Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1185 Surprised

Under the gazing and questioning of eager eyes, the corners of Xiong Jianhui's mouth twitched, his face turned red and pale, and he was too embarrassed to speak.

They immediately turned their gazes to Qu Fan with concerned expressions on their faces.

The corners of Qu Fan's eyes twitched, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and he paused and said, "What kind of genius at the main peak? Alas! It's also Qu's bad luck that he lost to a junior in Chongyang Realm!"

"Chongyang Realm... what?"

"What did you say?"

"How many of you are the outer disciples who lost to Chongyang Realm?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and they were immediately taken aback!

"These people lost to Chongyang Realm fighters, how could it be possible?" Gao Hanyang on the ring also shrank his eyes in surprise!

There are so many Chongyang realm fighters in the outer sect, which one has such strength?

Thoughts rolled in his mind for a while, Gao Hanyang couldn't help but stare at these inner disciples.

It was soon discovered that although most of these people were not as strong as his defeated generals, the aura of that inner disciple named Qu Fan was quite strong and should not be underestimated!

"How is it possible? Which outer disciple is so powerful!"

Gao Hanyang took a deep breath, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he couldn't help looking towards the ring diagonally opposite.

When his eyes fell on that side, he only saw the back of a light blue martial robe, walking down the ring leisurely, and walked into the crowd below in a blink of an eye.

"Who is that?" Gao Hanyang's eyes narrowed slightly, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Although it's impossible to accurately detect the other party's cultivation aura from a long distance, but only from that calm and calm back, you can feel a certain kind of strong self-confidence and magnanimity!

When did such a character appear in the outer door?

In the past few years, Gao Hanyang has often been in seclusion and hard work, and hardly cares about outside affairs.

As the number one person in the outer sect, he is even more dismissive of some gossip in the sect, so he doesn't know the latest trends in the sect, especially the outer sect.

With his aptitude and strength, as long as he works hard enough, let alone no one in the outer sect, even the disciples of the inner sect are no match.

As long as he does what he should do well, he will be able to maintain the lead all the way and firmly occupy a detached position.

But at this moment, he clearly felt a trace of threat and shock from that figure!

That person, that strange young martial artist, actually faintly gave him a feeling that he couldn't be easily shaken!


That must be an illusion!

Gao Hanyang took a deep breath, suppressed the thoughts that had not been in his heart for a long time, shook his head and sneered, and laughed at himself.

"Hmph! A junior in the Chongyang Realm actually moved me so much. Could it be that I really can't bear the loneliness after too long retreat?"

He let out a breath of sulking lightly, waved his sleeves, and brushed off the Cangyun Nine Peaks mark surrounded by moiré patterns on the blue Martial Dao, his footsteps moved slightly, and he was about to leave the ring.

Looking at this dazzling "Qifeng Cangyun" martial robe, many outer disciples would admire and show admiration, even many inner disciples shook their heads and sighed with envy.

In the Azure Cloud Sect, only the disciples of the main peak are eligible to wear this "Qifeng Cangyun" martial robe. On this point, even many inner sect disciples can only envy them.

And at this moment, several red-robed outer sect disciples suddenly came striding forward, shouting from afar with shocked expressions on their faces!

"It's amazing! It's amazing!"

"What's the situation, why are you yelling so much?"

"What are you guys doing? Did you see a ghost in broad daylight?"

The disciples in front of the arena frowned and scolded, but those few people didn't stop, rushed to the front of the arena, looked at Gao Hanyang in awe, and then the excitement on their faces increased instead of diminishing!

"Do you know that someone in the arena over there defeated the inner disciple!"

"Well, a disciple from outside the Chongyang sect stepped on the disciples from the inner sect to advance!"

These people shouted excitedly, and glanced at Gao Hanyang from time to time, implying that the man's strength could already be compared with Gao Hanyang.

"Isn't it just defeating a few inner disciples, why should I be so excited?"

"Hmph, Senior Brother Gao not only defeated the inner disciples, but also defeated seven of them in a row! Seven! Do you know?"

The outer disciples in front of the arena looked disdainful and yelled at each other, full of arrogance and confidence.

"What? Seven!"

"Brother Gao...has he really defeated the seven inner disciples?"

Several red-robed disciples looked at each other, hesitating to speak, all frowning with a slightly strange expression.

Seeing their reactions, the disciples in front of the ring burst into laughter, becoming more and more arrogant!

"Hmph! Can this be fake? We have witnessed Senior Brother Gao's brilliant achievements the whole time!"

"What, are you guys scared? Hehe, Senior Brother Gao is powerful, and it's not something a cat or a dog can compare to!"

"Seven inner disciples, I think looking at the entire outer sect of Cangyun Sect, no one can achieve such a feat, right?"

The outer disciples in front of the ring laughed proudly, as if it wasn't Gao Hanyang who passed the test, but themselves.

Hearing this, the red-robed disciple on the opposite side became more and more embarrassed. He raised his head to look at Gao Hanyang, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Why, are you afraid?"

"Hahahaha! Don't be so uncommon, it's not like you don't know the strength of Senior Brother Gao, is it necessary to do this?"

"Looking at your reactions, that outer disciple also defeated an inner disciple?"

"Hehe, even if it's two, isn't there something special?"

Everyone shook their heads and reprimanded coldly, their words were ridiculed, and they were simply disdainful.

The words spread, but the inner disciples who were about to leave stood on the spot one by one, with extremely embarrassing expressions.

However, some onlookers saw the strangeness, their eyes swept back and forth between the red-robed disciple and those inner disciples, they couldn't help frowning slightly, and some doubts flashed in their eyes.

They could see the scene of those inner disciples venting their frustration just now, the number of them was not just one or two, there were five or six at a rough look!

Obviously, things were not that simple, but the outer disciples in front of the ring were completely unaware of this, and were still laughing at each other wantonly, not missing any opportunity to flatter Gao Hanyang.

"What? There's nothing to say, right?"

"Hmph, what kind of guy dares to show off, even if he beats one or two inner disciples, what qualifications does he have to compare with Senior Brother Gao?"

Everyone shook their heads and sneered, with disdain on their faces, the red-robed disciples looked at each other and shook their heads in embarrassment.

"No...cough cough! That's not the case!"

"Huh? No, so what?"

The red-robed disciples let out a sigh of relief, frowned and said, "That man...cough, he defeated ten inner disciples in a row!"

"Hmph, it's only ten...huh?"

"What? Ten!"

The corners of the outer disciples' mouths twitched in front of the arena, and the smiles froze on their faces! Gao Hanyang had already raised his feet to leave the ring, but he suddenly stopped when he heard this, the corners of his eyes shrank sharply, and a sharp look flashed between his brows!

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