Heaven-defying Upgrade System

Chapter 362: Right arm

At first, the Tianhe Gang boss suspected that Liu Fei had deliberately acted lustfully in front of him, but after looking at it now, it was indeed that he was over-conscious.

After going out, Liu Fei and others were already outside, and they all stood up when they saw him. Just now Liu Fei gave a lot of gifts from the Tianhe Gang, and this gift was naturally Lvyuan spar, and the shot was quite generous. Because every newcomer to the Tianhe Gang, regardless of their status, must give gifts to the elderly. This is the characteristic of their gang. Even if they know it, there is nothing wrong with it, but people like Liu Fei are the first .

In order to win over the hearts of the Tianhe Gang, Liu Fei's shot this time was 4,000 yuan of Green Source Polar Crystal. This time Liu Fei made a big deal, and almost everyone received his gift.

"Brother Liu Fei, you are leaving today. I will send you off. I wish you a victory!" Tianhe said, and then arranged for his men to bring a good wine.

Liu Fei nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will succeed."

"it is good!"

Then a swordsman walked behind Tianhe. Tianhe said: "Liu Fei, Sun Gan can't deal with it. Although you are a sneak attack, I saved a lot of effort behind supporting it, but in order to prevent it, I still Decided to send you another master.” As he said, he pointed to the swordsman beside him and said, “This is Jianfeng, my master is powerful.”

Liu Fei nodded and smiled and said, "Great, to be honest, I have also played against him. The three of them are very powerful in practicing. I may not be sure to win. With the sword style typing, In addition to the masters of my Tianxiao Gang, I am sure to take down Sun Gan this time."

"Haha, I knew that Brother Liu Fei would have confidence, come on, let's do it!" He said and raised his glass. Tianhe glanced at Liu Fei secretly, secretly proud, thinking that Liu Fei was indeed tamed by himself.

After drinking perfect wine, Liu Fei and others set off on the road. Xiao Ruyu and Si Yin returned to the room and continued to practice. Liu Fei received a message from Bai Muyun asking him about the training ground. Liu Fei had not found a suitable place yet, so she asked her to wait another time. Wait.

When he came to the Tianxiao Gang, Liu Fei went directly to see Master Wu. He felt that Master Wu was indeed a good player. He took care of the Tianxiao Gang in an orderly manner. Liu Fei believed that he might not be able to do this in such a short time. it is good. Of course, this was also because Master Wu was originally from the deadwood organization, so there was a certain sacrifice in the transfer of personnel.

"Leader!" Chifeng shouted excitedly when Liu Fei arrived.

"Huh, a traitor!" Jianfeng stood behind Liu Fei and cursed fiercely. Chifeng was taken aback for a moment. When he saw Jianfeng, his face suddenly changed and asked, "What's the matter with the lord?"

"What's the matter?" Jianfeng sneered: "Your gang master is now the hall master of our Tianhe gang, don't you understand, you have found the wrong master yourself!" Jianfeng said unceremoniously, causing Master Wu to wrinkle Frowned, but under Liu Fei's motion, he didn't bother him.

After all, Liu Fei was much stronger than Jianfeng, so Jianfeng was still a little afraid of Liu Fei. When Liu Fei said that he was going to the Tianxiao Gang, he was also very witty and left with his horses.

Seeing Liu Fei's return, Master Wu immediately reported the successful training of gang members during this period of time. At present, there are nearly a thousand elites in the Tianxiao gang, and some of the brothers from the original deadwood organization have nowhere to go after returning. Under the encouragement of Master Wu, he joined the Tianxiao Gang, and his strength expanded again.

However, Sun Gan also had a lot of capable personnel under his hands. His gang alone was 20,000 to 30,000 people. It would be impossible for him to stand up against him, Liu Fei thought in his heart. Then he said faintly: "With regard to dealing with Sun Gan, let's not worry, I already have a way to deal with him."

"What!" Chifeng asked in amazement: "Do you say that you have a way to deal with Sun Gan? It's not a joke, the difference between us is too great." He knew that even if Liu Fei was more powerful, he was not a god. How to compare with the powerful Sun Gan?

"Yeah. Sun Gan is not as dry as bones, he is not a person who is waiting for nothing. If we want to deal with him, we'd better consider it long-term. If we are a little careless, it is very likely that Tianxiao will help him. "Master Wu also repeatedly discouraged.

Outside of the Tianxiao Gang, Tianhe arranged for Jianfeng to bring a full 10,000 Tianhe Gang members. At this time, they were standing up and waiting. The mighty momentum gave people a great sense of oppression. It seems to have taken over. Both Master Wu and Chifeng knew that Liu Fei would never really take refuge in Tianhe Gang. After all, with Liu Fei's courage, he would never put Tianhe in his eyes.

But now to be honest, it is not easy to deal with Tianhe or Sun Gan.

Liu Fei looked at these two people, and suddenly smiled softly, and said, "Master Wu, Chifeng, you two may be my right hand in the future, can't you guess what I am thinking now?" Then he looked at Wu Master said, "Maybe Chifeng can't tell, but after all, he is not Master Wu, and he doesn't know many things."

Master Wu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, the look on his face a bit embarrassing.

Chifeng scratched his head and said, "Helper, don't go around with us. Where can we understand your thoughts, let us know."

After that, Liu Fei narrowed his eyes slightly and waved his hand towards Chifeng: "Chifeng, don't worry, Master Wu understands in his heart, and he has already seen it." Then he said to Master Wu: "What are you afraid of? I am not as dry as a bone. Of course I don’t have any doubts about you, and I won’t be jealous of your talents. Your cultivation level is not high, but your head is smart. With this only, don’t you want to show it well? ?"

Chifeng has been trapped, and I don't know what Liu Fei is talking about.

Master Wu smiled and said, "Since the gang leader has already seen through, then I have nothing to hide." Liu Fei nodded and said, "Let's talk about it."

"Yeah. I know the helper, you know very well. Whether it is Sun Gan’s Kuaishou Gang or that day’s Hegang, with the current strength of our gang, it’s difficult to deal with them. However, the helper you are so confident, I I think you are definitely going to kill someone with a knife with one hand. As for who is the knife, who should you kill? Now, it seems that it is no accident that you can use the strength of the Tianhe Gang to eliminate the Kuaishou Gang... But, in this way, you are still wronged. Under the people, therefore, the key variable here is that you have to use the strength of the Kuaishou Gang to eliminate the Tianhe Gang!"

Chifeng was stunned for a moment. The old man was talking about it. It turned out that he knew it well, but he deliberately didn't say it.

However, he really didn't understand that Sun Gan was the leader of the Kuaishou Gang, with strong strength, how could he cooperate with the second-rate little gang of Tian Xiao Gang? Furthermore, when it comes to cooperation, why should others believe you?

However, Master Wu had already seen it through.

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