Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1014 Looking for someone?

The young man in yellow robe has always looked above his head, and he is aloof and out of the ordinary. Of course, it is not an ordinary person who can make him take such trouble to prepare gifts.

Moreover, a spirit bird like colorful brocade, which is not very useful, may also please some girls. In this way, the matter has a clue.

"I see!"

"The person the young master wants to send must be the talented and beautiful person who moved Cangjing..."


Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden burst of spiritual light.

Powerful fluctuations spread rapidly in the void, covering the yellow flying boat involuntarily. The three of them were almost knocked to the ground by accident, and the flying boat was also shaken violently. Among the mountains and forests.

"Who did it?"

"Are you courting death?"

Two loud shouts sounded suddenly, and then two figures in yellow robes flew out of the flying boat like lightning, exuding murderous intent from their whole body.

Turning his head and looking, a black flying boat came madly coming from behind, and the distance was less than a hundred feet away.

And on the front deck of that flying boat, there was a warrior in black robe standing, exuding a powerful aura of the profound realm from his whole body.

"Damn it! Who are you, why did you attack us for no reason?"

"We don't know each other before. The Huang family shouldn't have any grievances with you, right?"

The faces of the two yellow-robed warriors turned pale, murderous intent was evident between their brows, their sharp sword-like eyes fixed on the black-robed warrior on the black flying boat from a distance, and the aura around them was surging, ready to strike at any time.

"Don't be so wordy, if you dare to sneak attack on my son, he will definitely be overwhelmed!"

The young man in yellow robe also rushed out of the cabin, his face was extremely gloomy, and his heart was even more furious.

Well, to be attacked by someone suddenly, anyone would feel furious, let alone the son of the Huang family who has always been pampered?

"Well, how could this be?"

On the black flying boat, Elder Li frowned, feeling very puzzled.

He was clearly following Jiang Tian, ​​but why did three yellow-robed warriors appear on the flying boat?

After careful sensing, Jiang Tian's aura is still radiating in the void in front of him. Could it be that he is hiding in the flying boat?

Thinking of this, Elder Li's face suddenly darkened, and the aura around him suddenly rose.

Although the other party has two Profound Realm fighters sitting in command, his cultivation is quite good, and he has no fear at all.

"Li is just here to find someone, so naturally he has nothing against you, if you are sensible, hand over that person quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Find someone?"

"Who are you looking for?"

The two yellow-robed warriors were about to make a move, but they suddenly stopped when they heard what he said, and looked at each other in confusion.

"A young martial artist at Chongyang Realm!"

"Chongyang Realm?" The eyelids of the two twitched, that Mr. Huang on the flying boat was at the Quasi-Profound Realm, and strictly speaking, he was in the category of Chongyang Realm. Could it be that the black-robed warrior came to look for him?

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help being furious.

"How unreasonable! You are here to find fault!"

"What is the status of my son, how can I hand it over to you casually, you are looking for death!"

The two were furious and couldn't help but shot with all their strength. There was a rumbling roar in the void, and several huge yellow fists and palms slammed down towards the black flying boat.

"Toast, don't eat, eat fine wine!"

Elder Li's face darkened, his brows gleamed fiercely, and two huge black palm prints flew across the sky, meeting the attack of the two in an instant.


Amidst the violent roar, the offensives of both sides were annihilated at the same time, turning into messy waves and dissipating in the air, instantly dispelling the clouds with a radius of more than two hundred feet.

"Hiss! Such a strong strength!"

"So what, the two of us are afraid that he will fail if we work together?"

The strength of the black-robed warrior surprised the two of them, but after thinking about it, there was nothing to be afraid of. After all, they were all warriors of the same level, and they were two against one, so they were not afraid of each other at all.

"It seems that you are deliberately trying to find fault. Hmph, those who offend our Huang family will not end well!"

"I'll make you pay now!"

The two yellow-robed warriors were completely enraged, each with a sword in their hand, frantically infused with spiritual power and blasted towards the opposite black flying boat.

Loud rumbling noises spread throughout the void, and powerful mysterious pressure and magic power surged out, condensing into two huge light blades with a knife and a sword that were tens of feet long across the void, exuding majestic power!

"Hiss!" The black-robed warrior's eyes twitched, furious.

Although he was not afraid of the opponent's strength, it was not easy to deal with such a powerful attack suddenly.

He couldn't help but throw a long black stick into the air, and the huge stick shadow whizzed out in a black gust of wind!


The black gust of wind continued to howl, and the huge stick shadow was like the body of this magic weapon. It looked extremely rough with bumps on the surface, but the power it erupted should not be underestimated.

Amidst the violent loud noise, the black stick shadow swept across the sky, and immediately shattered the phantom of the sword. Three clusters of spiritual power fluttered wildly in mid-air, causing the situation in a radius of more than two hundred feet to be turbulent, and the spiritual power of the world was crazy. Roll endlessly.

"It makes no sense!"

"This person's strength is really not weak, and I'm afraid there will be trouble if you keep getting entangled!"

The two yellow-robed warriors secretly transmitted voices, and their faces became very solemn.

It would be easier if there were only the two of them, but now that Mr. Huangpao is present, there is no room for any mistakes.

The two communicated for a while, and immediately their faces darkened. They each took out a magic talisman, pouring spiritual power wildly and throwing it out involuntarily.


The spiritual light flickered wildly in the void, as if two silver lightning bolts exploded, and the power of the powerful spiritual talisman instantly formed a silver thunder net, which involuntarily enveloped the hundreds of feet of void, and at the same time directly enveloped the black-robed warrior and the flying boat inside.

The young man in yellow robe stood proudly on the flying boat, and smiled coldly, showing a bit of disdain.

"Huh! Dare to wrestle with my Huang family's wrists, now you know how powerful you are?"

"Young master, what should we do next?"

"Do you want to take the opportunity to kill him?"

The expressions of the two yellow-robed warriors were slightly relaxed, but the murderous aura between their brows did not decrease but increased.

"It's too late, it's just a Profound Realm warrior with unknown background, don't bother with him, hurry up!"

The young man in yellow robe looked at the demon pill in his hand, pondered for a moment, but shook his head and sighed, and after giving the black robe warrior a cold look, he urged the two followers to hurry.

"All right!"

"Hmph! I'll let you go today, let us meet again next time, be careful not to eat and walk around!"

The two yellow-robed warriors cursed angrily in the air, and then urged the flying boat to escape through the air.


The silver light flashed wildly in the void behind, and the power of the talisman lasted for a full cup of tea before it gradually dissipated.

"Damn! Damn it!"

The black-robed warrior frantically waved his long staff, smashing the remaining silver lightning net, but the yellow flying boat was already far away.

But looking at the yellow afterimage, he didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to chase, but instead frowned, and his eyes showed a sudden look.

"Damn it, it fell into the trap!"

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