Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 873 Countdown to Death!

Chapter 873 Countdown to Death!

"The one who should come will always come." Tan Yun frowned, and after a long silence, he said: "My suzerain knows, pass on the order, and take good care of him. After three months, my suzerain will go to Longyunzong to see in person. "

"Also, inform the more than a thousand lords in the middle of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range and let them go to Longyun Sect on time in three months. At that time, the lord has other matters to discuss with them."

Hearing this, Guan Xuankui, the third patriarch of law enforcement, respectfully said: "This subordinate obeys orders!"

In the sixth-floor exquisite exquisite holy tower, Tan Yun began to race against time to prepare for the grandmeng hegemony body!

Since Tan Yun's retreat, he has entered the seventh, eighth, ninth, and great perfection successively from the sixth level of the Soul Vessel Realm, which means that he has four opportunities to control the Primordial Divine Liquid to temper his body.

Now Tan Yun has tempered the skin, flesh and blood, veins, muscles, bones, and eight extraordinary meridians of his whole body into the shape of golden crystal particles, entering the stage of the sixth-order primordial crystal formation.

Next, Tan Yun can use four opportunities to control the Primordial Divine Liquid to temper all the internal organs, which means that the peak stage of the sixth-order Primordial Crystal has been tempered, and he will have the power to tear apart the best sub-holy artifacts with his bare hands!

After Tan Yun succeeds in crossing the tribulation of the Soul Vein Realm, and is promoted to the first level of the Divine Vein Realm, he will also enter the initial stage of the Hongmeng Golden Body in the seventh-order Hongmeng Overlord Body. At that time, the physical body will become stronger and stronger!

Tan Yun entered into meditation, and came to the vast world of primordial conception through the heart of primordial conception in the center of the spirit pool.

Now, as Tan Yun enters the sixth-order hegemony, every time he advances to a small realm, he can control sixty strands of primordial liquid to temper his body at once!

Tan Yun stepped into the void, like the master of the primordial world, looking down at the ocean-like primordial liquid below, his eyes revealing deep hope.

"Hongmeng Divine Liquid, swallow it for me!"

With a single thought, two hundred and forty strands of the primordial divine liquid like a dragon rushed out of the liquid surface, soared into the air, and as they slowly swirled around Tan Yun, strands of primordial divine liquid were separated, which were continuously drilled through the air. It entered between Tan Yun's eyebrows, and then devoured all the internal organs in his body...


Tan Yun, who was sitting cross-legged in the holy pagoda, was sweating profusely from the pain, and gasped for air.

But the viscera in his body began to be covered with cracks at a speed visible to the naked eye under the erosion of the primordial spirit.

Then the cracks gradually expanded and disappeared, and after an hour, the internal organs were reduced to nothingness.

However, the liquid state of Primordial Spirit has turned into the appearance of internal organs, exuding a faint golden light.

Immediately, the liquid viscera formed by the condensed primordial liquid gradually solidified at an undetectable speed...

There is no time in the tower, and twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, when the internal organs formed by the condensed primordial liquid had completely solidified into a golden yellow solid, they began to slowly crack and decompose...

Then, in the long ten years, Tan Yun's internal organs turned into golden crystal particles, which means that Tan Yun has shaped the internal organs into Hongmeng crystals!

It means that Tan Yun has now completed the cultivation of the sixth-order peak of the Hongmeng Hegemony Body, and has the ability to easily tear apart with bare hands, the best sub-holy weapon!

One can imagine how powerful it is!

You must know that from ancient times to the present, in the hearts of the people, no one has been promoted to an immortal weapon master, so everyone in the world believes that today's best holy weapon is the most powerful magic weapon.

As for the top-grade sub-holy artifact, it is only a small step away from the low-grade sacred artifact. It can be said that the top-grade sacred artifact is already a magic weapon that can be obtained in the eyes of many powerful people.

But what about Tan Yun?

