The black-faced elder smiled coldly, and a hint of complacency flashed in his deep eyes!

It seems that this big man in the green robe of the Zhan family is not really a reckless guy with a head and no brains.

At least after he heard the name of Lord Pavilion Master, he still reacted with a little fear. Although he didn't express any more, it was enough for the black-faced shopkeeper!

It was this effect that the black-faced elder wanted.

Sure enough, as the words swayed, the business fell into a brief silence.

Everyone knows the importance of that Lord Pavilion Master, not to mention that the black-faced elder also revealed another important message--Lingyue Trading Company is setting up "something" for the royal family of the Canglan Kingdom.

What exactly are these "things"?

Of course, everyone doesn't know the specific situation, but it is not difficult to imagine that these "things" prepared by Lingyue Trading Company are probably related to the Martial Dao Conference of Canglan Country to be held next year!

If not, it would be impossible for the majestic royal family of the Canglan Kingdom to deal with a firm in a remote place like Lingyue Firm.

Taking a step back, even if these "things" have nothing to do with the Martial Dao Conference of the Canglan Nation, but are only used by the royal family of the Canglan Nation themselves, or prepared for the military, that is no small matter!

But no matter what the above reasons are, the warriors present probably dare not say "no", let alone speak nonsense.

After all, there is only one head, once he offends the Canglan royal family, he will be punished like thunder!

After a short period of silence, the eyes of the green-robed man flickered, and the murderous aura around him quickly receded, leaving only the coercion in his body to support him.

This is the awe of the royal family, and also the fear of the pavilion master.

No matter how angry he was, he didn't dare to offend the royal family, and he didn't dare to completely offend the "Lord Pavilion Master" who was hiding behind the scenes of the firm.

But his goal was not achieved after all, the demon pills he had ordered for half a year were still short of more than ten pills, which made him extremely disappointed and then angry.

This batch of demon pills was the most important thing, and it was more important than the sum of all the gifts he had prepared with all his heart. Without these things, he would not be able to offer anything else.

"Humph! Shopkeepers, don't think that I, Zhan Chao, is easy to fool. Do you think you can get this matter off with some excuses? Don't forget, our agreement is still there, and my demon pill has not yet been taken." arrive!"

Zhan Chao obviously didn't want to back down. Due to various factors, he could at most suppress his anger temporarily and stop making trouble, but if he wanted to just send him away like this, it was absolutely impossible!

"Brother Zhan, don't worry, everything is easy to talk about, let's think of a way."

The corners of the black-faced shopkeeper's eyes twitched, and his face turned livid, but it was obvious that the other party would not give up just based on these few words, and the matter still had to be settled.

"This afternoon at the latest, if you can't deliver the goods again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhan Chao smiled coldly, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"This..." The black-faced shopkeeper shook his head and sighed, cursing inwardly.

"Treasurer Yuan, Treasurer Lan, what are your ideas?"

The black-faced elder turned his head to look at his two colleagues, with a helpless expression and gloomy eyes.

With so many people watching, if Lingyue Trading Company really screwed up, even if they can temporarily deal with Zhan Chao, it will be a big blow to the reputation of the trading company.

The so-called good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Once some people with ulterior motives spread this matter with embellishment, the reputation of the firm is bound to be greatly impacted, and the business will naturally be greatly affected.

At that time, several rival firms in the town will definitely take advantage of the situation and make trouble!

And he is the chief shopkeeper of the firm, so he can't absolve himself of the blame, and he might have to take the blame for Elder Yuan. Thinking about it, he vomits blood from depression.

"What should I do? Elder Yuan, speak up!"

Hearing the black-faced elder's question, Elder Lan was dissatisfied!

This matter has something to do with him?

It's not all the trouble caused by Elder Yuan!

It wasn't his fault, of course he wouldn't accept it, he immediately expressed his attitude without hesitation, and handed the problem to Elder Yuan with one sentence.

"This..." The round-faced elder frowned and cursed inwardly.

Just now, the two colleagues looked like they were advancing together and retreating together, but now they are doing well. After hearing that the other party is from the Zhan family, they retreated bravely one by one.

The scene in front of him made him so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

But the incident itself was caused by him, but it must not be blamed on others!

The more Elder Yuan thought about it, the more depressed he became, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground and get into it in a hurry.

"Hey! Zhan Chao is extremely picky about what he wants, and he can't find enough supplies. What can I do?"

Elder Yuan thought about it for a while and could only sigh helplessly, and handed over his old feelings.

"What? What the hell are you talking about!" Zhan Chao became angry again when he heard the words.

"It seems that you have known for a long time that these batches of demon pills are not easy to prepare, so why did you swear to me at that time? You promise to be a ghost!"

"Mr. Zhan calm down!" The black-faced elder hurriedly raised his hand to appease Zhan Chao, then turned his head and looked at the round-faced elder indifferently.

"Treasurer Yuan, if you can't handle this matter today, I don't think you need to sit in the shopkeeper's seat!"

"What... what?" The corners of Elder Yuan's mouth twitched, and his face became extremely ugly.

The matter is so urgent, how can he think of a solution?

Unless he was given a little more time, even if he risked his life, he would have to find all the goods for him. If it was impossible, even if he found someone to team up to hunt animals in the mountains, he would have to hand over this batch of goods!

But Zhan Chao said, recently it was noon today, and now it is noon, and it will be noon in less than an hour, even if it is delayed until dusk, it will be useless with a hammer!

More than a dozen demon pills of fifth-level monsters, and the requirements are so harsh, where can he find them all of a sudden?

Now, even if he pulls out a team of Xuanyue-level powerhouses to go hunting beasts in the mountains with him, it may be too late!

Elder Yuan was in despair for a while, and his face became extremely ugly.

In the past, he was also an employee of this firm. He looked at people's faces before and after running. He had spent decades to sit on this shopkeeper's seat. It was his life's effort. How could he just give up?

Feeling depressed for a while, Elder Yuan's face flushed suddenly, he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood!

"Alas!" The Elder Lan beside him frowned slightly, shook his head and sighed, obviously he couldn't see it, but that's all.

"Huh!" The black-faced elder shook his head and sighed, the anger in his heart did not subside a little because of the old blood, but a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and he secretly scolded this elder Yuan for being useless and nothing but evil.

Elder Yuan wiped away the blood from his mouth, and the sullenness in his heart subsided a little. He looked up at Zhan Chao, and then turned his gaze to the black-faced elder.

"Is this okay, give me a few more days..."

"Dream!" Zhan Chao's face darkened, and he interrupted him sharply, with a violent air rising from his body.

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