Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1035 Is This Your Strength?

Because they had carefully inspected the place where the purple beam of light disappeared, there was nothing of value there except for the amazing spiritual power fluctuations left in the void.

In other words, there is a great possibility that the magic weapon that suddenly appeared in this world has already fallen into the hands of this junior.

It's fine if he's sensible, but if he's really stubborn... Humph!

The two looked at each other, knowing each other, the young man in the red robe forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

The red-robed old man smiled leisurely: "Hehe, young man, did you see that purple beam of light just now?"

"Yes, I did see it." To the surprise of the other party, Jiang Tian did not hide it, nor did he change the subject, and admitted it directly.

The old man in red robe shrank slightly when he heard this, and couldn't help showing a hint of joy.

The young man beside him frowned, and the anger surged in his heart again.

This kid in a light blue martial robe is simply too deceitful!

Just now he repeatedly questioned the other party and didn't answer well. Now that the red-robed old man came forward, he immediately confessed obediently. Isn't this "provoking" him in disguise?

Who does he think he is? Why is he qualified to do this!

The man in the red robe gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, silently clenched his fists, trying his best to suppress the killing intent in his heart.

The old man in red glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, then looked at Jiang Tian again.

"Hehe, very good! It seems that you are also a sensible person, so the old man will speak directly."

"Hehe, but it's okay to say!" Jiang Tian smiled leisurely, with sly eyes.

He had already guessed what the other party was thinking, and it was nothing more than to treat the vision caused by his advancement as a rare treasure, and he chased him all the way to grab the treasure.

Apart from this reason, he really couldn't think of any other possibility that would make these two profound masters so interested in him.

The old man in the red robe showed joy, looked at Jiang Tian with "appreciative" eyes, and spoke lightly.

"Young man, I think you also understand that the purple beam of light and the astonishing vision of the heavens and the earth before are likely to be the emergence of strange treasures! The two of us escaped all the way, and only met your fellow man, I don't know... ...Hehe, I wonder if you have noticed the change over there?"

The red-robed old man's eyes were dark, and he could no longer hide his inner greed. Although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, it looked a bit ferocious.

With a sneer on Jiang Tian's face, he shook his head and said, "Of course I saw the change over there, and I know the specific situation very well."

"What?" The young man in the red robe took a deep breath, his eyes shining brightly.

"Tell the old man, what exactly did you see?"

The red-robed old man also shrank his eyes sharply, almost unable to hold back the curiosity and impulse in his heart.

The southern mountain range is vast, and there are many relics of some ancient powerhouses in it. In recent years, there have been rare treasures appearing in the world more than once. Now it seems that their previous guesses are indeed correct!

"I witnessed the whole process with my own eyes, and no details were left behind, it's just..." Jiang Tian smiled leisurely, hesitating to speak.

"Huh?" The corners of the eyes of the young man in the red robe twitched, puzzled.

"Just what?" The red-robed old man frowned, already impatient.

"It's just... there is no treasure in the world at all. If you want to grab the treasure, I'm afraid you are doomed to be disappointed!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, he shook his head and sneered, looking at the other party with disdain.

"What... what? What did you say?" The young man in the red robe was originally full of enthusiasm, but when he heard Jiang Tian's words, his heart sank and he was very annoyed.

The red-robed old man was also greatly annoyed, his face darkened, a dark cloud seemed to emerge between his brows, a cold light flashed in his pupils, and a deep coercion emanated from his whole body!

"Young man, don't talk nonsense! There have been many strange treasures born in the southern mountain range since ancient times, and every time it will be accompanied by a strong vision of heaven and earth. Just now, the vision of Baoguang soaring into the sky is amazing. There must be a strange treasure in the world. Do you think the old man is Are three-year-olds so easy to deceive?"

Facing the questioning of the old man in red robe, Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, very speechless.

What exactly was the vision just now, and who else can know better than him?

"Hmph! What kind of bullshit and strange treasure is in this world, believe it or not!"

Jiang Tian was speechless, he didn't want to entangle with the other party anymore, he still had to hunt and kill monsters, and he had no time to waste time with them.

"Presumptuous!" The young man in the red robe could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

He wanted to teach him a lesson just now, but because of the appearance of the red-robed old man, he had to forcibly suppress his inner anger. Now he was provoked by Jiang Tian again, and the anger in his heart could not help but explode completely.

"It seems that you don't intend to tell the truth. If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The aura around the young man in the red robe instantly soared, and the powerful coercion swept out again, and he couldn't help but cover Jiang Tian.

Facing the current situation, the red-robed old man no longer pretended to be a peacemaker, and the corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a ferocious smile.

"Young man, the old man treats each other with courtesy, but you deliberately deceive him. It's really too much! Wu Bin, you can figure it out!"

The young man in the red robe couldn't hold back for a long time, and couldn't help laughing ferociously when he heard this.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, Elder Quan, leave this kid to me. A Sunshine Realm minion dares to act presumptuously in front of me. Now let him know what regret is!"


The red-robed man Wu Bin gave a ferocious smile, and the aura around him surged again. The powerful coercion turned into fluctuations visible to the naked eye, and swept out like a tide.


A dull roar resounded through the void, and the powerful Xuanyue realm martial arts will instantly enveloped Jiang Tian, ​​trying to overwhelm him directly.

However, Wu Bin's plan is doomed to fail.

Facing this coercion, Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, his eyes were full of disdain, and he stood firmly on the spot without even shaking his body.

"Is this the strength of your Xuanyue realm? Hmph, it's worthless!"

"That's unreasonable! You arrogant brat, you asked for this!"

Wu Bin cursed angrily, murderous intent surged in his eyes, and he shot suddenly in a blink of an eye!

In fact, he was also quite surprised.

Jiang Tian blocked his coercive impact twice successively. It seems that he is indeed capable, but so what, no matter how powerful he is, he is only a junior in the late stage of Chongyang Realm. It is impossible for the strong in the environment to compete!


Wu Bin shot mercilessly, shaking his palms together, the two huge red palm prints instantly shook the void, creating layers of spiritual fluctuations visible to the naked eye!

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Although the opponent is a master of Xuanyue Realm, his strength is equivalent to that of an ordinary fifth-level monster. For him now, there is not much pressure.

"This kind of cultivation dares to be arrogant, it's really beyond self-control!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and his footsteps still did not move, but he raised his right arm and pointed towards the void in front of him.

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