Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1199 Hugging Thighs

"Here, Wei Cheng, ask Junior Sister Chu for advice!" the white-robed disciple said proudly, flicking his sleeves.

"Brother Wei, you're welcome, let's do it!"

Chu Yun's eyes were fixed, and she put away her excitement, and her whole person suddenly became heroic, which aroused a burst of amazement from around the ring.

But everyone seems to be very impressed with Wei Cheng, and they are also very optimistic about his strength.

"This Wei Cheng didn't do it on purpose, did he?"

"His strength is not weak, whether it's morning or evening, why not go up at this time, is it because he wants to pick peaches?"

"Pick... what peaches?" Someone's eyes twitched, and his expression became a little strange.

"What other peaches can I pick? Junior Sister Chu has won nine battles in a row, and although she has been able to obtain them relatively smoothly, after all, her spiritual power has been depleted, so it must be a big advantage to make a move at this time!"

"Taking advantage, taking advantage, what did you say 'picking peaches'? I'm really speechless!" The disciple on the opposite side twitched his mouth, shook his head and gave him a blank look.

"Tch! Isn't picking peaches just to take advantage of it? What are you talking about?" The man just now shook his head and reprimanded him coldly.

"With Wei Cheng's strength, Junior Sister Chu may be in danger this time!"

Everyone was worried, and couldn't help but look at Wei Cheng with hatred, with an annoyed look on their faces.

But in martial arts competitions, if he doesn't make it, others will do it, which is also a helpless thing.

If there were two male disciples fighting on the field, of course they would not have such a depressed reaction. The key one was Chu Yun, whom everyone admired, which made a big difference.

Except for a few disciples who made good friends with Wei Cheng, almost everyone leaned towards Chu Yun and cheered for her overwhelmingly.

Naturally, many people were worried for her, fearing that she would suffer from Wei Cheng.

Jiang Tian stopped for a moment, took a panoramic view of everyone's reactions, shook his head and sneered, feeling a bit of slander in his heart.

"Hehe, Wei Cheng's strength can't threaten Chu Yun at all, so why worry?"


"Are you so confident?"

Everyone heard the words and looked over, only to find that it was an outer disciple who was pointing and commenting, and immediately felt a little disdainful.

"Watch it, the result will come out soon."

"Hmph, even an outer disciple dares to..."


Just as everyone was about to refute, there was a sudden roar in the ring, and Chu Yun made several tyrannical palm prints one after another, sending the opponent flying all the way.

There was silence in front of the arena, and everyone even forgot to applaud, and they all stared at Jiang Tian dumbfounded, stunned!

"It turned out...he really hit the spot!"

"This outer disciple is really lucky, isn't he?"

After a moment of silence, everyone came to their senses, and then there was a burst of cheers and applause.

But this time, Chu Yun did not nod in response to them, but silently scanned the crowd, and her gaze soon fell on Jiang Tian.

"Outer disciple?" Chu Yun frowned, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.

The reason why she found Jiang Tian so quickly was naturally because of his outer sect's attire, almost all of them were inner sect disciples here, and she saw Jiang Tian, ​​an outer sect disciple wearing a light blue martial robe, at a glance.

And this outer disciple, when everyone was worried about the battle situation, decided without hesitation that she would win. Could it be that he really has such foresight?

Chu Yun stared at Jiang Tian for a moment, her eyes flickered slightly, showing a little hesitation.

Although Jiang Tian's aura doesn't seem weak, but after all, he is only a disciple of Chongyang's foreign sect. How could he see through the strength of an inner sect genius at a glance?

While she was observing Jiang Tian, ​​this outer disciple was looking at her with neither humbleness nor condescension, and even smiled leisurely, showing no sign of shyness.

Chu Yun was silent for a moment, not only didn't feel much kindness, but even frowned tightly, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes!

How could this outer disciple see through the strength of her and Wei Cheng? Of course, he was out of intention to flatter her and just want to curry favor with her. She has seen a lot of disciples from the outer sect to the inner sect, who is not trying to curry favor with her, and who is trying to do something differently, but the methods of this outer sect disciple are too incompetent, so he does not hide it at all , appearing abrupt and reckless, wanting to be in the limelight turned out to be embarrassing

, It is simply speechless!

Chu Yun snorted softly, coldly withdrew her gaze and ignored Jiang Tian.

This time, Jiang Tian was really embarrassed!

"This...cough!" Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, with a wry smile on his face, feeling speechless for a while.

This is not the time when he was squeezed out of breath by the female disciples of Xiuyun Peak, this inner disciple named Chu Yun actually gave him a cold face!

This was really boring, and it made him a little depressed. He didn't offend the other party, and this woman's reaction was a bit arrogant.

But Jiang Tian quickly realized that the other party seemed to have misunderstood him.

Because at this moment, following Chu Yun's indifferent reaction, many inner disciples in front of the ring looked at him coldly and were greatly disdainful.

"Hmph! Boy from the outer door, what are you doing here?"

"What else can he do, but see Junior Sister Chu as beautiful and strong, so if he wants to get close to her!"

"Oh! It's only at the late stage of Chongyang Realm, and I don't even reach the Zhunxuan Realm. With such strength, I don't know how to advance to the inner sect. I don't know if it's too early to hug Junior Sister Chu's thigh?"

"Hehe, so what if he advances to the Quasi-Profound Realm, if he wants to hug Junior Sister Chu's thigh, they may not give him a hug!"

Everyone looked disdainful and mocked Jiang Tian coldly, showing no mercy to this outer disciple.

"That's unreasonable! What nonsense are you talking about?" Chu Yun was about to step off the ring when she suddenly heard the crowd saying "hugging thighs", her face turned red and she was very annoyed.

The corners of everyone's eyes jumped, and they quickly stopped talking.

"Junior sister Chu, don't be angry, we just can't see this boy from the outer sect!"

"Yes! He just wants to get close to you, and wants to find a backer from the inner sect. I have seen this kind of person a lot, Junior Sister Chu, ignore him!"

Everyone put on smiling faces to comfort Chu Yun, and when they turned to look at Jiang Tian, ​​their faces immediately became cold again.

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense, I'm leaving after the competition is over!"

Chu Yun threw her hands and jumped off the ring, striding away along the channel that the crowd voluntarily gave way with a look of regret on her face, only leaving Jiang Tian with a cold and reproachful look.

After she left, these inner disciples would quit!

Originally, they had the opportunity to continue chatting with Chu Yun for a while with the joy of passing the test, but because of Jiang Tian's abruptness and recklessness, all this came to naught.

There was a burst of anger in my heart, how could I do it without scolding him a few words to vent my anger?

"Boy, it's all you!"

"Hmph! If you didn't flatter me here and angered Junior Sister Chu, how could she leave?"

"It's fine if you're clever, boy, but you speak so bluntly, without euphemism at all, and your technique is simply clumsy!" "Boy, get out of here quickly, and don't spoil our good things again!"

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