He can detonate the best sub-holy weapon with just one punch. If the world finds out, they will be so shocked that their jaws will drop, right?

At this time, Tan Yun suddenly opened his eyes. He felt the unprecedented surging power in his body, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"At the sixth level of the Soul Vein Realm, my soul is as powerful as the second level of the Divine Vein Realm."

"I would like to see how powerful my soul has become now that I have entered the Great Perfection of the Soul Vein Realm and completed the sixth-order peak cultivation of the Primordial Hegemony Body!"

After making up his mind, Tan Yun stepped out of the Linglong Holy Pagoda with a smile like a spring breeze, and appeared in No. 1 Immortal Valley in a flash.

"My subordinates welcome the suzerain to leave the customs!" Guan Xuankui, who was sitting cross-legged, hurriedly got up and bowed towards Tan Yun from a distance.

"Hmm." Tan Yun smiled slightly, signaling to Guan Xuankui not to be too polite, and suddenly, his hair fluttered, and an invisible column of spiritual stone light stretched towards the sky at high speed!

In the blink of an eye, it soared into the sky and surpassed the 1.4 million miles of Tan Yun's soul pulse state at the sixth level, and then, the spiritual consciousness penetrated through layers of clouds at the speed of light...

1.8 million miles... 2.3 million miles... didn't stop until 2.6 million!

Under normal circumstances, a strong person at the first level of the Divine Vein Realm can cover a radius of 1.4 million miles with spiritual consciousness!

The radius of the second level of the Shenmai Realm is 1.6 million miles; the radius of the third level is 1.8 million miles; the radius of the fourth level is two million miles; the radius of the fifth level is 2.3 million miles!

The radius of the sixth realm is 2.6 million miles; the radius of the seventh realm is three million miles; the radius of the eighth realm is 3.3 million miles; the radius of the ninth realm is 3.6 million miles!

And for a strong person in the Great Perfection of the Divine Pulse Realm, the range of spiritual consciousness can reach a terrifying four million miles!

It is unbelievable that Tan Yun, who is in the Great Perfection of the Soul Vein Realm, has reached the sixth level of the Divine Vein Realm!

What a crazy thing!

To be clear, Tan Yun has only stepped into the first level of the Divine Pulse Realm now!

When Tan Yun put away his spiritual consciousness in high spirits, Guan Xuankui appeared in front of Tan Yun in a flash, and said respectfully, "Congratulations, suzerain, for being promoted to the Great Perfection of Soul Vein Realm!"

At this moment, Guan Xuankui's heart was full of turmoil, because when Tan Yun tested the strength of his soul just now, Guan Xuankui discovered through his spiritual knowledge that Tan Yun's soul was as powerful as the sixth level of the Divine Vein Realm!

Restraining his shock, Guan Xuankui said again: "Sect Master, March has passed, it's time for you to go to Longyun Sect."

"En." Tan Yun nodded and said: "You wait a moment, and go with the suzerain later."

After saying that, Tan Yun took a light step, then disappeared out of thin air, and appeared in the hall the next moment.

Tan Yun released his spiritual sense to check the golden dragon god lion in 40% of the Linglong Holy Pagoda, and found that the big man had already advanced to the sixth-order tribulation stage!

And the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape in the sixth-story holy tower has entered the tribulation stage from the seventh-order nascent stage!

Tan Yun was quite excited, and said with a smile on his face: "The seventh-level transcending tribulation period is equivalent to the power of the Great Perfection of the Divine Vein Realm. It should be no problem for the old ape to challenge the strength by leapfrogging the ordinary ancestor of the fourth-level Divine Realm!"

"As long as you give me a few more years and the old ape some more time, who am I, Tan Yun, afraid of in Huangfu Shengzong!"

After saying that, Tan Yun thought of the faces of the more than 150 ancestors of the God Realm in the eight veins during his assessment, and he sneered in his heart, "Old people, the countdown to your death has already begun! "

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