Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1083 Blood Spirit Card

"Fifth brother, sixth brother... It's the eldest brother who didn't think carefully, which hurt you!"

Tao Penghai lamented deeply, feeling extremely saddened by the news of the death of the two brothers.

During the months when the two of them chased and killed Jiang Tian, ​​they never even received a summons. He had long felt that something was wrong and had been suspecting that something had happened to them.

Now, the news from the Azure Cloud Sect completely confirmed his guess, the two clan brothers had indeed fallen to their deaths!

"My condolences to the head of the family!"

"Patriarch take care!"

"The Patriarch can't be blamed for this matter. Two Profound Realm powerhouses chased and killed a Chongyang Realm minion. Who would have thought that there would be an accident?"

In the meeting hall, a group of elders tried to persuade and appease Patriarch Tao Penghai.

After a long time, the chief elder of the Tao family spoke in a deep voice.

"Patriarch, right now all the major sects are in the martial arts stalls. I'm afraid there is no room to exploit. If we want to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​we can only make another plan!"

Prior to this, everyone had long realized that the situation was not good, and discussed possible countermeasures more than once.

So after confirming the death of the two, they reacted calmly and quickly, and did not lose their balance.

"The Great Elder is right. Right now is indeed not the best time. It seems that we can only endure him for a while!"

Tao Penghai forcibly suppressed the killing intent in his heart, but the aura around him was still surging, his eyes gleamed with a gnawing light, and he was concentrating on his future plans.


In the border area of ​​the Black Moon Kingdom, in a certain ancient hall with a rough shape and a whole body made of Qinggang stone, a panicked cry suddenly sounded!

"Palace Master, something has happened!"

A skinny warrior in black robe rushed into the hall in a hurry, holding a cracked black token in his hand.

"Why are you so flustered?"

Hearing the shouts of his subordinates, the old man in black robe sitting on the throne in the main hall had a dark complexion, and a gloomy sharpness flashed in his eyes.

The cold gaze swept out with a threatening chill, and the deep and terrifying coercion instantly filled the entire hall, making the elders in black robes sitting on both sides under the throne tremble.

"Palace Master, something has happened! Elder Yi's 'Blood Spirit Card'... collapsed!"


The corners of the eyes of the black-robed old man on the throne shrank, and there was anger in his voice.

The "Blood Spirit Card" is a special spiritual weapon that is fused with the blood essence of warriors and refined by secret techniques. It does not have any power in itself, and its function is very simple.

Once the object recognizes its owner with a drop of blood, it will have a subtle connection with the warrior, sensing its state of life and death within a certain range.

Once the induction breath disappears and the token collapses, it means that the owner of the token is dead.

"This is Elder Yi's 'Blood Spirit Card', Palace Master, please take a look!"

The skinny black-robed warrior didn't dare to hesitate, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he presented the black token.

The token, which was supposed to be a complete piece, has now collapsed into a dozen messy pieces.

Apparently, that Elder Yi was already dead and couldn't die anymore!

"It makes no sense!"

The black-robed old man on the throne was furious immediately, and the breath of his body swayed, directly shaking the skinny warrior so much that he spit blood from his mouth and flew upside down, falling heavily on the ground of the hall with a bang.

"Palace...Palace Master calm down!"

The skinny old man struggled to jump up, and then quickly fell to his knees. Although he was injured by the opponent, he didn't dare to breathe, and just kept prostrate on the ground.

The old man in black robe on the throne took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, a gloomy and terrifying light flashed in his eyes.

"When did this happen?"

"Just now... half an hour ago!" The skinny warrior silently swallowed the blood that was about to overflow from his mouth, resisting the fishy-sweet taste in his throat and replied hastily.

The hall fell into silence for a moment, and a moment later, an elder in black robe with black hair and white beard coughed lightly and spoke suddenly.

"Cough! Elder Yi's strength has reached the peak of Xuanyue Realm, and that stronghold is located in the deep mountains in the south of Canglan Country. Logically speaking, there should be no problem?"

As the words spread, everyone nodded.

"Elder Jin is right. That place is hidden, so it shouldn't be discovered casually."

"Could it be that the movement over there has attracted the attention of some powerful forces in Canglan Nation, or...is it discovered by the royal family of Canglan Nation?"

Everyone frowned when they heard the words, and their expressions became a little complicated, but after a while, the black-robed elder with black hair and white beard slowly shook his head.

"It's located in a primitive deep mountain, so it shouldn't attract the attention of the Canglan royal family. Nine out of ten it is the work of some powerful forces in the Canglan country!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, still full of doubts.

"Which faction's master would go to that kind of place?"

"In my opinion, it may be that Elder Yi's subordinates are not good at handling affairs, exposing the target and attracting strong people to suppress it, or Elder Yi himself went out and provoked some powerful existence!"

Everyone speculated, but no one could be sure of the real cause of Elder Yi's death.

After all, no one witnessed the situation at that time with their own eyes. If the elder-level figures had secret exclusive "Blood Spirit Cards", they would not even know the news of the other party's death.

The black-haired and white-bearded elder glanced coldly at everyone, and said with a frown: "In the past few months, all major forces in Canglan Nation have been preparing for martial arts competitions. These few months just happen to be the time for disciples to practice. Didn't you listen?" say?"

"Hiss! That's right, why did the old man forget this?"

"In this way, it is undoubtedly very likely that Elder Yi will encounter a martial arts master from Canglan Country!"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded repeatedly.

Although the range of that mountain range is extremely wide, it can't hold back the large number of experienced warriors, and in order to ensure the safety of the experienced disciples, the major forces will inevitably send elders to patrol and protect.

In this way, Elder Yi's death is not difficult to explain.

Originally, Elder Yi's death did not have much impact on Shengxuan Palace, but the problem is that his death happened to involve another matter.

And this matter is quite tricky!

Elder Jin was contemplating intently, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and his eyes gradually became serious.

"Palace Master, did Elder Yi send that thing back to the Palace and hand it over to you?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and turned their heads to look at the black-robed old man on the throne.

The corners of the black-robed old man's eyes twitched, and his face became extremely cold, even slightly ugly.

"No, he just got it too. He only sent a message to me yesterday, and he didn't have time to send someone back!"



"This is really troublesome!"

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard the words, and there was a burst of exclamation in the hall.

"That thing is no small matter. Once it falls into the hands of others, the consequences will be very serious. We must act as soon as possible to get it back!"

Elder Jin's face twitched, his expression became extremely serious, and even a trace of anxiety flashed in the depths of his pupils.

"I'm afraid this is not the only troublesome thing, there is another thing in Elder Yi's hands, maybe it has been lost together!"

The old man in black robe on the throne was silent for a moment, then suddenly shook his head and sighed, his eyes became extremely complicated.

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