Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 966: Golden Jue Qilin Immortal Formation!

Chapter 966 Golden Jue Qilin Immortal Formation!

Ru Yan, Gao Xian, Shi Potian, and everyone else never thought that Tan Yun would kill Ru Yanchen!

In the eyes of everyone, it is impossible for Tan Yun's party to be the opponent of the powerful in the imperial city.

Everyone thought that Tan Yun would threaten the lives of Yin Yuhuang and Ru Yanchen and run away, but now that Tan Yun killed the two, the powerhouses of Nangong Shengchao, Shizu, Eternal Immortal Sect, and Immortal Soul Palace would have nothing to worry about. Let's fight Tan Yun!

"Old ape, use your fastest speed to escape to the east for two million miles!" Tan Yun stopped on the right shoulder of the Skykilling Demon Ape, and hastily sent a voice transmission: "Remember it is due east, don't run away!"

"Okay! I got it!" The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape gushed out magic power and released beast consciousness, covering the imperial city with a radius of five million miles, shooting towards the east like a huge black light!

"Tan Yun, my patriarch wants to pull out your muscles and bones!" Shi Potian spewed out all his spiritual power, and together with Ruyan Gaoxian, who was equally furious, chased after the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape thousands of miles away!

During the chase, Ruyan Gaoxian and Shi Potian kept getting closer to the Heaven Killing Demon Ape!

The Holy Master Nangong outside the palace said to the four marshals furiously, "Now that the city gates are closed and the city guard has been opened, Tan Yun can't escape. Let the Holy Master chase after him!"

"Your subordinates obey!" Marshal Beizheng, who was in the fourth level of the domain, took the lead in chasing Tan Yun in the direction of Tan Yun.

The three generals of Dongping, Nanding, and Xizhen, who belonged to the third level of the domain, followed closely!

At this time, three elders of the first level of the domain and three elders of the third level of the domain of the Stone Clan also turned into six beams of light, chasing after them in the air...

The Supreme Elder of Law Enforcing the Third Level of Immortal Immortal Realm, and the three patriarchs of Eternal Immortal Sect also chased after him!

As for Zhuge Yu at the ninth level of the God Realm, he stayed where he was.

The Holy Lord Nangong, who was at the second level of the fetal realm, released his spiritual consciousness to cover the entire imperial city. Immediately, there was no doubt that it resounded throughout the imperial city, "This Holy Lord once again ordered that all city residents quickly hide in the ground!"

After all, he also chased after him in the air!

The Nangong Imperial City is the heart of the Nangong Holy Dynasty. There are places of refuge in the entire imperial city. Even if the entire imperial city is destroyed, most of the city residents who hide in the ground will be safe and sound.

Unless there are strong people who specifically attack the surface, they will cause a lot of casualties!


The Skykilling Demon Ape carried Tan Yun through the void, and when there were still a million miles away from the position Tan Yun said, Ruyan Gaoxian and Shi Potian had already appeared in the sky, six thousand miles behind the Skykilling Demon Ape!

"Tan Yun, you little bastard, you can't escape!"

"My patriarch, today not only will you be shredded into thousands of pieces, but you will also be bloodbathed by Huangfu Shengzong!"

"There is also the old man! Tan Yun, you bastard, dare to kill my grandson, today I, Ruyan Gaoxian, will definitely kill you, and then drive all your relatives to death!!"


Ru Yan, Gao Xian, and Shi Potian were filled with grief and indignation, the anger in their hearts can be imagined!

At this time, the four marshals and the Eternal Immortal Sect, Immortal Immortal Palace, and Stone Clan Realm Embryo Realm powerhouses were chasing after them in the void behind!

There is no doubt that once Lao Yuan and Tan Yun are caught up, they will surely die!

At this moment, in the hearts of everyone, Tan Yun, who was trapped in the Golden Jue Qilin Immortal Formation, had absolutely no possibility of survival.

But everyone didn't know that since Tan Yun dared to kill Ru Yanchen and Yin Yuhuang, he had a plan to escape!

