Heaven-defying Upgrade System

Chapter 407: Differentiation

"Old Dao, do you really want to do it with us? Now the task has not been completed, you have to think carefully!" Huo Feng said coldly. If Lao Dao really did it, even if the people in the silver group didn't help him, they wouldn't be able to help themselves easily, plus the masters around the woman, it would be difficult to win.

Unless Liu Fei can break through the formation and come out to help them, but the blood soul beast is so powerful, it is obvious that Liu Fei wants to come out for a while.

Lao Dao suddenly said coldly: "Huh, isn't it just a task? It doesn't matter if you don't do it, but Huo Feng, you guys must die!" As he said, the murderous look on his face suddenly thickened. This time he is probably Really want to shoot.

The members of the silver group immediately exclaimed: "Group leader, you can't do this!"

boom! The old knife flew directly. Although he didn't use much power on his feet, he kicked the member who blocked him and said coldly: "Now, the one who stands in my way is dead! You and me killed them three. One, otherwise, I will be the enemy of my old sword in the future!"

Everyone looked at each other, really didn't want to do it, but after all, Old Dao was their leader before, and they didn't dare to stop it. At this time, Lao Dao had seen the situation clearly, and thought: "Now I am the only one who will take action. Counting Ueno Monkeys, the two of us are not Huo Crazy's opponents, unless the woman can help." The woman on the side yelled: "You come to help, kill them, I will retreat immediately!"

The woman was also waiting for Lao Dao's choice at this time. At this time, she heard that Lao Dao was really cooperating with them, so she no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed over with someone.

Huo Feng looked at the crowd and said, "Brothers, we are all students of the Celestial Spirit Academy. If the gold group is destroyed, the power of your silver group will not be able to withstand the attacks of these people, and they will definitely not let you go easily. You should think carefully about what to do."

Martin said in a cold voice: "The mission failed. Haven't you seen the punishment of the Heavenly Spirit Academy, and you really want to give up the five times the rewards of the mission? The old knife has money in his family and naturally doesn't care about those rewards, and you should How to do it?"

After speaking, Huo Feng had already rushed towards Lao Dao.

Lao Dao and that woman teamed up. It looked ridiculous. There was no trust between the two at all. But how powerful can they play together? Just like the current boss, in the battle with Huo Feng, he didn't dare to completely let go of his hand to fight, after all, he still had to keep his back to guard against that woman.

As a result, Huofeng immediately gained the upper hand. The group members had no intention of helping Lao Dao at first, but when they heard Huo Feng and Martin frantically agitating them here, Lao Dao started to feel a little flustered. And those group members are not, they thought to themselves, what is the purpose of following this selfish guy? In the end, he took away all the benefits, and they never knew that they respected themselves and relied on their family power. , Arrogant and domineering all day, not putting anyone in the eyes. If he wins this time, they might still be called by him to settle the accounts. In that case, why would they help him?

The sound of battle has sounded. In order not to put pressure on Huo Feng, Martin and Ning Huan have almost exploded with all their strength to stop the bandits who rushed madly. But the woman hasn't done anything, she is still controlling the iron blood tree in her hand, and fighting Liu Fei tensely.

"Brothers, we have all seen Lao Dao's vicious heart. He is not a person worthy of our following. Moreover, we finally entered the elite group for better training? But all resources are lost to Lao Dao. People are monopolized, so why bother to work for him..." A member of the silver team said with difficulty, as if made a lot of determination.

It’s no wonder that a student like him who has no background completely relies on his own strength to work hard. Once he says this, there is no retreat, and he knows what kind of person the old knife is. Nevertheless.

At this point, simply break the jar!

He can only stand on the side of the Golden Team. He still wants to complete this mission. If the mission fails, he will face the harshest punishment from the Tianling Academy. Not only will he lose a lot, but maybe even more. Putting pressure on the family.

Thinking of this, the member immediately drew out the long sword in his hand, came to Martin and Ning Huan's side, and fought side by side with them. His cultivation is also good, but in the silver group, he has not been paid attention to, and no one pays attention to him, as if he was buried. However, in the face of heavy pressure, he finally rallied and started to use his strength to prove himself!

The strength that had been suppressed for a long time immediately vented like a dam with a bursting bank, and instantly brought down a thief master.

Now at this point, there is really no way out, so he raised his arms and shouted: "Everyone is sober, there will be no benefit to following the old knife!"

A member of the team immediately responded: "Okay! I chose to follow Team Leader Huo Feng this time. This task must also be completed. Don't be oppressed by the old knife anymore!" The knife relationship broke.

Liu Fei was trapped in the formation. Although he couldn't turn his head to look at it, he still heard clearly, with a gratified smile on his face. The woman never thought that her move would be self-defeating. Instead of turning the situation in a favorable direction, it made their current situation more serious.

She frowned, and she had no choice but to fight the opponent.

Regarding the outcome, there will be results soon.

There was a bang, and a violent sound was once again worn in the formation. The blood soul beast's body began to tear apart, and in the process of tearing it burst out tyrannical energy, sweeping towards Liu Fei madly Away. Every burst produced earth-shattering energy, and the formation was shaky. Liu Fei thought to himself that although he temporarily had the advantage, it was still very difficult to deal with this blood soul beast. And here is in the formation, the **** aura is constantly replenishing energy for the blood soul beast, and if it keeps on fighting, I am afraid it will suffer.

It might be too late, but the blood soul beast chose to die together and launched a suicidal attack on Liu Fei.

"No! The power of this explosion, even a master of the Heavenly Core Realm may not be able to hold on!" Huo Feng turned his eyes to the formation, his heart was slightly shaken, Liu Fei faced such an attack inside, something will definitely happen .

"You still have leisure to care about others, go and die!" The old knife yelled, and the Jinyang sword rushed down. Huo Feng immediately turned his head. The moment he saw Jianguang, he had already lifted the meteor hammer in his hand. Blocked towards it.

There was a bang.

A golden sword aura still hit Huo Feng, a mist of blood filled his body, and blood sprayed out.

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