Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 830 The tip of the iceberg

Chapter 830: The tip of the iceberg

"Send you on the road together!" Just seven words, how domineering!

The seven characters lingered in the ears of more than seven million disciples. This indifferent voice made all the disciples shudder.

You know, all four of them are at the Dzogchen Soul Vein Realm!

On the Jade Tower, Tantai Yu, Tantai Xuanzhong, Shen Subing, and Mu Mengyu, Zhongwu Shiyao, Xue Ziyan, Huangfu Yingying in Tiangong Square, at this moment, there is no worry or anxiety in their eyes.

To this day, they already believed every word Tan Yun said, and since Tan Yun said so, they were sure to kill the four of them.

On the other hand, the four great patriarchs, the ancient soul lineage, the talisman lineage, the device lineage, and the holy soul lineage, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The four great patriarchs looked at each other, and then encouraged Zhao Bijun, Pang Yuan, Wu Yi, and Yan Rishen to fight to the death!

Jin Xianghai, the patriarch of Danmai, thought to himself: "Could it be that this little bastard, Tan Yun, knows that Young Master Jin is powerful, so he dare not let Young Master Jin go up with the four of them?"

Similarly, Situ Wuhen, the patriarch of the beast soul lineage, was also puzzled, "Could it be possible that Tan Yun learned that the old great-great-great-grandson is powerful? That's why he didn't go up and let Haoer go up together?"

At this moment, Jin Xianghai naturally didn't know that the reason why Tan Yun didn't let Jin Shaoxian go with him was because Tan Yun already knew that Jin Shaoxian was a member of the Jin clan!

But no matter how Situ Wuhen thought about it, he would never think of the reason why Tan Yun didn't let Situ Hao go together.

Not only can he not guess, but no one can guess either!

The reason for Tan Yun is very simple, because he thought of Situ Jiannan, a bastard in his hometown!

He was determined to kill Situ Hao, but thinking of the past of Situ Jiannan and Liu Ruyan's collusion, he hated Situ's enemy very much at this moment!

At this time, Mr. Yu Wenfeng, who was concerned about Tan Yun's safety, said worriedly: "Young Sect Master, do you really want to fight four with one?"

"En." Tan Yun nodded, his tone determined.

Mr. Yu Wenfeng said with great anger: "Now the great elder of the law enforcement announces that the four of you challenge the young suzerain, and the official start!"


"kill him!"


Zhao Bijun, Pang Yuan, Wu Yi, and Yan Rishen, in order to prevent being controlled by Tan Yuntong's technique, the four of them closed their eyes and released their spiritual consciousness, shouting and holding their swords and soaring towards the floating platform!

In the void, when Pang Yuan and Zhao Bijun were attacking Tan Yun head-on, Zhao Bijun was like a ghost holding a sword to kill Tan Yun!

Pang Yuan waved his right arm, and in an instant, attack symbols one after another blasted towards Tan Yun!

Wu Yi and Yan Rishen, on the other hand, joined forces and used all their means, bringing the power of space that swept across the sky, and sword lights that tore through the void one after another, and killed Tan Yun's back!

All of a sudden, dozens of sub-holy-level attack symbols turned into ice cones all over the sky, and fire dragons attacked Tan Yun!

Just when the great ancestors thought that Tan Yun was either dead or injured, the scene that happened after that made their faces change drastically, and they stood up from their seats one after another, exclaiming: "What a speed!"

In the field of vision of more than seven million people, suddenly, Tan Yun's whole body was surrounded by strands of pale golden spiritual power, and he performed the primordial divine step!

"Whoosh whoosh—"

"Puchi, Puchi—"

But Tan Yun flipped his right hand, held a purple flying sword, drew a huge arc from the void, and spurted blood from the sides of Zhao Bijun, Pang Yuan, and Wu Yi in a flash!

In the next moment, Tan Yun dodged the attacks from all over the sky, his body swayed from the void, and appeared beside Yan Richen in the air!

"Why are you so fast... No, no!"

Yan Richeng's terrified screams sent chills down the spine!

"Go to hell!"

Holding the sword, Tan Yun pierced Yan Richen's forehead with the sound of cracking bones and gushing blood, piercing through his head!

Yan Rishen was killed on the spot, and the ten soul veins were destroyed before they escaped from the corpse!

But at this moment, all the attacks on Tan Yun in the void disappeared, and there were only the bodies of Zhao Bijun, Pang Yuan, and Wu Yi falling towards the table!

As the three of them fell, a streak of blood appeared on their necks. Then, as the streak of blood expanded, the heads of the three of them flew away from the corpse.

However, the necks of the three of them were cut off by Tan Yun just now, and it was only because of the speed of Tan Yun's movement and the speed with which he swung the sword that the heads of the three of them slipped off the necks at this moment!

"Young Sect Master, please forgive me!"

"Young Sect Master, please give us a chance!"

"Wuuu...Young Sect Master, we know we were wrong..."

"Young Sect Master, please spare our soul veins..."

With the sound of crying and begging for mercy, the soul veins of three people were drilled out of the thirty people's severed heads.

Among them, Zhao Bijun and Pang Yuan each had ten soul veins, knowing that running for their lives was useless, so they knelt in the void and kowtowed non-stop.

But Wu Yi's ten ethereal soul veins did not kneel down, but said with a sad smile: "I have practiced Wu Yi for three hundred years, but I never thought that I would die in..."


Tan Yun ignored Zhao Bijun and Pang Yuan's begging for mercy, his expression was indifferent, and with a wave of his big hand, a wave of pale golden spiritual power, like a golden tide, swallowed the three of them with thirty soul veins!

In the next moment, the sky was empty, as if there had never been a fight, only the four corpses on the floating platform proved the fact that Tan Yun killed four people in a flash.

At this moment, in Tiangong Square, millions of disciples from the lineage of ancient soul, talisman, vessel, and holy soul uttered unstoppable screams of grief:

"How could this be? How could our saintess die!"

"Our holy son is the strongest disciple of our talisman... woo woo..."


When the Simai disciples were heartbroken, the faces of the Simai ancestors on the Jade Tower became uglier one by one.

They also had the idea that a holy woman and three holy sons could kill Tan Yun together, but they never expected that the four of them would still be weak and pitiful against Tan Yun together!

The four of them didn't display the unique skills that their ancestors taught them, so they died in Tan Yun's killing!

At the same time, they looked at Tan Yun's expression and changed!

In their hearts, Tan Yun is simply not human!

If it was a human being, how could he lightly kill four geniuses at the Great Perfection of the Soul Vein Realm with the strength of the sixth level of the Soul Vein Realm!

At this moment, Tantai Yu, Tantai Xuanzhong and his son had smiles written on their faces.

Because Tan Yun did not disappoint them!

Tantai Xian'er, who was disguised as a man in the square, looked up at the blue figure still standing in the air, with unstoppable admiration in her eyes.

And Feng Yun on the Yulou seat glanced at Tan Yun, then sent a voice transmission to Feng Qingcheng on the next seat with a dull expression: "Qingcheng, you can see Tan Yun's ability and potential."

"He didn't use the body training technique, nor did he use the sword art or the sword array, but he easily killed six people one after another. It is enough to show that what Tan Yun showed us is just the tip of the iceberg of his strength!"

"Even if you have the strength to leapfrog to the second level of the Divine Pulse Realm, you may not be his opponent!"

"Gaozu still hopes that you can think about not killing Tan Yun, can you?"

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