Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1140 True Face

A group of female disciples had no scruples and didn't consider Jiang Tian's difficulties at all, and surrounded him asking questions.

Several female disciples who were close to him even patted him, admiring him, which made Jiang Tian speechless.

"How can this go on?" Jiang Tian frowned, shaking his head and sulking.

Although this kind of scene is actually not a big deal, but if it goes on like this without the envy of others, he himself feels that something is wrong.

Men and women are different after all, even though these female disciples are careless, he has to think carefully.

And just as he was thinking about how to get out, an exclamation suddenly sounded from the periphery of the crowd!

"Ah! Master is here!"

"What? Master!"

"Hurry up!"

Everyone's complexion changed, and they all backed away with exclamations, and in a blink of an eye they turned into a neat queue again, each with a solemn and solemn expression.

"This..." Jiang Tian was stunned for a while, and couldn't help being a little dazed.

Turning his head to look, a blue light flew towards him on a misty cloud, and when he got close, the blue light converged, and the man floated to the ground on the cloud, gradually showing his true face.

It is the master of Xiuyun Peak, the beautiful elder Yun Xianghan who is admired by everyone in the sect!

"Welcome Master!" All the female disciples of Xiuyun Peak bowed and saluted without daring to neglect at all.

"Free gift!"

Yun Xianghan waved his cloud sleeves lightly, and his azure-colored martial robe exuded an ethereal charm, which attracted the attention of countless disciples in the square, who were full of admiration.

"Hiss! This is the first time I've seen Elder Yun at such a close distance!"

"What a nice view!"

"So beautiful!"

"Those female disciples at Xiuyun Peak are beautiful, but compared to Elder Yun, they are... simply not in the same breath!"

"That's needless to say? Even the elders of the sect admire Elder Yun's beauty!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the square, and fiery eyes cast their eyes on Yun Xianghan's graceful figure and beautiful appearance.

However, Yun Xianghan didn't seem to care about this exclamation and admiration, and his reaction was extremely flat.

She glanced lightly at the disciples of Xiuyun Peak, frowning slightly.

"What were you doing just now?"

There was a sudden silence in the square, and the faces of many female disciples were stiff, with fear in their eyes.

"We...we didn't do anything!"

"Master Mingjian, we didn't do anything!"

The two older female disciples answered bravely, but their faces were very stiff, obviously there was a "ghost" in their hearts and they lacked confidence.

"Hmph! Don't think I didn't see it. How decent is it to gossip in public?"

Yun Xianghan snorted coldly, a ray of sharpness flashed in her pretty eyes, and the breath around her body swayed slightly, making the hearts of many disciples tremble!

"Brother... the disciple knows his mistake!"

"I will never dare again!"

The two female disciples were full of embarrassment, fearing that Yun Xianghan would punish them.

They are very clear about this master's methods. Once they get really angry, they will definitely be severely punished. At that time, their two leading senior sisters will naturally bear the brunt and be the first to be punished.

"Okay, it's good to know the mistake, so remember to act cautiously, don't be so frivolous!"

"Yes! Disciple, remember!"

Everyone's hearts were relieved, and they couldn't help but let out a long breath of sulk.

But at this moment, there were a few untimely sneers from the crowd.

"Hmph! It is said that Peak Master Yun is good at disciplining and disposing of his disciples, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"Hehe, she is my apprentice after all, do you really think she will get angry because of this kind of thing?"

"I think those rumors before are mostly untrue. Master Yunfeng just gave a verbal warning, and he didn't mean to punish him at all!"

"Hmph! What happened today shows that Xiu Yunfeng is definitely not as strict as the rumors say, and these female disciples are not strict self-discipline and self-discipline!"

The voice of the words spread, the crowd fell silent instantly, and the whole square was dead silent!

Those who dare to say such things in person are really courageous enough.

Yun Xianghan's reputation resounds throughout the sect not only because of his beautiful appearance, but also because of his powerful cultivation and strict methods.

Once, a high-level elder of the sect molested her, but she attacked her in public and severely injured her.

This incident caused an uproar in the sect at the time, and since then, everyone knew how powerful she was, and no one dared to provoke her face to face.

He didn't even dare to speak ill of her behind his back, and he didn't dare to say anything disrespectful to Xiu Yunfeng.

But the few speakers in front of them obviously didn't care about this. There were so many people in the key square, and it was difficult to distinguish them even if they were hidden in the crowd.

Sure enough, the voice of the words resounded leisurely over the square, Yun Xianghan's pretty face sank, and she immediately turned around to scan the crowd with sharp eyes.


Wherever they looked, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, they were not only shocked by his aura, but also shocked by his beautiful appearance!

"Yun Xianghan really lived up to his reputation!" Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he was also surprised, and couldn't help but take a deep breath!

Although he has seen many stunning beauties, such as the astonishing Luo Lan and the beautiful Su Wan, he still feels quite shocked when he sees Qing Yun Xianghan's true face at first glance!

The pair of beautiful eyes under this woman's black eyebrows are like stars, the perfect curve is outlined by the Qiong nose and the cherry lips, and the creamy cheeks make it impossible to find the slightest flaw, as if the jade wall made by nature is flawless!

Although the distance is so close, the aloof and extraordinary temperament revealed between her brows gives people a sense of unreachable distance.

All the disciples couldn't help feeling a strange feeling in their hearts, no matter how close they were, this stunning woman was an existence beyond their reach!

But the more this happened, the more restless their hearts became, and the more fanatical they felt.

"My God! It's so beautiful!"

"It's a pity that she is the elder of the sect and the master of Xiuyun Peak. Otherwise, if she is a disciple of the same sect, I will say anything..."

"Come on! With Master Yun's conditions, even if she is a disciple of the sect, she is not something you can reach!"

"Hehe, everyone, save yourself, even those high-level elders don't have that kind of blessing, so let's not even think about it!"

"It's unreasonable! Who said you can't think about it? Even if I don't have a chance, I can always think about it, right?"

Everyone was amazed for a while, and the noise came one after another, and the few voices just now were dispersed in a blink of an eye, making it impossible for people to find and distinguish.

Yun Xianghan frowned slightly, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

She knew that it was probably some good-natured people deliberately smearing Xiu Yunfeng, so she didn't care too much, and didn't deliberately pursue it.

And if you have to go to the bottom of a few gossips, you will inevitably lose the demeanor of the elders of the sect!

With her cultivation and vision, how could she waste time on such low-level, boring fights?

Her eyes swept over everyone coldly, then slowly retracted her gaze, and turned to leave. But at this moment, there was another sharp voice from the crowd.

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