"Isn't this equivalent to a wheel battle? How can there be any fairness?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, each of them was very depressed, especially those outer disciples, all of them felt extremely heavy.

Such a rule is tantamount to blocking their hope of reaching the third round, making their chances of advancing very small, or even almost non-existent!

With their strength, it would be very difficult to defeat even one of their peers, let alone more than ten.

The reaction of the inner disciples was much calmer. Although this rule surprised them a little, they only exchanged a few words with each other before smiling confidently.

Although there were nearly 30,000 disciples who passed the test in the first round, there is no doubt that the next winners may only come from among these inner disciples.

"Huh! These outsiders, just hearing the rules are already scared to death!"

"Hehe, let's understand. After all, their strength is too weak, so they can't be compared with us."

Several inner disciples shook their heads and sneered, full of arrogance, with a strong fighting spirit exuding from their bodies, and full of confidence in their hearts.

Hearing their contemptuous words, the outer sect disciples lost all confidence, and all of them sighed and felt extremely depressed.

"Hey! Did you see that, we disciples are still supporting after all!"

"Cough... There is no way around this. No matter how the rules are changed, the final winner will only be an inner genius."

"Hehe, you're right, you will be eliminated sooner or later anyway, so what difference does it make to us?"

"The inner sect's disciples are the core strength of the sect, and they are also the hope of next year's Canglan Nation Martial Arts Conference. It's good enough for us to join in the fun, and we don't need to think too much about it."

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, comforting each other. After the situation was broken, the depression in their hearts calmed down a lot.

After a moment of silence, someone suddenly moved their eyes and showed a puzzled expression!

"Dare to ask the elder, is there a distinction between inner and outer sects in this second round?"

"Huh? That's right! Why didn't I think of it?"

As the words spread, many outer disciples brightened their eyes and cheered up again.

If there is a distinction between inside and outside teams in the second round, it would be great news for them.

In that case, it means that they can advance to the next round again!

Before Elder Yinpao could answer, many inner disciples shook their heads and sneered, feeling disdainful.

"Hmph! These minions really know how to dream. Even if there are inner and outer sects, so what, can they still have the last laugh?"

"Hehe, let them have beautiful dreams. People always have dreams. Wouldn't it be cruel if they were not even given the chance to dream?"

"Good job! Hahahaha!"

The words swayed, and there was a burst of wanton laughter in the square.

"Silence!" The silver-robed elder suppressed everyone's ridicule with a wave of his hand, and solemnly said: "The second round is the same as the first round, and there is still no distinction between inner and outer sects!"


"It's over!"

"As expected... that's the case!"

"So what hope do we have?"

Hearing Elder Yinpao's explanation, the faces of the outer disciples all sank.

What this rule means needs no further explanation.

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, extremely depressed, only Jiang Tian remained calm and calm.

"Hahahaha! Boys from the outer gate, do you hear me?"

"If you want to compete with us for the title, do you think there is hope?"

"You don't need to win ten games in a row, as long as you can win one game, how about I hand over the champion to you?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The inner disciple laughed wildly, not hiding the pride in his heart.

"Huh? No!"

"What's wrong?"

"what's the situation?"

Suddenly someone among the outer disciples let out an exclamation, and his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered some new continent!

The fellow disciples next to him looked at him one after another, showing doubts one by one, not knowing why he was so excited.

Is there anything else to applaud about this kind of competition rules?

Under the gaze of everyone, a sharp-faced outer disciple kept rolling his eyes, revealing a mysterious look, beckoning to the people around him and speaking in a low voice.

"Everyone listen to me!" The sharp-faced disciple glanced warily at the direction where the inner disciple was, and quickly retracted his eyes and smiled, with an extremely mysterious expression, which attracted everyone's urging.

"What's the situation, don't let it go!"

"Hurry up, the second round will start soon, how can I wait for you to be wordy now?"

Under the urgent urging of the crowd, the sharp-faced disciple was not in a hurry, and smiled mysteriously as if he had a plan in mind.

"Hey hey, don't you guys understand the rules?"

"The elder has already said it so clearly, how could he not hear clearly?" Everyone was speechless for a while, and they all replied angrily.

The sharp-faced disciple curled his lips, showing a look of satisfaction: "You heard it clearly, but you didn't find the point!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Get to the point!"

"At this time, you are still in the mood to whet our appetites, it is simply speechless!"

"Are you out of your mind? We are about to stop in the second round, and we were eliminated by those powerful inner disciples. You still have the mind to play riddles with us here. If you want to calm down, I have to beat you up." Don't stop!"

Everyone frowned, and were very dissatisfied with the sharp-faced disciple's deliberate trickery. Some even waved their fists angrily, and scolded with a sullen face.

The sharp-faced disciple looked around at the crowd, cleared his throat and said, "Hehe, you are so stupid! Didn't the elder say that if you win ten games in a row, you will be eligible to be the champion and advance to the next round. Don't you understand what it means? ?”


"Doesn't winning ten games in a row mean winning ten opponents? Isn't there... any doubt?"

"Hehe, even if you can defeat the disciples of the outer sect, how can you withstand the crush of the geniuses of the inner sect? Hmph, stop dreaming!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then shook their heads and sneered, looking disappointed and speechless, mocking the sharp-faced disciple endlessly.

However, under the ridicule of everyone, the sharp-faced disciple still didn't take it seriously, with a mysterious smile on his face all the time.

"Hmph, I think you are really stupid! Since there is no distinction between inner and outer sects, that is to say, as long as we gather eleven people to challenge consecutively, we can guarantee that one of them will advance!"

Although the voice was not loud, it exploded like a thunderbolt in everyone's ears!

Everyone's hearts were shocked, and strange lights suddenly lit up in their eyes!


Didn't it mean that there is no distinction between inner and outer sects? Didn't it mean that if you win ten games in a row, you can be qualified as the champion?

According to this rule, as long as you defeat ten outer disciples, you can still advance!

"Hiss! Why didn't I think of it?"

"Good boy, Qian Liu, you are really smart!" "This is a brilliant idea!"

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