Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 851: Violent Crushing

Chapter 851: Violent Crushing


Amidst the tremors in the void, the bones in Tan Yun's body made a creepy creaking sound, and immediately, his body glowed with a faint golden light!

Immediately afterwards, his body suddenly swelled to a height of thirty feet!

Except for his black hair, his hands, arms, handsome facial features and even his whole body had all turned into golden crystals. In the night sky, dense black cracks appeared!

Tan Yun felt the unprecedented power surging in his body, and he was particularly excited.

The Jinhuo wolf clan looked at Tan Yun with a look of shock in their pupils.

In the sky, more than 150 patriarchs of the eight bloodlines who wanted to put Tan Yun to death were completely stunned:

"What kind of body training technique did he practice? As far as I know, the countless body training techniques of our humans from ancient times to the present can make people as tall as twenty feet! But he actually reached thirty feet!"

"Yes, ah... Is he a human..."


In the shock of the great patriarchs, everyone except Tuoba Yingying felt a turbulent wave in their hearts!

Everyone looked at Tan Yun, which was made up of golden crystal particles, and most of the disciples were speechless in shock!

On the other hand, the commander of the dragon and bear, who was walking towards Tan Yun with great arrogance, paused suddenly with a body as high as two hundred feet, with surprise in his bear eyes, and said in a muffled voice: "Tsk tsk, you Grandpa Xiong is very surprised that this ant can actually transform!"

Tan Yun, who is thirty feet tall, only reaches three feet below his knees. He is condescending and doesn't take Tan Yun seriously at all!

"Stupid bear, I still have many surprises for you!"

As soon as Tan Yun's words fell, the commander of the dragon and bear suddenly swept through the void of thousands of feet, and said fiercely: "Go to hell!"

It was like kicking a ball, with a thick right leg covered with cyan dragon scales, and with a collapsed void, it kicked towards Tan Yun in awe!

"Break it for me!"

Under the moonlight, Tan Yun, whose whole body was emitting a faint golden light, shot up hundreds of feet like lightning. Immediately, his thirty-foot-long body was spinning in the air, and his right leg, which was more than ten feet long, made an air blast sound, abruptly colliding with the dragon. Commander Xiong's kicked right leg and knee hit each other!



When the first loud bang sounded, the dragon scale on the knee of the right leg of Commander Long Xiong was torn apart and blood spattered everywhere!

When the second clear sound of bone cracking sounded, the thick right leg of Commander Long Xiong flew with blood and flesh, and the blue bone inside was broken, and a stump flew away from the body amidst the blood gushing!

"Oh...no! The commander's leg!"

The commander of the dragon and bear let out a wail like a pig being slaughtered, and the two-hundred-foot bear's body flew upside down from the low sky!

"Aren't you very arrogant? Damn! You continue to be arrogant!"

In the void, Tan Yun smiled tentatively, turned into a golden light, caught up with Commander Longxiong in an instant, and swung his right fist to slam his chest fiercely!



Commander Dragon and Xiong spurted blood from his mouth, dragon scales scattered on his chest, his sternum broke, and his chest collapsed. He was punched by Tan Yun and hit the ground hard, and passed out.

This scene was no small matter, and more than 3,000 dragon bears in the fifth-stage growth stage were frightened and backed up. The pairs of giant pupils looking at Tan Yun explained what it means to be panicked!

In their hearts, the Grand Commander of the sixth growth stage is an omnipotent existence. They scratched their heads with bear paws, and couldn't figure out why the human body not far away was stronger than the Grand Commander!

Not only can they not figure it out, but at this moment, no one in the sky can figure it out except Tuoba Yingying!

In the same way, he was a little confused when he stepped out of the sky and stood up as the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King.

"Grandma, what a bear!" Tianluo Dragon and Bear King looked down at the over three thousand dragon bears that were retreating, and cursed, "Is his grandma just standing there in a daze? Give it to me, don't be cowardly!"

"Listen to your majesty, go up..." More than 3,000 dragons and bears yelled, and when they rushed towards Tan Yun, Tan Yun suddenly raised his foot, "Bang!" The earth trembled and stomped on the ground, and said loudly: " Whoever takes a step forward, your commander-in-chief will be your fate!"

"Whoa, whoa—"

Immediately, these more than 3,000 hundred-foot-tall Tianluo dragon bears swallowed their saliva fiercely, and stopped their bodies one after another. At this moment, the fierceness has faded away, but a little cuteness has been added.

At the same time, it is enough to show that although they are more powerful than the Jinhuo demon wolf clan, they are not as courageous and vicious as the demon wolf clan who are not afraid of life and death!

Looking at this scene, the Tianluo Dragon Bear King in the void waved his bear paws angrily, "Mal Gobi, you bastards are mad at me to death!"

"After this king destroys this human being, I will deal with you bunch of bastards!"

Roaring and furious, the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King swooped down, waving the eight-foot-long, sharp nails on the bear's paws, tearing up the night sky forcefully, and shrouded it towards Tan Yun!

The Tianluo Dragon and Bear King is indeed a sixth-order adult monster, and its speed is jaw-dropping!

But Tan Yun, after using the Primordial Divine Step, was 50% faster than it!


Tan Yun's mountain-like body flashed twice in the void, and then escaped the bear's paw attack. Immediately, Tan Yun stuck to the left side of Tianluo Dragon Bear King's body, soared into the sky, turned into a golden afterimage, and swept up On the back of the neck of Tianluolongxiongwang!

"Human, you are only at the sixth level of the Soul Vein Realm, how can you be faster than this king!" When the Tianluo Dragon Bear King exclaimed, he felt the majestic bear hair on his head, and was tightly grasped by Tan Yun on the back of his neck up!

"I made you arrogant!"

Holding the bear hair with his left hand, Tan Yun swung his huge golden right fist and slammed it heavily on the head of the Tianluo Dragon Bear King.


The bear fur exploded, the huge bear's scalp was ripped apart, and blood overflowed from the wound!

"Bang bang bang—"

Tan Yun used 70% of his strength to gouge Tianluo Dragon and Bear King's head non-stop and frantically, blood spattered and blood gushed out, blurring Tianluo Dragon and Bear King's vision!

"Ah... it's bleeding... it's bleeding! Headache, pain!" The Tianluo Dragon and Bear King cried out in pain, "I've been beaten by a human being, and I give up... Can't I just give up?"

"Admit defeat and surrender to me, and then I will take you out of this place to see the light of day again?" Tan Yun still grabbed the bear hair on the head of the Tianluo Dragon Bear King, squatted on its generous back, and said indifferently.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you..." Tianluo Longxiongwang trembled, looking quite simple and honest.

But the moment Tan Yun relaxed a little, a hint of trickery suddenly burst out from the huge pupils of the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King, and he roared: "I listen to your grandma, you are a bear! Go to hell!"

"call out--"


Suddenly, its two-hundred-foot-long dragon tail exploded the void without warning, and slammed into Tan Yun's back fiercely!

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