Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 844: Monsters and Beasts

Eight hundred and fortieth chapters monster beast

At this moment, the smiles on the faces of Tantai Yu and Tantai Xuanzhong also disappeared.

Because there are many fifth-level monsters and powerful sixth-level monsters in the monster territory.

These monsters are all monsters in the Falling God Canyon. The senior officials of Huangfu Shengzong captured them alive and imprisoned them in the monster beast for the sake of preventing the outer disciples from being swallowed by these tyrannical monsters during their trials in the Falling God Canyon. territory.

After being imprisoned in the beast realm, specialized beast trainers began to tame them into spirit beasts to strengthen the sect's power.

But all the monsters that can be domesticated become spirit beasts, they are all released from the monster territory, and almost all the monsters who are locked in the monster territory are the monsters who will not obey!

The higher the realm of the monster, the harder it is to domesticate it, and it will treat humans as a humble race. They think that they are the darlings of the gods who are superior to others and should not be driven by humans. Therefore, from this point of view, monsters are usually stronger than humans!

As we all know, fifth-level monsters can transform into human form, but none of the fifth-level and sixth-level monsters in the fierce territory can turn into humans.

In their view, turning into a human form is the greatest insult to them!

It can be said that the monsters in the Fierce Territory are all vicious, cruel, stubborn, cannibalistic creatures!

Of course, even if they can't be tamed, the senior officials of Huangfu Shengzong will not destroy them all at once.

Because the powerful monsters are full of treasures, the high-level sect will keep them and slaughter them when needed!

Usually, cunning, insidious, and despicable are synonymous with human beings in the hearts of monsters!

They hate humans, hate humans for taking them away from the Falling God Canyon where they were raised...

When Tantai Xuanzhong secretly told Tan Yun about this, Tan Yun nodded to express his understanding and then fell into silence, not knowing what to think...

Since the Monster Beast Terrible Realm is a small secret realm in the Beast Soul Sacred Realm, under the order of Tantai Xuanzhong, everyone boarded their own spirit boats and headed for the Beast Soul Sacred Realm a million miles away. drive off...

On the way, there were nearly 100,000 meritorious disciples from the Inner Sect, the Immortal Sect, and the Sacred Sect. Their worries were written on their faces. They were worried for Tan Yun...

After Tan Yun smiled and told all the meritorious disciples not to worry, he called Mu Mengyan, Zhong Wu Shiyao, Xue Ziyan, and Tuoba Yingying into the training room on the spirit boat.

Seeing the worried faces of the women, Tan Yun stepped forward and hugged Mu Mengyan and Zhong Wu Shiyao, and said loudly, "I will enter the realm of monsters and beasts, and it will be an unprecedented fierce battle!"

"But don't worry, I will definitely come out of the evil territory alive!"


Night fell.

Hundreds of spirit boats sailed into the Beast Soul Sacred Territory, and under the hazy moonlight, shuttled over the vast mountains and flew towards the northwest like lightning...

As the night grew thicker, the moonlight faded from the haze and became as bright as water, sprinkled in the mountains filled with spiritual energy and floating clouds.

When hundreds of spirit boats flew for 300,000 miles, they floated over a mountain lake one after another.

At this time, Situ Wuhen, the patriarch of the beast soul lineage, stepped on the spirit boat, looked back at the disciples of the ten veins on the spirit boats, and said in a deep voice: "This patriarch will now open the monster beast realm. "

"You don't need to panic after entering, because there is a large defensive formation in the ominous environment, and there is a large protection formation, even the eighth-level monsters cannot break out."

When the disciples heard the words, there was a commotion. They are still clear about the concept of an eighth-order monster!

You must know that a fifth-level monster is equivalent to a human being at the holy soul level; a sixth-level monster is at the soul vein level!

The seventh-level monsters are in the Divine Pulse Realm; the eighth-level monsters are in the God's Realm!

An eighth-level monster means that it is the same level as these ancestors!

Tan Yun frowned, and asked: "Situ Wuhen, first, how wide is the area where monsters are imprisoned in the monster territory?"

"Second, how many kinds of monsters are there in the evil territory, and how many are there?"

"Third, what is the lowest level of a monster? Are you sure the highest level is only the sixth-order transcending tribulation stage?"

Hearing this, Situ Wuhen put on a candid look, "Sovereign Young Master, first, the monster beasts have a radius of 180,000 miles, but the monsters are all locked in caves."

"Secondly, there are eight major races of monsters. I haven't counted the number of them. It is estimated that there are about 80,000."

"Third, the lowest realm of monsters is the fifth-order primary stage, and the highest subordinates cannot be determined."

"However, in the past thousand years, the highest level of monsters I have seen has not exceeded the sixth-order tribulation stage."

Hearing this, Tan Yun nodded, and asked casually, "Oh, by the way, are you sure the monsters inside can't be tamed?"

"Yes, young suzerain." Situ Wuhen said.

Tan Yun said casually: "If the young suzerain can domesticate as much, can he take away as much?"

"Ignorant child, you still want to tame monsters. I don't think you know how to write the word "death!" Situ Wuhen cursed secretly, and said, "According to the clan rules, after taming, you need the consent of your subordinates before you can take it away."

"However, young suzerain, you have a noble status, as long as you can domesticate, you can take as many as you want!"

Tan Yun nodded calmly, "Okay, let's open the evil environment!"

"It's the Young Sovereign." After Situ Wuhen responded, a dark red token flew out from the cuff and floated in the sky.

Then, a dark red beam of light as thick as an arm rose into the sky from within the token. In an instant, the space in the night sky was like boiling water, and a door to a secret realm with a diameter of thousands of feet was transformed.

"Old suzerain, suzerain, please!" Situ Wuhen turned his head and said respectfully to Tantai Yu and his son.

"En." Tantai Xuanzhong responded, and then he drove the spirit boat, carrying Tantai Yu and Tan Yun, and entered the gate of the secret realm first.

Immediately, the ancestors, senior officials and disciples of the ten veins flew into the evil territory of the monsters one after another in the spirit boat.

After entering, everyone looked down, but saw a curtain of blue halo below, like a giant bowl with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles, upside down in a huge and deep-ground giant circular square.

The circular square has a radius of 30,000 li, and it is the famous gladiatorial field of Huangfu Shengzong!

The gladiatorial sanctuary is for those who come to tame monsters. Obviously, now it will become the venue for Tan Yun to fight with monsters!

The giant gladiatorial sanctuary with a radius of 30,000 miles is not small, and Tan Yun is very satisfied. Only in this way can he show his extreme speed, and after using the grand step, he can span thousands of miles to the maximum!


The roars of monster beasts and hoarse roars came from the gladiatorial sanctuary below:

"Ho Ho Ho Ho—"


"Damn humans, we will not submit to you!"

"You humble and insidious human beings, you kind of kill us!"

"If you have the guts, let us go, let us fight you to the death!"

"Despicable and shameless human beings... You must die!"

"Roar, roar!!"


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