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, Ruyan Gaoxian and Shi Potian are worthy of the seventh and sixth levels of the Embryo Realm, and their flying speed is unmatched by the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape!

"Master! My speed and strength are not as good as those of the two dead old men. We are about to be overtaken!" The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape said in a muffled voice.

Tan Yun said via voice transmission: "Don't worry, I have my own clever plan. Not only can we escape from birth, but we can also make these two old things peel off their skins if they don't die!"

"Okay, you flee to the place I said before, and I will take care of the rest!"

After the sound transmission, Tan Yun closed his eyes and released his spiritual consciousness to cover the entire imperial city. Immediately, everything from the towering pavilions in the imperial city to the small flowers and trees, and even the ants on the ground were all reflected in his mind. middle.

Through his spiritual knowledge, Tan Yun discovered that less than a million miles due east, there is an unremarkable open space with a square of thousands of feet.

Six hundred and sixty miles around the open space, there are six hundred and sixty pavilions with a height of one thousand feet, forming a huge ring, standing among the buildings.

Looking at it suddenly, the six hundred and sixty thousand-foot pavilions are no different from the pavilions of ordinary city residents, but if you look carefully, you will find that the doors of these six hundred and sixty pavilions are tightly closed, and the window sills are covered with a layer of dust. , apparently uninhabited for a long time.


The void was oscillating like water, and Tan Yun sat cross-legged like a rock on Shi Tianmoyuan's right shoulder. He stretched out his arms, and pale golden spiritual power surged out from his palms, gathering in the sky above his head. Form a sphere of spiritual power with a diameter of one hundred feet.

Then, Tan Yun kept injecting spiritual power into the sphere with both palms. When the spiritual power in the light golden sphere was full, within Tan Yun's thought, the spiritual power in the sphere quickly turned into a formation-like pillar of spiritual power!

The beam of light is formed by compressing spiritual power, it looks like a substance, quite gorgeous.

Next, Tan Yun quickly injected spiritual power into the sphere again and again. Once the spiritual power is full, Tan Yun will control the spiritual power and turn it into pillars of spiritual power...

Soon the pillars of spiritual light in the 100-foot sphere condensed into 660 pillars, floating in the sphere in a ring shape.

Tan Yun closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. On his forehead, beads of sweat the size of a bean kept sliding down his cheeks where the word "fortitude" was written.

Tan Yun controlled the six hundred and sixty beams of light covering the sphere with spiritual consciousness, and immediately, an unimaginable scene happened!

Under the control of Tan Yun's spiritual sense, on all the pillars of spiritual power, starting from the top surface, strands of hair-like patterns emerged!

It's like the six hundred and sixty spiritual power array bases being carved and drawn by Tan Yun quickly!

At this moment, Tan Yun's heart was as still as water, he forgot that there would be a strong man chasing after him, he concentrated on it and very quickly, using his spiritual consciousness to carve exactly the same patterns on all the foundations of the spiritual power formations!

When Ruyan Gaoxian and Shi Potian chased after Tan Yun for three thousand miles, the surface of the 660 spiritual power formations in the spiritual power sphere above Tan Yun's head was already covered with formation patterns!

Shi Potian frowned, "Ruyan Gaoxian, you are a holy rank master, quickly look at Tan Yun, what the hell are you doing?

While Ruyan Gaoxian was chasing after Tan Yun, she said with a shocked expression: "Spiritualization formation foundation... This is the legendary power of the formation technique, condensed with spiritual power to form the formation foundation, and then deploying the formation... But it doesn't look like a formation! I can't see what Tan Yun wants to do!"

As soon as Ru Yan Gao Xian's sound transmission came down, it seemed that he had seen a scene that confused him even more!

But seeing at this moment, within the 100-foot-long spiritual power sphere above Tan Yun's head, on top of the 660 spiritual power array foundations, there emerged 660 spiritual power stripes several feet long!

And these stripes of spiritual power transformed into a gleaming golden unicorn in an instant!

And this unicorn with spiritual power, for some reason, Tan Yun didn't condense his eyes on it!

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