Heaven-defying Upgrade System

Chapter 608: Tracing the criminals

Lu Feng was speechless. She was still too naive. She couldn't fully control Lujiapu's situation. She didn't even know about this. Liu Fei is not in a hurry anyway, he does not discourage Lu Feng, it will only make Lu Feng more annoyed. How can I say that I am also the daughter of the city lord. I have the status and face. I always find a step down. Liu Fei should say something at this time, but Liu Fei has no ideas in this regard, just lying on the broad back of the mount. Playing with boring tongue.

"Let’s give an order, and play for a while, they are probably going to escape." Liu Fei said. "This..." Lu Feng hesitated. In fact, she wanted to order the city gate to be sealed off in her heart, but in this way, wouldn't it prove that there was a problem with her Lujiapu defense? Liu Fei said by the side: "Miss, don't think about it anymore. If you don't order it now, you are going to be dumb. Maybe you can get some face after you get them."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Send the order, block the city gate!"

Then Liu Fei asked: "How long is the blockade? Will a month's time have a great impact on Lujiapu?" The patrol captain said, "Don't say it's a month, even if it's six or seven days. It will also have a big impact on Lujiapu." Lu Feng looked angry, Liu Fei smiled, and said: "Captain, the lockdown for a month will have a big impact on the lawless elements. ?"

The captain didn't know what he meant, but he answered honestly: "It basically has no effect on them. It is not easy for them to hide in the city. It is really difficult to find them in a month." Feng frowned and said, "What the **** do you mean? It was you who ordered the city gate to be sealed off. Now that you say these things again, do you want us to embarrass Lujiapu?"

Liu Fei shook his head and said, "Of course not."

"Then what do you have to do to catch the criminals?" Lu Feng asked coldly. Liu Fei smiled and said: "There is a natural way. What I meant just now is already obvious. After the news that the city gate was blocked for a month, the criminal would certainly not succeed in assassinating the city lord. Come back, what is their goal? If it is to disrupt Lujiabao, then it is definitely not a good choice for them to assassinate the city lord. At that time, use the time of blocking the city gate to assassinate the city lord’s most precious daughter. It shouldn't be a problem, and it's easier to get it done."

The patrol captain trembled slightly, and said: "This seems to have some truth. Their purpose of assassinating the city lord is to create chaos in our Lujiapu, but even if they assassinated the city lord, it may be difficult to escape. If they hold it, they will die. The mentality came, the previous assassinations had failed, so naturally he would no longer focus on the city lord, and the cultivation base is relatively worse than the city lord. Miss is a good goal, and the criminals’ cultivation bases are also very good. Gao, when the time comes, our patrol team may not be able to protect the safety of Missy." Then he said: "Miss, we must go back now, whether it is such a thing or not, if they succeed, after the Patriarch loses you, The consequences can be imagined."

Lu Feng said coldly, "Am I the one who can kill if I want to kill? Even if the two people are not injured, I won't be afraid, not to mention that they have been severely injured by my father. What is the power to kill me? Is it possible that your patrol team is also a job, and even two badly injured criminals can't be captured?" The patrol captain slid cold sweat on his head. Naturally, he didn’t want to admit that he had no strength, but if speaking of strength, he now There is no certainty that he can kill those two people.

"Miss, the subordinates are incompetent, it is really difficult to ensure the safety of Miss, please go back!" said the patrol captain. I thought in my heart that even being scolded is better than losing his head. Lu Feng said coldly: "You are really rubbish, tell you this lady is not afraid of them, you don't need to do anything, I can do it myself!" Liu Fei clapped his hands beside him, "As expected, I am the daughter of City Lord Lujiapu. I really admire you more and more!" Then Liu Fei said: "In this way, Miss you can directly let them patrol back. Then just spread the news and know that you are isolated and helpless, and the criminals will definitely Lock the target to your head."

After a while, Lu Feng looked at him and said, "Why do the more I look at you, the more I look like an accomplice of that criminal?" "So what? Are you doing what I told you or are you going to get me arrested?" Liu Fei smiled. Lu Feng stared at him and found that this man was really elusive. Suddenly he threw a rope out of his hand and bound Liu Fei's hands with a scream. At the same time, he said, "I'm catching you now. You can't run away anyway. If you choose to believe you, the big deal will bring you back!"

Liu Fei smiled and said, "I seem to be honored to be able to live and die with you!"

Lu Feng had made up his mind, the patrol captain had no choice but to obey the order and withdraw. At the same time, this incident must be reported to Lu Chen, the owner of Lujiapu.

And Liu Fei and Lu Feng have already gone to find the criminal.

As night fell, Lu Feng discovered that Liu Fei was actually very interesting. At least he would not feel bored. Although sometimes what he said was hurtful, he had to say that he also had a sense of humor. But after searching for a long time, I didn’t see the criminals. The two of them traveled between the high mountains and woods and found nothing. Lujiapu is so big and the territory is extremely vast. I have to say that it is in the Nine Profound Holy Land. The territory is too big, and looking for someone is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew in, mixed with a **** smell.

Liu Fei suddenly said: "It is estimated that the monster beast appeared. Let's change the place. After all, it is not here to chase the monster beast." Lu Feng said slightly, "Almost all the monster beasts in Lujiapu have been wiped out. In order to protect everyone's safety, there are almost no monsters. Why did you encounter monsters when I came out? Forget it, let's go back!"

With that, a huge black shadow suddenly rose up, and now it seemed that it was too late to leave. A huge momentum came, and Liu Fei said, "Very powerful aura." Lu Feng was slightly startled, could it be a monster. Strength? What if it is someone else’s means of attack? Liu Fei closed his eyes slightly, then felt it, and said, "No need to guess, it is indeed a very powerful monster, and the strength of the cultivation base is at least the Heavenly Transcendent level." Liu Fei felt that the strength of this monster beast was only A little worse than Mo Nan. Then he said: "I think we should go. With the strength of the two of us, it is not its opponent at all." Then he said, "No, this guy doesn't seem to want us to go, Miss Lu, I It's up to you to let me go. Let's take a joint shot and we still have a chance to compete."

Lu Feng said disdainfully: "What can you do for me? I can't even get rid of my restraints, and want to help me?"

She knew Liu Fei's strength was very strong, but the rope that trapped Liu Fei just now had a special restraint technique. It was a high-level restraint magic weapon made by his father Lu Chen. As long as he trapped the opponent, it would be difficult for the opponent to escape. She believed that Liu Fei would not be able to break the **** of this rope. But Liu Fei smiled and said: "I can indeed open it, but I am afraid that if you do that, you will be disrespectful to Miss Lu."

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