Pang Ning's aura on the opposite side is hard to see, and his body is not very strong. He has a gloomy aura all over his body. If he meets him outside, he might be thought to be a down-and-out frail scholar.

Such a character dares to pretend to be deep and put on airs in front of him, it's just ridiculous!

Although he didn't use all his strength in this palm, he still used 70% or 80% of his spiritual power. If the opponent's strength is as he guessed, just this palm is enough to shake him out of the ring.


Amidst the dull loud noise, two blue light giant palms swept across the air, and hit Pang Ning firmly.

"Hmph, it's useless to pretend to be mysterious. Only strength is the foundation. I've seen a lot of people like you who pretend to be deep..."

As the spiritual power dissipated, Ge Tiebing's voice stopped abruptly!

Looking at the scene in front of him, the corners of his eyes twitched, and his face became a little ugly!

" is it possible?"

Pang Ning on the opposite side endured his two palms and stood still without moving. Not only did he not show any signs of injury, even the robe on his body was not damaged at all!

"Hiss! What's going on?"

"Senior Brother Ge's two palms are very powerful. This Pang Ning actually blocked it. Is he really not injured?"

"How is it possible? I think he has suffered serious internal injuries, and he probably can't even speak!"

There was speculation in front of the arena, and everyone looked at Pang Ning talking about it, with doubts on their faces and different expressions.

After a brief silence, Pang Ning suddenly spoke!

"There are two more tricks!"

"What?" Ge Tiebing was taken aback when he heard the words, feeling very bewildered.

What two tricks and three tricks?

He didn't understand what the other party meant.

"You can make three moves first, and the competition will be over if you beat me. If you can't, then I will make the move instead." Pang Ning said lightly.

The corner of Ge Tiebing's mouth twitched, his face turned livid.

The other party's posture, as if a master senior is teaching a junior to practice, is simply unbearable for him.

They are all inner disciples, what qualifications does he have to do this, what confidence does he have to be so rude?

"How unreasonable! Listening to your tone, it seems that I have no chance after three moves?"

Pang Ning didn't speak, but nodded slightly with his lowered head, expressing his agreement.

"You..." Ge Tiebing's face darkened, very annoyed.

"Pang Ning, don't think it's great just because you pretend to be mysterious. Let me tell you, the rules of martial arts are not set by you. It doesn't matter if you say two moves or three moves! But since you said so, I, Ge Tiebing, will Knock you out of the ring within three moves, and let everyone know who is the strongest!"

"Let's do it." Pang Jing quietly listened to the other party's words, without being annoyed, she just spoke lightly, as if she didn't have the slightest emotion.

This kind of reaction made Ge Tiebing feel depressed. What he said just now seemed to have punched the air, and he felt that he had nowhere to focus and felt very uncomfortable.

"Hmph! Stop playing tricks here, and let you know my strength now!"

Ge Tiebing took a deep breath and shot angrily, but this time he no longer used fists, but fiercely clenched two iron fists filled with spiritual power with both hands and struck out violently.


Following his attack, the surroundings of the arena shook violently, and the tyrannical fluctuations of spiritual power suddenly swayed, spreading up and down centered on his fist, as if a translucent cyan light curtain was born out of thin air, which looked very spectacular!

In just an instant, two shadows of fists pierced through the air and bombarded Pang Ning without delay.

"Huh?" At the moment when the fist shadow fell, Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, and the strange color in his eyes flashed away, as if he had discovered a little weirdness.

The reactions of the spectators in front of the ring were quite different!


"It's over!"

"If you don't have the strength, you still have to pretend, this is the end!"

Surprises were heard around the ring, and everyone even felt pain for Pang Ning.

Such a terrifying blow hit him, even if he was stronger than the opponent, there would definitely be no good results.

After all, passive acceptance and active confrontation are completely different things. Under the premise of similar cultivation bases, neither the strong side nor the weak side dare to make such big claims.

It is conceivable how tragic Pang Ning's ending will be.

But as the blue light dissipated, the roar gradually subsided, and everyone was shocked again!

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

"He actually... still didn't move a single step!"

"Is it too exaggerated?"

Everyone was shocked, their expressions changed, and the corners of their eyes twitched wildly.

Pang Ning still stood where he was, without moving a step, but his clothes were fluffy, but there was no damage at all.

"'s impossible!" Ge Tiebing took a deep breath, his face became very ugly.

He wasn't very surprised that he couldn't hurt the opponent for the first time. After all, he didn't use all his strength, but this time it was completely different. He had already mobilized all his spiritual power, and he used his special skills.

The other party was really not injured?

This thought flashed in his mind, Ge Tiebing couldn't help but twitched his eyes, and his heart shuddered!

Although he was unwilling to accept it, Pang Ning's aura did not fluctuate significantly, it was still the same as before.

"It's unreasonable! The competition in the ring is based on learning from each other. Ge Mou didn't want to use too strong means at first, but since you are so arrogant, don't blame me for being rude!"

Ge Tiebing's face was flushed red with embarrassment, and he shouted angrily, unreservedly mobilizing the blood and spiritual power, and the aura around him suddenly surged, and the coercion he exuded was almost twice as high as before!

There was a sound of gasping around the arena, and everyone was shocked and surprised by his strength.

After fighting for a long time, he just won nine games in a row and didn't use his full strength, and even retained nearly half of his strength!

Seeing this scene, the few disciples who had lost to him before couldn't help but look gloomy, shook their heads and sighed bitterly.

"Hehe, we are not wronged!"

"I didn't expect Ge Tiebing to be so strong!"

"It's a good thing he didn't try his best, otherwise we wouldn't just lose!"

A few shook their heads and smiled wryly, feeling a bit of fear in their hearts. If Ge Tiebing had resorted to such methods at that time, they would have been seriously injured.

While everyone was rejoicing, they couldn't help feeling pessimistic about Pang Ning, thinking that he must be in trouble.

But this can't be blamed on other people, it's because he is too arrogant and self-righteous. Of course, such a person needs to be taught a lesson before he can be honest.


Just when everyone was distracted, Ge Tiebing shot with all his strength!

The violent roar resounded all around, and even caused the hearts of the fellow players who were fighting in several nearby arenas to be shocked, and they subconsciously stopped to wait and see.

"Pang Ning, get out of the ring!"

The roar of anger soared into the sky, carrying a manic breath.

At the same time, four cyan fist shadows burst out of the air, and a dazzling cyan light erupted between the five fingers that were tightly held like giant pillars, shaking the void so violently that it could not stop rumbling!

Rumble! The violent roar and dazzling aura instantly overwhelmed Pang Ning, so that the corners of the deacon disciples beside the ring twitched their mouths, frowned and sighed and shook their heads slowly, subconsciously feeling that Ge Tiebing's shot was too heavy!

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