Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1106 Ruthless Belittling

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"Hey, Mr. Jiang doesn't need to comfort us. We know our qualifications best."

"Hey, don't worry, my lord. Although it is impossible for us to reach your height, we will do our best to cultivate. We will not give up because of poor aptitude and stupid brains. You don't need to comfort us."

Everyone waved their hands again and again and said depressedly.

Jiang Tian stopped in his tracks and said solemnly, "Wrong!"


"What do you mean, son?"

Everyone was stunned for a while, seeing Jiang Tian's serious expression, their hearts couldn't help but tremble!

Jiang Tian said solemnly: "Everyone should know how many talented and intelligent young geniuses in the history of Canglan Nation have been placed with high hopes, but in the end they have become mediocre mediocre people? Are they not smart? Are they talented? Isn't that good enough?"


"It seems... that's true!"

Everyone frowned, looking depressed.

This kind of thing has been seen frequently since ancient times, and it can be said that everyone knows it.

There are even some legends about talented youngsters disappearing from the crowd, which makes people sigh and sigh!

Hearing what Jiang Tian said, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing, but their hearts became heavier.

"Hey! Even those geniuses with outstanding aptitude and high comprehension may not be able to achieve success, let's... Hey! Let's not even think about it?"

"Mr. Jiang, next time you comfort us, can you...cough, can you stop using such an example!"

"Ahem, this is really...too shocking!"

Everyone scratched their heads and smiled wryly, the blood in their hearts turned cold a little bit, not only did not understand Jiang Tian's painstaking efforts, but their mood became even more depressed!

"Junior Brother Jiang, you...cough cough!" Qi Yurou had a weird expression on his face, hesitant to speak, obviously feeling aggrieved by everyone.

How can there be such comfort?

Even if you really want comfort, you should say something encouraging, right?

Even if these people's qualifications are really not very good, there is no need to give such an example to make them feel desperate, right?

Jiang Tian didn't show any shame at all. Looking at the dejected appearance of everyone, his whole body was full of vigor, and there was a frightening light shining between his brows!

"Master Jiang, you...you..."

Seeing this scene, everyone was completely speechless!

After arguing for a long time, Jiang Tian is bragging about himself!

Looking at his posture, don't you understand what he means?

It is nothing more than to say, look at me, I am much better than those ancient geniuses!

I am not only amazingly talented, but also smart, and more importantly, I am not obsessed with everyone like them. Isn't this a very proud thing?


That's right!

This is indeed something to be proud of!

Mr. Jiang has good qualifications, high comprehension, and amazing strength!

Yes, this is all true!

But are you kidding me about this kind of thing?

Everyone felt extremely depressed, and Shang Yunfei, who had an upright temper, even turned pale!

If it weren't for the battle just now, Jiang Tian would already have a status of admiration in their hearts, maybe he would pull Jiang Tian to "theory theory" now!

Everyone was depressed for a while, seeing Jiang Tian's triumphant posture, they all stopped talking!

They are all so depressed, what else can they say?

Could it be that "Mr. Jiang, you are right, you are right, we are mediocre people who cannot be supported, we are fools who have no hope"?

Isn't this too shocking?

Everyone couldn't help noticing that Jiang Tian, ​​who was modest on the surface, seemed to finally reveal his haughty side.

Moreover, in his words, he obviously placed his status on par with those geniuses in ancient times, or even higher than them!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, a strange aura surged silently, and their mood was extremely depressed.

"Junior Brother Jiang, how can you comfort others like this?" Qi Yurou finally couldn't help but tell the truth.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's bodies collapsed, and they all let out a sullen breath.

Only Qi Yurou dared to say that, even if they thought so, they didn't dare to speak out!

Jiang Tian spread his hands, and his whole body was filled with a powerful aura, which made everyone's teeth itch.

"Well! Yes, that's the reaction, very good, hahaha, very good!"

A happy smile appeared on Jiang Tian's face, and his eyes swept across the crowd, as if he was satisfied with their reactions.

This made everyone feel even more speechless, even a little embarrassed.

They were born and died together just now, who would have thought that Jiang Tian would make such a big joke with them at this time of turning his head, it is really speechless.

Shang Yunfei dared to be angry and dare not speak out, he was so depressed that he was extremely uncomfortable, there was a fire of anger surging in his heart, and finally he was forced to speak.

"Young Master Jiang! If you say that, it would be better to beat us up!"

"Brother Shang...don't do this!"

"Young Master Jiang is also doing it for our own good, besides, what he said is the truth, there is nothing wrong with that!"

"Hey, Brother Shang, don't be like this. If you want to become a strong person, you must have a strong ability to withstand. You are not afraid of blows from experts in the profound realm. Do you still care about Mr. Jiang's words?"

Everyone tugged on Shang Yunfei's sleeves one after another, fearing that he would do something irrational out of frustration.

If they angered Jiang Tian, ​​they would have lost a powerful friend, because it would not be worth the loss to offend such a strong person in a momentary dispute!

Shang Yunfei gritted his teeth, of course he didn't dare to fight Jiang Tian, ​​firstly, he didn't have that strength, secondly, he still had deep awe and admiration for Jiang Tian, ​​so he wouldn't fall for one or two ridicules from the other party. Fists and feet face each other.

The reason why he was annoyed was because Jiang Tian told the truth and belittled them invisibly.

After all, the truth hurts, and the medicine is bitter. At this moment, Shang Yunfei had the deepest feeling!

What made him even more unbearable was that Jiang Tian deliberately teased him, acting like you can't help me!

Are you saying that you are angry or not?

Shang Yunfei, a rough guy with an upright temperament, how could he endure such teasing and provocation?

It would be strange if you didn't get angry!

Jiang Tian looked at him with a strange smile, as if he was firmly invincible.

In terms of strength, he can crush this group of people with one finger, and in terms of brains, these people combined may not be as good as him. No matter how you look at it, he is full of advantages!

Qi Yurou couldn't bear to watch this scene anymore!

"Junior Brother Jiang, you are enough!"

Although Jiang Tian saved her, she didn't want to watch Jiang Tian make fun of these friends anymore.

After all, Shang Yunfei and others risked their lives in order to save her!

She couldn't help being a little annoyed, Jiang Tian had to look at the Buddha's face even if he didn't look at the monk's face, even if he didn't consider the friendship between them, he still had to save some face for her, a senior sister of the same school!

"Enough?" Jiang Tian pursed his lips and shook his head.

"No! It's not enough, I'm only halfway through!"

"What... what?" The corner of Shang Yunfei's mouth twitched, feeling a little unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Junior Brother Jiang, don't you think it's a bit too much to hit someone but not face?"

Qi Yurou's face has already darkened, even if she offends Jiang Tian, ​​she has to speak a word of justice for these people, otherwise I will be sorry for the love of these people who desperately rescued each other!

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