Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1108 Lingyue Trading Company

"Am I not mistaken? That Xuanyue Realm master... was actually humiliated face to face by a junior in the late Chongyang Realm!"

There was a burst of horror in everyone's eyes, and they felt inconceivable. Their expressions were like seeing a ghost in daylight.

"It's more than face-to-face humiliation? That's simply wanton insults!"

"Hey! If I were that Profound Realm warrior, I would have to fight him desperately!"

"Hmph! A minion in the late Chongyang Realm dares to point at the nose of a strong person in the Profound Realm and make irresponsible remarks. Is there any reason?"

Everyone's face was ashen, and each one was angry and agitated.

A few older martial artists who were close to him shook their heads and smiled: "What do you know?"

"Huh?" Those warriors with livid faces were startled when they heard the words, and their brows were wrinkled.

The slightly older martial artist shook his head and said with a smile: "Those people were scolded by that Chongyang Realm kid pointing their noses. Instead of being angry, they even paid homage to him!"


"How can it be?"

The good warriors were dissatisfied for a while, although they squeezed in the crowd and didn't see clearly what happened between the few foreign warriors, but the scene of the Chongyang realm junior laughing at every turn gave them a deep impression Impressions, even excitement!

"How is this impossible? I saw it with my own eyes!" The slightly older warrior shook his head and smiled.

"Hehe, you only know one thing and don't know the other!"

At this moment, an old man with a slightly deep breath retracted his gaze from looking at Jiang Tian and the others, and leisurely looked at the many warriors beside him.

"Huh? Isn't this Mr. Cangshan from the Goshawk Sect?"

"Why did your old man come here?"

Seeing the old man's vigorous mottled hair, sharp eyes, and the iconic yellow military robe embroidered with a head glaring at the eagle on the front, everyone couldn't help being surprised and showing admiration!

"Mr. Cangshan, what did that young man say to his companions just now, and why did they react so strongly?"

Cangshan shook his long sleeves, stretched out his right hand to lightly stroke his long gray beard, the light between his brows shone indefinitely!

"That young man is not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

"What? Really or not!" Everyone was surprised when they heard the words, and subconsciously became suspicious.

"What are you talking about? Can Mr. Cangshan's vision be wrong?"

Someone in the crowd immediately scolded, with an angry look.

Obviously, this Mr. Cangshan is quite famous in this town, and his prestige is very high!

Cang Shan was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, smiled proudly, and said lightly: "That young man seems to be belittling everyone on the surface, but he is actually using a special method to awaken their inner blood. I have to say that the old man treats him well. I admire it!"

"Really...really or not?"

"Even Mr. Cangshan said so, it seems that that young man is really good at it!"

Everyone admired one after another, and each of them had strange lights, but soon some doubts arose.

"Huh? No! If that young man is really powerful, why is he only at the late stage of Chongyang Realm?"

"That's right! His cultivation is too... average, right?"

Everyone looked embarrassed and looked at Cangshan suspiciously, saying "average" was considered polite, if it wasn't for Cangshan's face, they might wantonly belittle him, bluntly saying that he was a "minor".

Cang Shan shook his head and laughed loudly: "You guys are too superficial! As the saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance, and the sea cannot be measured. That young man's demeanor makes the old man admire him, and his aptitude is absolutely extraordinary! And don't you see it? Including that Including the Profound Realm warriors, all his companions are extremely convinced of him, even revering and worshiping him, how can such a person be an ordinary person?"

What he said left everyone speechless, their eyes flickered, and their hearts were filled with deep shock!

It wasn't until this moment that they realized that that young man was indeed very unusual.

It's a pity that when they wanted to take another look, Jiang Tian and others had already gone far away and disappeared among the bustling crowd.


"Everyone, we're here!"

It didn't take long for the crowd to arrive at the gate of "Lingyue Firm", the largest firm in Fenglin Town, led by Jiang Tian.

Seeing the crowded scene in the lobby of the firm, Congren shook his head and sighed, showing admiration to Jiang Tian.

There is no doubt that this Lingyue firm is indeed the largest firm in Fenglin Town, because along the way, any firm or market they have seen is far smaller than this one.

Just the merchants coming in and out of the door, as well as the warriors who couldn't wait to buy the cultivation resources, made the dozen or so guys in the store very busy.

The shopkeeper was collecting the bills all the time, and he was very busy.

"Young Master Jiang is indeed amazing!"

"We are really... ashamed!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian, ​​and their hearts were full of emotion. Everything was as the other party expected. When they came to this strange town, they found their destination without even asking for directions.

Without Jiang Tian, ​​they would of course have to ask the locals for directions. Although this seemed like a trivial matter, it reflected a gap in their minds, and they couldn't accept it.

"Hehe, needless to say, our time is limited, so let's go in and do 'business' as soon as possible!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, not caring about the compliments and adoring eyes of the audience, he waved his hand and was about to enter the business.

"Master Jiang, there are too many people here, I'm afraid we still have to queue." Li Xiang glanced at the crowded scene ahead, but couldn't help frowning.

"That's right, Junior Brother Jiang, there are already enough people in the firm. If we squeeze in again, I'm afraid they won't be able to greet you for a while." Qi Yurou also frowned, and a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

The Zongmen meeting is coming soon, and Jiang Tian doesn't have much time to delay here. Looking at the grand occasion in front of him, if he waits in line, it will take at least one or two hours.

Where can Jiang Tian afford to delay?

"Line up?" Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows and smiled slyly, with an extremely relaxed expression, and he seemed not worried at all.

This made everyone puzzled. The Lingyue firm was so crowded, couldn't Jiang Tian see it?

Of course it is impossible, of course he knows that the business of the firm is booming, and even those merchants who come with a large amount of goods are scrambling to come forward and line up for transactions!

Moreover, many warriors in the firm have powerful auras, quasi-xuan realm can be found everywhere, and there are many masters of the profound realm, how can they squeeze in?

Do you want to rob?

But if the Profound Realm fighters grab a lot here, even if Jiang Tian is powerful, it is impossible to snatch them!

In case of public outrage, Jiang Tian will be blown away no matter how capable he is, and if he hides in the crowd, he may even be squeezed into a meatloaf!

Facing the situation in front of them, everyone felt embarrassed again.

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