Especially after seeing the "Qifeng Cangyun" martial robes they were wearing, everyone's eyes brightened and they exclaimed!

"Look! It's the genius brother of Cangyun Peak, the main peak!"

"Hiss! The genius of Cangyun Peak has finally arrived!"

"A disciple of Cangyun Peak?" Jiang Tian moved his eyes when he heard the words, and followed the gazes of the crowd, and saw a few disciples with strong auras calmly coming to the square.

As they moved forward, many disciples made way for a passage, surrounded them like stars holding the moon, and cast admiring and awe-inspiring gazes at them one by one.

Some even exclaimed in excitement, as if seeing some strange shadow!

"Hehe, the popularity of the main peak disciples is really extraordinary!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with these geniuses of Cangyun Peak, Xuan Yi, Xue Jin, Su Yuan, Teng Jie, Tian Yan and others just now are completely worthless.

Although they also attracted everyone's attention and exclamation when they appeared, they are completely incomparable with the momentum caused by these people in front of them, and it can even be said that there is a world of difference!

Seeing these people appear, Su Yuan from Yunlai Peak, Teng Jie from Feiyun Peak, and Tian Yan from Baoguang Peak's expressions darkened, and their momentum suddenly weakened a bit.

There is no way, although their aptitude and strength are not bad, but compared with these people, they are still a bit inferior.

After all, this is a genius disciple of Cangyun Peak, the main peak of Cangyun Sect!

You must know that Cangyun Peak is extremely picky in selecting candidates. In the early years, they would not even directly recruit new students, but instead selected disciples with outstanding aptitude from various peaks to supplement them.

That is to say, in recent years, it has only begun to absorb fresh blood from new disciples, but the standards have not decreased.

Because of this, almost all of Cangyun Peak's disciples are top-notch in terms of aptitude and cultivation, which is enough to envy others!

In front of them, Su Yuan, Teng Jie, and Tian Yan became more cautious, and they no longer had the same arrogance as before, and even behaved quite restrained, obviously not daring to compete with each other.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly when he saw it, and couldn't help but curse in his heart.

"Even if these main peak disciples have outstanding aptitude and strength, they don't have to be so in awe, do they?"

Looking at Su Yuan, Teng Jie and Tian Yan, Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, feeling speechless.

That's right, the aura of these main peak disciples is obviously stronger, but if this little pressure makes them feel ashamed, what's the point of sect martial arts?

Jiang Tian shook his head, and continued to watch the geniuses from the main peaks walk to the middle of the square.

And with the attention of more and more disciples, the momentum on the square has reached its peak!

"Did you see it? That's Brother Tong Qing from Cangyun Peak!"

"The one on his left is Xu Ying!"

"Who's that on the right?"

"The one on the right...I haven't seen it before!"

Some well-informed disciples in the crowd were showing off their contacts to the fullest, shouting loudly and introducing them to everyone, taking pride in being able to recognize these disciples from the main peak.

Even if I didn't say a word to the other party, I just recognized them from a long distance, and I still feel that it is something to be proud of!

"Hehe, you don't even know that person, why are you still bragging here?"

"You... what did you say?"

Soon some people in the crowd were unconvinced and started fighting with each other.

"Hehe, let me tell you, the one on the right of Senior Brother Tong Qing is the famous Senior Brother Gao Hanyang on the main peak!"

"What? He is Gao Hanyang!"


As the words swayed, everyone was surprised for a while, and the corners of their eyes twitched, showing shock!

However, some people were puzzled because they had never heard of the name Gao Hanyang.

"Who is Gao Hanyang? Is he very powerful?"

"I've been a beginner for almost two years, why have I never heard of this person?"

Some people couldn't help the doubts in their hearts, and immediately frowned and asked, but as soon as the words rang out, they were interrupted by the anger of the insider!

"Shut up!" Someone shouted angrily, his face flushed, and it looked like his dignity had been offended.

"Of course you haven't heard of Brother Gao's name, but his strength is quite impressive!"

"Brother, calm down, we really don't know this person, how powerful is he?" The corners of the disciples' eyes twitched, and they quickly apologized to the angry tall disciple.

"Hmph!" The tall disciple's face receded slightly, but his eyes were still sharp, and he said coldly: "Although Senior Brother Gao has not yet been promoted to the inner sect, but with only his cultivation at the Quasi-Profound Realm, he once beat the strong ones at the Profound Moon Realm. Bandit, do you think he is powerful?"



"Oh My God!"

"This... so scary!"

The corners of everyone's eyes jumped wildly, and they were all shocked!

It is simply too appalling to be able to kill a bandit at the Xuanyue Realm with a cultivation of the Zhunxuan Realm!

You must know that everyone present is a martial artist, and they are well aware of the difference in martial arts strength.

Among these disciples, the lowest level of cultivation is also at the level of the Chongyang Realm, and they are well aware of the gap between the Zhunxuan Realm and the Xuanyue Realm.

The threshold that seems to be separated by a thin line is even a huge gap. Sometimes the strength of the two can almost reach a world of difference!

"Hmph! Look at you people, it's really rare and strange!" The tall disciple shook his head and sneered, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"Let me tell you the truth, Senior Brother Gao had just stepped into the Quasi-Profound Realm when he beheaded the Xuanyue Realm bandits!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden silence in the room, but then there was a sound of gasping for air!


"How can it be?"

"Oh My God!"


Everyone's complexion changed again, exclamations rang out, and expressions of horror appeared in their eyes, all of them were shocked by Gao Hanyang's terrifying strength.

Just stepping into the Quasi-Xuan Realm, that is to say, just getting rid of the peak level of the Chongyang Realm, and being able to kill the bandits of the Xuanyue Realm, this is really shocking!

You must know that all those bandits are blood-licking characters. In terms of martial arts attainments, they may not be so shocking, but in terms of killing skills, they are all first-class existences, absolutely unequivocally ruthless characters!

When encountering such a character, ordinary warriors of the same level would avoid it. How much courage and confidence did Gao Hanyang have to face when he had just stepped into the Zhunxuan Realm, and then beheaded him?

How much decisiveness and determination does this require?

Or, Gao Hanyang is full of self-confidence, thinking that killing such an opponent is not a miracle?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, each with a horrified expression, and deep awe in their eyes!




Everyone took a deep breath, exhaling sullenly one by one, venting the shock in their hearts.

"The quasi-xuan realm can kill the Xuanyue-level gangsters, it seems that the strength is indeed not weak!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, looking at the square-faced man in the middle of the square, he nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

And at this moment, the other party seemed to be aware of his gaze, and suddenly raised his head to look at him!

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