Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1164 What do you know?


In the blink of an eye, these white horses fell down like bolts of lightning, and they couldn't help but slap Tu Lang fiercely, shrouded in blue light.

The violent roar kept ringing, Tu Lang paused, and was abruptly blocked in place, as if he could no longer move forward.

However, under everyone's horrified gaze, he launched a counterattack in an astonishing way, which made everyone dumbfounded!

I saw him frantically waving his blue-shrouded arms, striking violently with great power to tear through the void, like the claws of two giant beasts tearing apart the white horses whipped in front of him one after another.


Whoosh whoosh... Boom!

The ear-piercing screams continued to pay, the former came from the streaks of white horses, and the latter came from Tu Lang's violent counterattack.

Under the horrified gaze of the crowd, Tu Lang's attack did not decrease but increased, his arms danced faster and faster, and he suddenly started to step forward, forcibly stepping over against the strong pressure of Bai Song.

"Tu has been cultivating for twenty years, just to wait for this day, to prove to everyone that your Bai family is just a temporary trick, after all, you have no real strength!"

Tu Lang's face was extremely ferocious, like a mad beast, his arms danced so that he could no longer see the original outline, as if they had turned into two blue sharp knives, breaking through the barrier of white horses all the way, and striding towards Bai Si step forward.

"Damn! How unreasonable!"

Bai Song gritted his teeth and scolded angrily, his face became very ugly.

This is already a method he is proud of. If he can't stop the opponent's momentum, the situation is really not optimistic.

"Hahahaha! Bai Song, accept this disastrous defeat!" Tu Lang laughed wildly, with a look of madness in his eyes, as if he had seen the other party being blown away by him in one fell swoop.

"You should be glad that this is the arena of the Zongmen martial arts competition, otherwise what I brought you would be more than just a fiasco!"

Accompanied by crazy roars, Tu Lang's footsteps became faster and faster. With such intensive and violent shots, his spiritual power seemed to show no signs of decay at all, but his momentum became more and more amazing!

"Hiss! What a terrifying strength!"

"Tu Lang's cultivation is really too strong!"

"His strength is probably not much worse than Di Feng's!"

"In this duel, Bai Siong will surely lose!"

Many disciples watching the battle had solemn faces, discussing a lot, guessing the outcome after a while.

Even the few inner disciples in front of the arena looked solemn and seemed quite restless.

After all, such a method would not be easily acceptable to them.

"Look, Bai Siong is about to lose!"

"Hiss! He's already at a disadvantage, obviously suppressed by Tu Lang!"

"Hehe, this competition is coming to an end soon. Tu Lang won three games in a row before, but all his hard work has come to naught with this defeat!"

Several inner disciples shook their heads and sighed, looking helpless.

It doesn't matter if you win three games in a row, you can't make it through this one, and you still haven't.

But even if he can survive this round by luck, there are still six hard battles to come, and with the consumption of spiritual power, the hope of obtaining it is getting slimmer and slimmer. How easy is it to pass the test?

Everyone shook their heads and sighed. Seeing that Bai Song was showing signs of failure and was about to be defeated by Tu Lang, they all rushed forward and prepared to challenge.

However, just when everyone thought that there was no suspense in this competition, there was a person whose eyes flickered, frowned slightly, and shook his head!

This person is Jiang Tian. He has been watching this competition intently from the beginning to the end. He has maintained a calm look before, but now, he is slightly moved!

Because he saw something hidden in the tragic situation, and more clearly noticed a certain subtle aura that everyone had never felt!

"Tu Lang seems to have the upper hand, but he is actually at the end of his battle. If this wave of attacks fails to win, he will be defeated in a blink of an eye! But judging by his current appearance, I'm afraid..."

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Originally, Tu Lang had exhausted all his strength to want the shame of his family for twenty years, but now it seems that this strength is still not enough!

"Hmph! What does an outer disciple know?"

"Hehe, you mere bastard in the Chongyang Realm, don't speak nonsense here!"

"Tu Lang has the upper hand, is there any other possibility in this competition?"

"Hmph! Keep your eyes wide open, if Bai Siong can come back, I'll wring his head off and give you a kick!"

Several inner disciples were disdainful when they heard the words, and coldly scolded Jiang Tian without explaining.

It's ridiculous that a low-strength outer disciple dares to point fingers at the competition of inner geniuses!

He was afraid that he couldn't even see the moves of both sides clearly, and he couldn't appreciate the spiritual power of a genius in the profound realm, so what qualifications did he have to point out here?

How can he judge the outcome of this competition?

Especially with the current situation firmly in Tu Lang's hands, could it be that Bai Song, who has resorted to all means and even the blood vision, can come up with any other tricks?

What a joke!

Wouldn't it be an exaggeration if he could turn the tables in this situation?

"Hmph! The little outsider still wants to show off his eyesight here, who knows that he just exposed his ignorance!"

"There are such idiots in the world who clearly know the result in front of them, but insist on making a different guess. I'm afraid the drunkard's intention is not to drink, but just to win everyone's attention?"

"Hehe, everyone calm down, don't you know that he is the genius of the outer sect who lit up the Xuanyang Monument and created a miracle in the history of the sect?"

"What... is he Jiang Tian?"

Everyone frowned when they heard the words, and looked at Jiang Tian intently, with different expressions for a while.

Some people have doubts on their faces, some have strange eyes, but almost all of them have disdain on their faces, and there is some kind of contempt in their eyes.

"Hmph! I said how dare an outsider to speak so brazenly, so it is this person!"

"No wonder! He is a genius who lit up the Xuanyang Monument. It is said that he was fought by several peak masters at that time!"

"Hehe, Jiang Dayai really has a unique vision. I don't know how the elders of the sect would feel if they knew his judgment on this competition?"

"That's needless to say? Of course it is... Hehe, I sneered!"

"Hahahaha! Well said!"

The weird atmosphere quickly spread, and everyone laughed loudly, mocking Jiang Tian.

"Hahahaha, Jiang Datian, although I don't know how you got lucky to light up the sleeping Xuanyang Monument, but I can tell you that Tu Lang definitely won this competition!"

"Yes! Although Bai Siong's strength is not bad, he doesn't have the slightest advantage in front of Tu Lang, and he is clearly at a disadvantage right now. There is no suspense at all in the result of the competition!" "Hehe! I really don't know which eye you look at Is it possible to make a comeback with the release of Bai Si?"

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