front of the Fenglei lineage disciple.

"Situ Hao, the holy son of the beast soul." A scholar-like man also stepped out of the formation.

"Yan Richen, the holy son of the holy soul!"

"Saint Zhao Bijun from the lineage of the ancient soul!"

"Jin Shaoxian, the holy son of the Pill Vein!"

"Pang Yuan, Son of the Rune Vessel!"

When the seven powerhouses of the seven meridians came out, no one came out for the array and organ meridians.

Feng Yun, the patriarch of Zhenmai on Yulou, said calmly: "My Zhenmai supports Tan Yun as the young suzerain, so I abstain!"

Hearing this, even though hundreds of ancestors from various branches didn't say anything, they thought Feng Yun was flattering in their hearts.

At this time, Zhong Libo, the patriarch of Qimai on the seat, looked down at Tan Yun who was standing tall in the square, and said in a deep voice: "Young Sect Master, yesterday I asked Xie Juechen to invite you to come to Qimai Saint Realm for a talk. Why refuse?"

However, Tan Yun's subsequent words made Zhong Libo's face blown away, and his lungs were about to explode!

But seeing Tan Yun looking up at Zhongli Bo on the jade tower with a look of disgust, he deliberately raised his voice: "Zhongli Bo, if you have anything to say, just say it directly, why are you secretly transmitting voices to this young master?"

"What? Yesterday you asked Xie Juechen to invite my young lord to go to the Artifact Saint Realm, so my young lord must go?"

"It's ridiculous! I am the young suzerain, but if you want to see this young suzerain, you have to let this young suzerain run in front of you?"

"What do you think you are!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Zhong Libo blushed, resisting the urge to pinch Tan Yun to death with one hand, stood up and said respectfully: "This subordinate knows his mistake, please forgive me, Young Master!"

"Okay, my young suzerain doesn't care about you like you." Tan Yun glanced at Zhong Libo, his tepid tone made Zhong Libo's old face dull, his cheeks were hot and hot, as if he had been slapped by Tan Yun in public It's like a slap in the face!

He is the great butler of the Zhongli family, how has he ever been humiliated like this?

Zhong Libo glanced at the Qimai disciples, and immediately, a roar rang out from the mind of a burly male disciple, "Wu Yi, if you meet Tan Yun later, I will kill him!"

Hearing this, Wu Yi nodded his head heavily, and then, he took a step forward with arrogance, "Wu Yi, the son of the meridian!"

Jun Yuwenfeng's voice was like Hong Zhong said: "Next, draw lots to decide the order of challenging the young suzerain!"

Afterwards, the eight people who challenged Tan Yun were randomly checked.

"This law enforcement elder announced." Mr. Yu Wenfeng said loudly: "The one who challenged the young suzerain is Song Shasha, the saint of five souls and one vein."

"Second match, Zheng Quan, the holy son of Fenglei."

"The third match, Zhao Bijun, the holy maiden from the lineage of the ancient soul."

"Fourth round, Pang Yuan, the Son of the Runeline Saint."

"Fifth match, Wu Yi, son of the meridians!"

"Sixth match, Yan Richen, the holy son of the holy soul!"

"Seventh scene, Jin Shaoxian, the holy son of the Pill Vein."

"The eighth round, Situ Hao, the holy son of the beast soul!"

Lord Yuwenfeng's expression suddenly became serious, "According to the nine-year agreement, today is the decisive battle between the eight people and the young suzerain!"

"If the young suzerain unfortunately falls, the challenger who survives will play a game. If he can win the championship, he will be the young suzerain!"

"The decisive battle of life and death has begun, and no one is allowed to interfere."

"Now the Great Elder of Law Enforcement announces that the first battle to challenge the Young Sovereign will officially begin!"

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