Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 888 There is no time in the mountains, and a thousand years have passed in the tower!

Chapter 888: There is no time in the mountains, but there are thousands of years in the tower!

In the outside world, one and a half years later, three years and four months have passed since everyone thought Tan Yun had died.

Huangfu Sacred Sect, Danmai Sacred Realm.

In a majestic hall, Jin Xianghai, the Patriarch of the Alchemy Line, bowed deeply to Jin Xuzi and said, "Patriarch, eight years ago you asked your subordinates to gather the members of the Jin clan distributed in the Heaven's Punishment Continent, and now eight years have passed." However, the members of the Jin clan are all waiting at the gathering point outside the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range!"

"As long as you give an order, our Jin family can attack Huangfu Shengzong!"

Hearing this, Jin Xuzi frowned, "Grand Elder, now that Tan Yun is dead, in your opinion, should we attack now, or after more than six years, if my disciples of the Dan vein fail to fight for the position of suzerain?"

Hearing this, Jin Xianghai said truthfully: "Patriarch, in the opinion of my subordinates, it is natural that after more than six years, if the fight for the position of suzerain fails!"

"If at that time, my talented disciple of the Jin clan can become the suzerain, our Jin clan power will be preserved, and then we will enter Tang Zun's holy dynasty in the future and kill Tang Yongsheng for revenge!"

Jin Xuzi nodded in agreement and said: "Well, then I will listen to you!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Xuzi said coldly: "The Tang Clan and our Jin Clan have been sworn enemies since ancient times. The Tang Clan killed so many people from our Jin Clan. After conquering Huangfu Shengzong, we will go to the Tang Clan revenge!"

The person Jin Xuzi hated the most was Tan Yun. Because Tan Yun killed his second son, Jin Shaohong, and only left Jin Shaohong with a holy soul, Jin Shaohong became an idiot after taking the house.

But Jin Xuzi's eldest son, Jin Shaoxian, was killed by Tan Yun!

But what made Jin Xuzi resentful was that he failed to kill Tan Yun himself.

In addition, among the six ancient clans, the Jin clan and the Tang clan have always been sworn enemies. More than 140 years ago, before Tang Xinying's father Tang Yongsheng invaded the Tang Zun Dynasty, he led many powerful Tang clans to slaughter the Jin clan. Countless strong.

When Tang Yongsheng had already wiped out all the Jin clan, he didn't know that Jin Xuzi found someone to pretend to be him, so he escaped the catastrophe.

In order to get revenge, Jin Xuzi urgently needs to get the fat of Huangfu Shengzong in his pocket to strengthen his power, and then seek revenge from Tang Yongsheng!

Therefore, at this time, he followed Jin Xianghai's advice. Of course, if Tan Yun hadn't died, he wouldn't have listened!


Today, Tantai Xuanzhong has been dead for three years, and Tantai Xian'er has always chosen to retreat. In her heart, only in this way can she forget the pain of her father's tragic death!

Only in this way can I forget the man I missed and loved...

at the same time.

Tan Yun, who was sitting cross-legged on the eighth floor of the Linglong Holy Pagoda in the cliff cave of the Tianpu Mountains, had already stepped into the second level of the Divine Vein Realm. Devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, sprinting to the realm!

As we all know, Dzogchen monks in the soul vein state have ten soul veins in the spiritual pool. After entering the first level of the divine vein state, the first soul vein in the spiritual pool will become a heavenly vein!

With the continuous improvement of the realm, when the realm is promoted to the ninth level of the Divine Vein Realm, the spirit pool will condense into nine heavenly veins!

After being promoted to the Great Perfection of the Divine Meridian Realm, the tenth Meridian will be condensed in the Spirit Pool, which is called the Earth Meridian!

Nine heavenly veins and ten earthly veins are called nine heavens and ten earths.

Only after the nine heavens and ten earths are condensed, the ten meridians will be condensed, and after the life and death calamity of the nine heavens and ten earths, they can be promoted to the God Realm. From then on, monks can form different attributes of domain power to fight against the enemy according to their respective attributes.

