Heaven-defying Upgrade System

Chapter 221: Heroic spirit

Thinking of this, Siyin rushed over, gritted his teeth, and had enough true energy in his body, and the aura of the whole person suddenly rose. But with Siyin's joining, the situation on the battlefield has not changed. Siyin's cultivation base is not low, but there are nearly a hundred people who have the same cultivation base, so she can't see anything more than her. It's just that the desperate energy in her is constantly affecting the people around her, as if it aroused their high spirits.

Although Siyin had already figured out why Liu Fei didn’t take action, she was still blaming Liu Fei in her heart. After all, the invasion of the Black Flame Clan was not a trivial matter. If Liu Fei wanted to stay with the Baimu Clan, she should do her best. Right. If Liu Fei doesn't have any skills, then forget it. Ke Siyin has seen Liu Fei's strength with his own eyes. It is a powerful strength that can single out a lava warrior. Now he doesn't care about anything. He is too cold-blooded!

Liu Fei looked at the guards who rushed up, and then stared at the invaders of the Black Flame Race who were fighting with the guards, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. If Liu Fei really didn't intend to help out deep in his heart, he wouldn't have to come down. If he was only worried about Siyin's safety, he could actually just watch it on the aircraft.

The reason why Liu Fei said he didn't make a move was because he hadn't seen the true strength of these Black Flame invaders.

The invaders of the Black Flame Tribe look like ferocious beasts and monsters, but the Black Flame Tribe itself also possesses wisdom. They saw Liu Fei and did not do anything, it does not mean that they did not notice him. They felt something from Liu Fei. A mysterious power, so he did not provoke Liu Fei, but concentrated all his power against these guardians.

The fighting became more intense and chaotic. These black flame invaders are not afraid of death, as if they were killing machines. Their team sneaked into the Baimu Clan, and they didn't meet the powerful masters in the Kamikaze Bureau, only some guardian envoys under the group, so they appeared extremely powerful. If they met a master, they could not hold on for long.

However, the purpose of these Heiyan tribe guys is to send their lives to death. They are dead men. Even if they die, they will create chaos in the Baimu tribe, making the Baimu tribe panic. If the effect is good, it will be more due to the big Scale invasion! So they seem extra crazy. Compared with them, the guardians look different. After all, these guardians are not determined to die, so they always have scruples. When life and death are at stake, they will be instinctive. They started to shrink back, so that their aura would not work.

"Siyin, don't rush too fast, it's best to step back and contain them!" The person who spoke seemed to be the leader of the patrol team, and looked at the brave and fearless Siyin and couldn't help but stop her.

The leader was also frightened by Siyin's desperate spirit. What she was doing now basically said goodbye to the team and separated from the command.

However, Siyin knew in her heart that it was not that she was unwilling to obey orders. She is soberly aware that if someone retreats, everyone will retreat, so the team's momentum will be lost, and they will undoubtedly lose in this battle. At that time, the Black Flame Clan will become more and more arrogant. Not only will the guards collapse, but even ordinary people will suffer. Then the Black Flame Clan’s plan will be successful, and the success of the White Wood Clan will panic. The consequences could be disastrous.

Therefore, in a battle, the appearance of a hero is often a key factor in the battle. Because only the heroic spirit can guide everyone to be brave and fearless. Siyin's heart also has consciousness, even if he died here, he must arouse everyone's fighting spirit!

At this time, the distance with the invaders of the Black Flame Race was getting closer and closer, and the Holy Source Gun in Siyin's hand was not flexible enough. She simply threw the Holy Source Gun aside, and then drew a long sword, which Liu Fei gave to her last night, realizing that Siyin’s melee attack would be a shortcoming, Liu Fei gave it to She is a magic weapon-level long sword, and at the same time taught her the wind swordsmanship practiced by Gao Yuming.

Although Siyin's comprehension of Imperial Wind Swordsmanship was not complete enough, at this time, she couldn't take care of so much. She waved an inadequately skilled sword art in her hand, and bursts of sword energy burst out, forming a windshield instantly. , Shrouded Siyin in it. After that, the guards behind her picked up the Holy Source Spear, and continuously fired at the monsters of the Black Flame Race, passing white light, but only relying on the power of the Holy Source Spear, they could not control it. The almost crazy monster repelled.

The masters in the wind patrol group and the wind hunt group glanced at each other, and they immediately rushed up. They are not cold-blooded animals, of course they would not watch Siyin go to death in vain, their plans It is to bring Siyin back. However, when they rushed over, they realized that the power of the Black Flame Clan’s huge monster could not resist at all, and Siyin had been surrounded by these monsters. If they wanted to rescue Siyin, they had to pass through these monsters. Encircle.

But it may be easy to rush in, but once you rush in, you are in danger, and it is difficult to get out again!

Although Siyin was surrounded by monsters of the Black Flame tribe, the wind swordsmanship she used in her hands was not vegetarian. Within this time, Siyin, with her high fighting spirit and agile physical skills, exploded astonishing. Combat power. But with the passage of time, Siyin gradually felt that the zhenqi in his body could not be supported. This was still the practice of Zhenzixiajue. If it were the previous low-level inner gong mental method, I am afraid that the zhenqi has already been used up. Up.

Siyin felt a sense of fatigue in her body, her arm was as heavy as a boulder, as if every time she swung the sword in her hand was extremely difficult.

Seeing that Siyin couldn't hold on, the madness of the black flame tribe suddenly seemed to be much stronger, and they all looked at Siyin with a grinning smile, roaring with the giant hammer in their hands, and smashed towards Siyin.

However, when the eyes of the monsters of the Black Flame tribe were full of cold light, suddenly a more dazzling silver light completely covered their eyes. Under this silver light, they could hardly see anything. Although it was only a moment, they were surprised to find that the aura in their bodies was crazily diminishing.

At the same time, a member of the Black Flame clan let out a scream, his eyes were blood-red standing on the spot, but a huge blood hole appeared on his body in an instant. In that blood hole, arc Shaped electric lights flickered cracklingly, and the air was filled with a smell of burnt meat.

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