Heaven-defying Upgrade System

Chapter 291: Centaur's Hope

"Young Master Liufeng, as the new leader of the Baimu tribe, I think you should be very clear about the entanglement between the Baimu tribe and the Centaur tribe. Over the past few hundred years, our tribesmen and horse tribe have been expelled to a desolate place. It is even more drastically reduced, and the health of the Centaur tribe is also greatly threatened. If we continue to develop according to this trend, our Centaur tribe will not be far from extermination. Therefore, at this time, we have no choice but to Offend the Baimu Clan, take the risk." Klim is a bold person, he did not show deep words in this negotiation, and his words are true, so Liu Feng can't fault him.

Liu Feng frowned slightly, looked at Liu Fei beside him, and said, "Can you put the sword down first?"

Liu Fei's sword kept pointing at him, as if he would start at any time. Hearing Liu Feng's words, he glanced at Chen Xiu and Guo Yu who were not far away, and finally put the sword away.

Liu Feng took a breath, but now Kerim can finally negotiate normally. So he said: "General Kerim, the situation of your horse race is indeed very difficult. I have noticed this problem before. I think that going on like this is not a long-term solution and will trigger a rebellion. But it was not me who was in power at the time, and I I don't have the right to manage these. Now that I have this opportunity, I think I can solve it. Today you are the winners. I want to hear your conditions."

Klim said: "Young Master Liufeng is indeed a leader with both ability and political integrity! However, this war can only be regarded as a tie. If you can't agree to my request, we can only continue to fight. Go down."

"Don't worry about this, I have already said that, you can directly state your conditions." Liufeng smiled and said, his tone was very gentle, which made people on the horse side feel a little strange. What is going on with this Liufeng? Why are you so polite to the Centaur?

In fact, Liu Feng has already thought in his heart that if he does not compromise with the Centaur today, he will definitely fight them to death and life, and the Centaur tribe must have the courage to fight hard. Whether it wins or loses, the Baimu clan will be greatly hurt. As far as the outermost border is concerned, it is also affected by the Black Flame Clan’s invasion, and now his life is still in the hands of others. No matter how you say it today, you can only agree to them first. If you wait for the Black Flame Clan’s matter After it is over, it is not impossible to find a way to destroy them.

Liu Feng thought viciously in his heart, but the expression on his face was smiling as always.

When Klim heard asking him to make a condition, he said directly: "Okay, I'll just state the condition. My first condition is that you need to let the corridor sky in the tree world come to us. And in the next twenty years, no attack should be launched against us. Second, the Baimu tribe should use a total of 100,000 green source crystals as compensation for the sufferings of our people and horse tribe over the years, how? "

After Klim finished speaking, he glanced at Liufeng slightly, and at the same time his heart throbbed. If Liufeng agreed to them, then the Centaur would be saved. Although the place around the corridor is not rich, the environment is okay, and the place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is very suitable for the cultivation of centaur, plus one hundred thousand green source crystals, and 20 years of agreement not to start war, For the Centaur tribe, this is the best condition.

Although he said it like this, Klim knew that he had too many demands. Liu Feng would definitely not give up so many things, and bargaining was unavoidable. As for the compensation for the Luyuan Polar Crystal, Kerim could make concessions, but the place around the corridor must be obtained.

At this time, Chen Xiu, who was standing not far away, kept listening to the content of their negotiations and couldn't help but sneer: "It's a joke, you can take the one hundred thousand green source crystals if you want? Humph, I think you guys want to The resources are crazy." Chen Xiu thought in his heart, that is a hundred thousand green source crystals, if used for cultivation, I don't know how many masters can be cultivated.

Then Chen Xiu said to Liu Feng: "Junior Brother, if your Baimu clan really has so many resources, it would be better to give us two brothers, and we will wipe out these people and horse clan animals for you now."

Guo Yu smiled on the side, and even he was heartbroken with the one hundred thousand green source crystal.

Liu Feng didn't reply, and gritted his teeth secretly. He still didn't dare to have an attack. It was mainly Liu Fei who was beside him, who could end his life in an instant.

"Young Master Liufeng, what is your opinion, you should always say something." Klim couldn't help squeezing his fist, staring at Liu Feng and said.

There were already quite a few soldiers rushing up around, and the atmosphere instantly became extremely cold. This negotiation was carried out when the two armies were at war, and they were always in danger of continuing to engage in battle.

Liu Feng gritted his teeth, a gleam of hate flashed in his eyes, then looked at Klim, and said with difficulty, "I agree to your terms."

There is no bargaining! Because Liufeng is so clear that the ring corridor is a place where the centaurs and horses live. They attacked to compete for the ring corridor, and they would not give up easily. Although there are a lot of green source crystals of one hundred thousand yuan, it is for the wealth of white wood For the clan, these are nothing, and bargaining is meaningless.

Chen Xiu on the side was taken aback for a moment, and then frowned: "Damn, are you Baimu so rich?"

Even if Chen Xiu despised these people, it is undeniable that as the leader of a race, the degree of wealth is natural.

"Brother, in my opinion, when we leave, we can ask for some green source spar for cultivation, anyway, he doesn't care much." Guo Yu said with a smile. Chen Xiu couldn't help but smile after hearing it, as if he was in a cheerful mood. It seems that this trip did not come in vain. Even if it was to ask for several thousand Green Source Crystals, it would be enough for them to create even more powerful magic weapons. Can be used to improve cultivation, or buy high-level martial arts.

In any case, even thousands of green source crystals are a lot of wealth for them. According to the thoughts of the two of them, Yuan Mumen really should attack the lower level of the tree world and annihilate the Baimu tribe, so that all the resources will be abundant. But those experts who have almost reached the peak of their cultivation bases naturally do not have the same ideas as these two idiots.

General Kerim was slightly moved and said, "Young Master Liufeng, you really are very sincere!"

"Really?" Liu Feng said with a faint smile: "In this way, I think you can withdraw your troops. I don't want to be destroyed by a war when I was just in charge of major events in the clan. After all, those black flames The clan’s invasion also gave me a headache."

Klim nodded.

After that, things went very smoothly. The two sides signed an agreement on the distribution of the land and the compensation for the compensation. Klim also decided to withdraw his troops.

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