The power of the domain is incomparably powerful, and its interior is infinitely changeable!

Just like the leader of the assassination patriarch: Huangfu Guchong, he has the strength of the ninth level of the God Realm, the death attribute and the earth attribute aptitude. Therefore, when he killed the seven black-clothed ancestors who were chasing after Tan Yun three years ago, he was able to display the death domain. , The field of soil.

In addition, when a monk enters the realm of divine veins, there will be no minor catastrophe, only nine days and ten earths life and death catastrophe!

This catastrophe, known as the monk, was the first terrifying life and death catastrophe before he ascended into the sky.

Because of the Dzogchen monks in the divine vein state, when they survived the catastrophe of life and death in nine days and ten places, their mortality rate was as high as 10%!

That is to say, if ten Dzogchen cultivators in the Divine Pulse Realm cross the catastrophe, at least one of them will be annihilated in ashes!

At this moment, Tan Yun has already stepped into the second level of the Divine Vein Realm. The first and second Primordial Soul Meridians in his spiritual pool, which are exactly the same as his appearance, have disappeared and turned into two thousands of Zhangs long Primordial Celestial Meridians, like two A Hongmeng young dragon hovered in the sky above the spirit pool.

Now that Tan Yun is frantically devouring spiritual energy and rushing to the third level of the divine vein state, immediately, the third primordial soul vein sitting cross-legged in his spiritual pool began to crack slowly from his head!

A full ten years later, the body of the third primordial soul vein was covered with ceramic-like cracks.

Immediately, the cracked third Primordial Soul Meridian started from the head, as if deserted in a strong wind, and was annihilated inch by inch toward the neck!

Then the neck of the third primordial soul vein disappeared, and then the chest, abdomen, and legs also disappeared.

The moment the legs of the third primordial soul meridian disappeared, the rich spiritual liquid in the spirit pool seemed to be endowed with life, and slowly gathered above the spirit pool, it looked like a pale golden liquid dragon that was ten feet thick and thousands of feet long.

Afterwards, the thousand-foot-long liquid dragon overflowing with golden light floated motionless above the spirit pool, solidifying at a speed hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

In the eight-story pagoda full of aura, Tan Yun sat cross-legged like a stone sculpture, forgetting time and everything...

Thirty years later, the motionless liquid dragon above his spirit pond has completely solidified and turned into a substantive primordial state, like a young primordial dragon, swimming in the soul together with the first and second primordial veins. In the pool!

It means that Tan Yun has condensed the third Hongmeng Tianmai and stepped into the third level of the Divine Vein Realm!

Tan Yun still didn't cultivate the seventh-order Hongmeng Hegemony right away, but practiced in seclusion as still as a mountain!

Time flies.

Unknowingly, Tan Yun spent a thousand years in the holy tower!


A tyrannical aura surged out from Tan Yun's body, causing the void in the huge eight-story pagoda to collapse!

If you can look inside Tan Yun Lingchi, you will find that at this moment, nine thousands of feet long Hongmeng Tianmai are swimming in the sky above the Lingchi, which is quite spectacular!

And below the Lingchi, there is a 3,000-foot-long Hongmeng Landline, coiled together like a giant Hongmeng python, which is extremely shocking!

The nine heavenly veins and the tenth earthly veins mean that Tan Yun has entered the Great Consummation of God's Realm at this moment!

That's right!

It is the Great Perfection of the Divine Vein Realm!

At this moment, in the cliff cave, Guan Xuankui and Huangfu Guchong, who were sitting cross-legged, suddenly heard Tan Yunzhi's voice, "How long will it be before the suzerain battle begins?"

Huangfu said respectfully and respectfully: "Master, there is only half a year left."

"Well, I understand." In the eight-story pagoda, Tan Yun responded and said to himself: "Half a year outside, more than 70 years inside the pagoda, such a long time is enough to complete the cultivation of the seventh-order hegemony!"

"After half a year, I can finally go back! Father-in-law, just wait, Yun'er will avenge you soon!"

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