"Junior Brother Jiang, you..." Qi Yurou's face froze, and she almost exclaimed in anger.

She felt that Jiang Tian was exaggerating just now, but she didn't expect the other party to admit it immediately, which made her dumbfounded!

"Junior Brother Jiang..." Qi Yurou shook his head and sighed, and cast an extremely complicated look at Jiang Tian, ​​full of resentment and resentment.

Thanks to her trusting Jiang Tian so much, she didn't expect to be "trapped" by him.

Among other things, if Jiang Tian said at the beginning that she had "five levels" of confidence, she would never challenge on stage.

But it was too late to say anything now, she had no choice but to suppress her fear and deal with this battle with all her strength.

Looking at her resentful eyes, Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, with a look of disapproval, he simply let go of his voice and shouted.

"Senior Sister Qi, don't be afraid. I said that if you have the 'eighth level', you will be sure of the 'eighth level'. Would I still lie to you?"

Jiang Tian crossed his arms proudly, his brows constantly twitching, looking like he deserved a beating.

"You..." Qi Yurou laughed angrily, completely speechless.

This kind of joke is still being made at this time, if it wasn't for the Zongmen's martial arts, she would have jumped off the ring and pinched Jiang Tian severely!

"Smelly bitch, dead boy, are you despising Lao Tzu?"

Bai Song gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, feeling deeply despised.

It was a great humiliation to him that the two outer disciples actually talked through sound transmission at this juncture, and Jiang Tian yelled loudly, still insisting on the "eighth level" judgment.

"Hehe, Bai Song, you are about to lose, why are you shouting?" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled strangely, with a provocative look on his face.

"It's unreasonable! I'm going to blow this stinky bitch away, and show you my strength!"


Bai Song's eyes narrowed sharply, his face sank suddenly, the aura in his body rose again under the surge of anger, and he obviously recovered a lot!

"not good!"

Qi Yurou's pretty face froze, feeling the other party's powerful aura, her heart couldn't help but tremble.

Don't say that Bai Siong is back to full strength, if he maintains this state, he might be able to blow her away in just three or five moves. The current situation is very bad!

But she knew that it was useless to rely on anyone at this time, she could only rely on her own efforts to fight against the other party.

Even if you lose, you have to lose vigorously!


A dull roar erupted suddenly, Qi Yurou's pretty eyes flashed, and the fighting spirit in her whole body rose again, pushing her cultivation beyond the limit!

With her continuous urging, the void above trembled and twisted unsteadily, and a round of illusory blue moon phantom faintly appeared.

"Hiss! What's that?"

"Could it be... Xuanyue Realm's bloodline anomaly?"

"How is it possible? She is just a quasi-xuan outer sect disciple, where did the Xuanyue realm bloodline vision come from!"

A few inner disciples frowned coldly, their faces uncertain for a while.

As for the outer disciples in front of the ring, they were all stunned on the spot!

The abnormality caused by Qi Yurou is indeed like a vision of the Xuanyue Realm's blood, but her cultivation has not broken through, why is there such an abnormality?

"This is indeed not a vision of the blood in the Xuanyue Realm, but the ultimate strength of the peak of the Quasi-Profound Realm!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"The ultimate strength at the peak of the Quasi-Profound Realm?"

Qi Yurou's eyes flickered, thoughtful.

That round of blue moon was obviously illusory and unreal, and could not reach the real Profound Moon Realm level, but the breath and coercion it exuded was obviously higher than that of the general Profound Profound Realm, and even a little stronger than the peak of Profound Profound Realm.

"I see!"

Qi Yurou finally realized Jiang Tian's painstaking efforts, which put her in a dangerous situation and awakened her, bursting out to the limit of her cultivation.

It is conceivable that although she will not advance to the next level, after this fight, it is definitely not difficult to step into the profound realm. At the very least, the chances are greatly increased, and the advancement is just around the corner!


Qi Yurou took a deep breath, completely released the breath in her body, and the tyrannical blood and spiritual power surged wildly, making the blue circle a little clearer again!

"That's unreasonable! What do you know, a little outsider? Don't say you are the pinnacle of the Quasi-Profound Realm, even if you advance to the Profound Moon Realm now, you will definitely not be my opponent!"

Bai Song gritted his teeth and reprimanded angrily, his face was extremely gloomy.

With a shake of his arms, waves of spiritual power surged up wildly, as if white pythons were lingering endlessly in front of him!

"Whether it is true or not, you have to fight to find out! Before that, I really didn't have any confidence in defeating you, but now, it's not clear who will win and who will lose!"

Accompanied by a shriek, Qi Yurou pointed her right hand towards the illusory blue moon in the sky!


The blue moon shook violently, releasing a dazzling blue light in an instant, and a powerful will of martial arts projected down, applied to Qi Yurou's right arm, and condensed into a dazzling light spot at the fingertips, bursting out a sharp sharp!

"You brazen outsider, you will soon pay a heavy price for your arrogance!"


Bai Siong didn't hesitate anymore, he swung his arms fiercely, and two balls of white light rushed out like lightning, scrambling to be the first to bombard the opponent.

Qi Yurou shook her right arm, facing the two balls of white light and pointing out like lightning.


Two ear-piercing explosions sounded suddenly, and the blue aura in mid-air was turbulent, and instantly became indistinct. At the same time, the powerful will of martial arts fell down and flew out with two blue lights.

After two bangs, Qi Yurou used his fingers as a sword, and cut the two white lights to pieces!

"How can it be?"

"It makes no sense!"

"how so?"

The faces of the inner disciples outside the arena changed, and they couldn't help but exclaim, and couldn't even believe the scene in front of them.

The outer disciples were even more shocked!

Because this is the first time that Qi Yurou has stabilized the situation in a head-to-head confrontation since the two sides fought each other, and even gained a slight upper hand!

"Not bad! But just this is not enough!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, the light in his eyes flashed away.

With one blow, Qi Yurou's confidence soared, she let out a soft drink and rushed out without any hesitation, her figure turned into a blue phantom and rushed towards the opponent.

Bai Song's attack was blocked, and his heart skipped a beat. After a moment's loss of consciousness, he suddenly realized that a blue light flashed in front of him, and Qi Yurou rushed within three feet!

"Extremely arrogant! Do you really think you can defeat me? I'll let you know right now, the gap between the Profound Moon Realm and the Quasi-Profound Realm!"


Amidst the crazily shouting, Bai Song shook his arms, and the aura in his body instantly surged, as if he had regained his full strength in an instant, showing an astonishing aura!

"not good!"

"My God!"

"Senior Sister Qi is in trouble!"

The female disciples of Xiuyun Peak exclaimed in surprise, and their faces changed drastically.

The corners of the other disciples' eyes were also constricted, and they felt bad. Only Jiang Tian remained calm, and the light in his eyes became even brighter!

Qi Yurou in the arena completely ignored these things. At this moment, she had no time to distract herself. Facing the almost crazy Bai Song, she could only burst out her whole body's combat power.

She knew very well that this was her last and only chance in the audience, and whether she won or lost would depend on this final blow! "Azure Crystal Sword Art!"

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