Under the impact of the opponent's martial arts will at the peak of Xuanyue Realm, Yinzhou's whole body flashed with aura, and his spiritual power fluctuated, and it was already on the verge of collapse in a moment!

"It makes no sense!"

Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

He might still be able to hold on, but the Yinxiao Flying Boat is at stake. Once the Flying Boat collapses and loses support at this hundred-foot-high altitude, the consequences will be unimaginable.

What's more, standing opposite him is another strong man at the peak of Xuanyue Realm!

Jiang Tian yelled violently, purple light surged all over his body, and a phantom like a purple dragon swirled out quickly, violently shaking away the billowing black air.

"Huh?" The corners of Elder Yi's eyes shrank, and his face suddenly sank.

But before he could make another move, Jiang Tian had already pushed the flying boat madly, and it slanted down in an instant.

"Want to go, can you go?"

Elder Yi yelled angrily, stepped lightly, and the black flying boat followed closely with a rumbling roar, so fast that it caught up behind Yinzhou in a blink of an eye.

With Yinzhou's speed, it is impossible to completely get rid of the opponent.

Jiang Tian knew this very well, and with his feet urging wildly, the speed of the silver boat instantly increased to the limit, and he fled towards the edge of the southern mountain range.


Elder Yi smiled coldly, a look of ferocity flashed in his eyes, he lightly tapped the black boat under his feet and accelerated again, relentlessly chasing after him.

If he wanted, he could overtake Jiang Tian at any time, but he didn't seem to care, or maybe he was using this method to deliberately consume the opponent's will.


The black boat flew through the air, and fell tightly behind the Yinxiao flying boat. Every time the silver boat changed direction, it could catch up immediately, as if it was a maggot with a bone attached to it.

The two flying boats galloped through the air, and soon they both flew out of the edge of the southern mountain range.

The vast mountain forest swept backwards at high speed, and turned into a silhouette in a blink of an eye, being left far behind by them.

"It's almost there, stop it for me!"

Elder Yi lost his interest, let out a cold shout, and waved his right hand forward through the air, billowing black air rushed out immediately, condensed into a giant black palm tens of meters long, and blasted towards the silver boat like lightning.


Accompanied by a dull explosion, the violent coercion rolled down, and the silver shield on the surface of the silver boat collapsed instantly, and the whole body fell towards the ground under the shock.

"Damn it!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, he cursed sharply, and before the flying boat was about to fall to the ground, his figure flashed into the void.

With a move of his right hand, the Yinxiao Flying Boat, which was about to hit the ground, let out a low hum, and turned into a silver light and flew back in front of him in an instant.

He didn't have time to check whether the flying boat was damaged, so he put it away directly, his face darkened and looked coldly at the chasing black boat, his eyes were full of murderous intent!

"Boy, you must have eaten the stone root fruit, so use your life and the magic weapon on your body to make up for this old man!"

Elder Yi's figure flickered and he stepped on the void and rushed towards Jiang Tian. The black flying boat behind him shrank, turned into a black light and flew in front of him, submerged in a black jade pendant around his waist, and disappeared.

"Space magic weapon!"

The corner of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he immediately saw the clue. The jade pendant on the waist of the other party was obviously a magic weapon of space, which was far more useful than a storage bag.

However, he doesn't covet this magic weapon very much, because he has such a heaven-defying treasure as Zixuanjie, and ordinary space magic weapons are simply not eye-catching.

What he is really interested in is actually the things stored in the storage jade pendant.

Considering Elder Yi's powerful strength and status in Shengxuan Palace, he must have brought a lot of good things with him. If he can take it down, it will undoubtedly be a considerable harvest!

There was a flash of lightning in his mind, but Jiang Tian frowned slightly and let out a sullen breath.

Although he is very interested in the storage jade pendant, if he can't get through the immediate crisis, everything is meaningless.

After all, this Elder Yi has a strong cultivation base, and he is by no means Yi Yu's generation. How can it be so easy to take down his magic weapon?

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, but his eyes became extremely determined.

Although the opponent is powerful, he will not just run away blindly. You have to fight to know who is stronger and who is weaker!

"Arrogant junior, die!"

Elder Yi obviously lost his patience completely, and without hesitation after landing, he swung his right hand and patted Jiang Tian across the air.

There was a bang, the void shook violently, billows of black air rushed out, and condensed into a black palm tens of feet in size.

It was the same attack again. Just now, the blow knocked down the Yinxiao Flying Boat, showing its powerful power. This blow was aimed at Jiang Tian himself, with murderous aura and amazing power!

"Swallowing finger!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, he shouted sharply, and pointed with his right hand together, the void shook violently!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the spiritual power rippled wildly, and the purple halos quickly transformed and shrank into a huge finger shadow, which suddenly struck out.


The purple finger shadow hit the giant black palm in an instant, and the two forces collided wildly, making a loud noise that shook the sky!

The billowing spiritual power raged endlessly, instantly shaking out a deep hole in the ground below, and it was still expanding rapidly under the impact of the spiritual power. In the blink of an eye, it expanded from a size of tens of feet to a huge hole of tens of feet.

The ground is cracked, the earth and rocks are crazy, it looks shocking!

Under the fierce attack of the Sky Swallowing Finger, the giant black palm shook violently, as if it might collapse at any time.

But in the end, the purple finger shadow's power seemed to be a bit weaker, and it failed to truly defeat the black giant palm after all.

"Boy, you dare to be so arrogant in front of this old man. I don't know where you got your confidence from?"

Elder Yi smiled coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

This attack seemed powerful, but to him it was just a casual blow.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​it was obviously not so easy.

This time, he used the Sky Swallowing Finger almost with all his strength. Without using the blood vision, it was almost the strongest attack he could use with bare hands.

However, such an offensive had no effect at all in front of Elder Yi, who was at the peak of Xuanyue Realm, and was suppressed by the opponent in a matter of minutes.

"It makes no sense!"

Jiang Tian shot again with a yell, and pointed with his right hand, which was also the sky-swallowing finger.

This time, he frantically clicked twice in the air, and the glaring finger shadow slammed out, and the power that erupted was even better than before!

"How could it be possible for a junior at the Sunshine Realm to have such strong spiritual power?"

Elder Yi frowned, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and he was also surprised.

For other warriors, even ordinary Xuanyue realm warriors, their kung fu would have been crushed to the ground by him right now.

And Jiang Tian, ​​a junior in the late stage of Chongyang Realm, even went back and forth with him, forcibly fighting him, it's unbelievable!

Although he was very surprised, this did not change the balance of strength between the two sides, nor did it affect his confidence and strong will in the slightest.

"Hmph! Well frogs are beyond words, summer insects are beyond words, it's ridiculous to dare to show off in front of this old man with your little strength!"

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