Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1009 Secret Art

"There is no other martial artist here at all. Who else do you think there is if it is not him?"

Elder Diao was still so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, and he could hardly suppress the rage in his heart.

He spent so much effort and painstaking efforts, and after a long time, he actually made someone else come true, which is really unacceptable to him!

"In that case..." Elder Ruan's eyes flickered, and his expression became ambiguous.

"It's not too late, let's find that kid immediately, otherwise it may be too late! But the forest is so large, we have to split up, otherwise it will only be a waste of time!"

"Both do what you want, Diao will go ahead!"

Elder Diao responded noncommittally, and rushed forward with a flick of his figure.

After his figure disappeared, Elder Ruan and Elder Li smiled at each other, their expressions became strange.

Poof, poof!

In a blink of an eye, accompanied by two muffled sounds, the two each sacrificed a tracking talisman, began to search for the breath left by Jiang Tian, ​​and rushed forward without hesitation.


After a burst of rapid piercing sound, the three profound realm powerhouses disappeared one after another.

After a long time, at the edge of the old forest that was blasted into a clearing by Elder Diao, a figure emerged from the rubble. It was Jiang Tian who had just "disappeared".

"so close!"

Looking at the direction in which the three of them disappeared, Jiang Tian let out a sulky breath, suppressing the fear in his heart.

The moment just now was really extremely dangerous. Although he perfectly covered his aura with the earth spirit power, he still left some clues.

Fortunately, Elder Diao stopped attacking after making a tentative move, thinking that the guy who stole the monster had already fled far away, otherwise things would be really troublesome.

Facing three masters of the Profound Realm, it might be difficult for him to escape for his life. Seeing that he has escaped, the most important thing is to get out of here as soon as possible.

"These three old guys look familiar, are they from Shengxuan Palace?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

If the other party was at the Quasi-Profound Realm, he would have shown up to attack him long ago, but now he can only avoid it for a while.

"It's not suitable to stay here for long, let's go!"

With a low snort, Jiang Tian turned into a phantom and quickly swept into Lao Lin next to him, disappearing in a blink of an eye.


Not long after Jiang Tian left, the violent sound of piercing through the air sounded again, this time it was Elder Diao who had left and returned, with murderous intent surging all over his body, obviously furious to the extreme.

"Damn it! A junior in the middle of Chongyang Realm, it is said that it is impossible to escape the tracking of the old man. What is the background of that kid?"


In the blink of an eye, the other two also returned one after another, their faces full of disappointment.

They wanted to find the target in advance and take some benefits for themselves, but they didn't expect the result to make them extremely disappointed. As a last resort, they had to come back and talk about it.

Seeing Elder Diao's rage still lingering, the two couldn't help but look at each other, sneering in their hearts.

Obviously, the other party, like them, got nothing.

"Elder Diao, what do you think the other party is from?"

"It's possible to do this with a Chongyang realm cultivation base, and escape our pursuit. The other party is obviously not an ordinary genius!"

Elder Ruan and Elder Li frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Elder Diao had a gloomy old face, with murderous intent lingering between his brows, wishing he could catch that guy and tear him apart.

"Although there are quite a few geniuses from the three major sects, I haven't heard of any junior who is particularly outstanding in Chongyang Realm. Could it be that the old man is ignorant and has no information?"

Elder Diao gritted his teeth and sighed with anger on his face.

"Then what to do?"

"Is this the case?"

Elder Ruan and Elder Li twitched their brows, as if watching the excitement.

After all, it was Elder Diao who suffered the most. To them, it was just a little regret, and it didn't matter whether they could be caught or not.

"Hmph! It's not that easy to escape from Diao's grasp!"


"Elder Diao seems to have a solution?"

Elder Ruan and Elder Li's eyelids twitched, and they couldn't help being excited.

"Hmph, no matter how incompetent Diao is, he still can't do anything to a junior in Chongyang Realm!"

Elder Diao snorted coldly, and shook out a magic talisman again with his right hand.

The talisman exploded in an instant, and it also turned into a ball of white aura that could not stop spitting out in the void, but this time, he rubbed his fingertips and sprinkled a drop of blood into the white light, and pointed continuously.

Dots of spiritual power bloomed at his fingertips, quickly submerged in the white light, and in a blink of an eye, the white light began to violently tumbling.


The next moment, a faint white light rushed out of the white light group, and fled wildly in a certain direction.


Elder Diao's eyes flickered, and he chased after him without hesitation.

"Let's go too!"

Of course, Elder Ruan and Elder Li didn't hesitate, their figures flickered, and they followed closely.


In a certain mountain hundreds of miles away, Jiang Tian noticed the pursuit behind him and couldn't help being shocked.

He quickly restrained his breath, and swept into a dense forest filled with mist in front of him.

"It's unreasonable! I've been very careful, but I didn't expect to be chased by them. It seems that the methods of these people can't be underestimated!"

Jiang Tian frowned, deep in thought.

Earlier, he restrained his breath, and with the help of the cover of the aura of heaven and earth in the mountains and forests, he escaped for dozens of miles before letting go. After fleeing for dozens of miles again, he felt relieved, thinking that he had completely thrown off the pursuit.

However, the situation in front of him once again gave him a headache.

Being pursued by three experts at the profound realm at the same time is no joke. Once he falls into the siege of the other party, even if he tries his best to escape, he may not be able to escape.

"what to do?"

Jiang Tian frowned and muttered to himself, scanning the forest in front of him, and suddenly had an idea.

Leaving this area quickly, he headed towards a valley where warriors gathered in front of him.

From a long distance, he saw the situation in that valley, there were no less than a hundred warriors gathered there, and their costumes were different, obviously from different sects.

The terrain of this valley is relatively open, and it is easy to enter and exit. It seems that these people seem to be conducting some kind of temporary transaction.

Due to the large number of warriors who have come to this mountain range to practice, each of them has different gains, but not necessarily what they can use.

This also makes many people have the demand for exchange, so some large and small temporary trade fairs have formed spontaneously.

It is said to be a trade fair, but it is actually a private exchange after a meeting of warriors of varying numbers.

The pursuers behind him were getting closer and closer, and the distance was only a dozen miles away. Jiang Tian simply stopped restraining his breath, and ran straight into the valley with all his strength.

"Who?" Hearing the rapid sound of breaking through the air, several green-robed warriors turned to look at Jiang Tian.

"Leave him alone, hurry up and carry out our transaction, I still have things to do!" Several other warriors in yellow robes frowned and urged.

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