Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 837: The Lucky Head of Life and Arms!

Chapter 837: The Lucky Head of Life and Arms!

When Tantai Yu and Tantai Xuanzhong heard the words, their hearts were agitated, "Could it be that Yuner, the four techniques of alchemy, formation, talisman, and weapon have already reached the holy rank?"

As for whether Tan Yun's four arts attainments would reach the legendary immortal rank, they didn't think about it at all!

Because they know that since ancient times, the masters of immortal arrays, immortal talismans, immortal arrays, and immortal weapons have disappeared.

Perhaps no one ever reached the immortal level in the four arts attainments!

While Tantai Yu and Tantai Xuanzhong were secretly shocked, all the ancestors of Bamai were overjoyed!

Especially the eight patriarchs of the eight veins, they know that among them there are holy alchemy masters, holy weapon masters, holy talisman masters, and holy array masters!

They were conceited that under any one of them's assessment, Tan Yun would fail the assessment.

Not to mention the vicious situation of monsters, they are confident that if Tan Yun fights with the fifth- and sixth-level monsters with his bare hands, the result will be no bones left, and the monsters will tear them apart and swallow them!

"Okay, Young Master, you really speak quickly!" Situ Wuhen laughed loudly.

"Quick words don't count, my young suzerain is just giving you a chance to get rid of this young suzerain." Tan Yun squinted his eyes, glanced at the eight great patriarchs, and said again: "However, my young suzerain has a proposal. How about adding some color?"

"Young Sect Master, please tell me." Jin Xianghai smiled with murderous intent. Thinking of Jin Shaoxian's death, he wished he could crush Tan Yun to death.

Tan Yun said calmly: "Dan, device, talisman, and formation, any one of you can test me on the content of the test that you think is the most difficult. If I lose, you don't need to kill me in vain. "

"This young suzerain will kill himself!"

"If my young suzerain passes the assessment, my young suzerain respects you eight great patriarchs as seniors, and I will ask you for a right arm, and swear that you will never regain the lost arm in eternal life, how about it?"

"Think about it carefully, it's a good deal. This young suzerain lost his life, but you just lost an arm!"

"Oh, of course, if you don't dare to gamble, then today's assessment will be waived, and it is better for me to let this young suzerain directly assume the position of suzerain!"

Tan Yun paused, and said coldly: "The right to choose is in your hands, and the right to make decisions is also in your hands. Do you dare... or not!"

When more than seven million disciples heard the words, they thought Tan Yun was crazy!

Isn't this suicidal?

In the hearts of all the disciples, they really knew that the young master had dabbled in alchemy, weapon refining, talisman refining, and array refining. But how can the attainment of the four arts be comparable to that of the ancestors of all veins!

You must know that these ancestors are all old antiques that have lived for thousands of years!

The meritorious disciples and law enforcement disciples looked at Tan Yun worriedly, with some trepidation.

On the other hand, Shen Subing, Mu Mengyu, Zhong Wu Shiyao, and Xue Ziyan, who learned that Tan Yun was the reincarnation of Da Neng, still looked worried.

At this time, Tuoba Yingying sent a voice transmission to Mu Mengyu, Shiyao, and Ziyan, telling the three girls not to worry...

However, Tan Yun's proposed lottery is another matter in the hearts of the eight great patriarchs and more than 150 patriarchs of the eight veins.

In their hearts, Tan Yun was bluffing himself again.

From their point of view, it has been less than forty years since Tan Yun joined the sect when he was young. In such a short period of time, not to mention the attainments of the four arts reached the holy level, even if Tan Yun's attainments in the alchemy of the famous sect can reach the low-level holy alchemy teacher, It is absolutely impossible!

You know, which one of them has not spent more than a thousand years becoming a holy alchemy master, a holy weapon master, a holy talisman master, or a holy formation master?

"It took me three thousand years in the outside world to be promoted to a mid-level holy alchemist, but it took more than ten thousand years in the magic weapon of time and space!"

Jin Xianghai, the patriarch of alchemy, thought to himself: "I don't believe it, Tan Yun's alchemy attainments are even higher than this old man!"

Thinking about this place secretly, Jin Xianghai's old voice sounded, "Okay, my great patriarch has gambled!"

At this time, Zhong Libo, the patriarch of Qimai, looked at Tan Yun with disdain, "This patriarch also gambled!"

The patriarch Tuoba Qingtian stroked his beard and smiled, "Young master, do you think you can scare us? Don't say it's just a gamble, even if you bet on the life of this great patriarch, this great patriarch will bet on it." ! Haha, you are still too naive!"

Let the eight great patriarchs gamble their lives?

Tan Yun naturally thought, but he knew it was impossible to do so.

Otherwise, the eight patriarchs would kill the disciples of Huangfu Shengzong before they died, and the consequences would be disastrous.

There is another reason, Tan Yun has long thought that it is the best policy to destroy the eight great patriarchs one by one in the future. Once they are eliminated together, the forces behind those spies may attack together!

"My patriarch also agrees!"


After half a ring, the eight ancestors of the eight veins and eight great ancestors agreed with confidence.

"Young Sect Master, you have to think twice!" Feng Yun, the great patriarch of the formation pulse, hurriedly dissuaded him: "Young Sect Master, let me speak frankly, what is the difference between your actions and sending yourself to death?"

"Young Sect Master, although I won't make it difficult for you to pass the examination, but among these ancestors, there are many holy formation masters!"

At this time, Feng Qingcheng said to Tan Yun in a cold voice: "You want to die, you deserve it!"

"You're dead, just to save me from killing you and dirtying my hands!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun glanced at Feng Qingcheng, and said via voice transmission: "Little Qingcheng, you can't say that. If I die, who will marry you? Could it be that you want to be a widow?"

"You...you dare to tease me when you are about to die!" Feng Qingcheng's delicate body trembled, and she said via voice transmission: "You'd better not die. From now on, this lady will let you live or die!"

"Not gentle at all." Tan Yun looked at Feng Yun after the voice transmission, and said, "Thank you for your concern. However, people are bound to die, so just face it calmly."

"Ah!" Feng Yun sighed, Tan Yun would definitely lose in his heart!

At this moment, Tantai Xuanzhong took a deep breath and frowned, "Yun'er, life is not a trifling matter, have you thought it through?"

"Sovereign, this disciple has thought clearly." Tan Yun said without thinking.

"Okay!" After Tantai Xuanzhong nodded, he looked at the eight patriarchs and said, "Let's start the assessment!"

"It's the suzerain." Jin Xianghai, the patriarch of Danmai, took the order with a respectful appearance, looked down at Tan Yun in the square, and said in a deep voice: "I heard that the young suzerain was in the Eternal Immortal Sect's Four Art Competition back then. At that time, the identification of pills was unmatched by the genius disciples of the three ancient sects."

"Today, I have a elixir here for the young master to identify."

"If the Young Sect Master can recognize the name, grade, and use of the elixir, as well as all the elixir used in alchemy, you will win, and the subordinate will cut off his arm!"

"If the young suzerain can't tell the difference, then the young suzerain kills himself on the spot!"

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples in the entire Tiangong Square concentrated and held their breath, and the dignified breath flowed and spread among each other...

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